Monday, September 27, 2021

What the Bible Says About Obedience to Earthly Rulers


Romans 13 verses 1-2 “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.”

This is and interesting conversation to have at the present time with the Covid Vaccine debate raging in the news. As Christians should we listen to the governments call to take the vaccine or not. From the governments point of view they stick to the science, or the facts as they see them, which are that the general population will be much safer from the Covid virus if everyone who can take the vaccine does.

Among certain denominations their is considerable distrust of the government and many Christians are skeptical about the virus and the vaccine. Believing that the virus was man made and released with a purpose in mind to get as many people as possible to take the vaccine – gene therapy. With the intention of causing humanity to become infertile or die premature and early deaths resulting in depopulation of the planet.

The theories currently doing the rounds are that the virus was released to kill the most vulnerable and to cause wide spread uptake of the vaccine which might be the delta variant of the virus. Which could be the destroying the immunity of those who are vaccinated. Which could be causing those vaccinated to become virus producing factories producing new and more lethal variants of virus and which will kill the host whose immune system is compromised and infect those around them. While most likely killing them as well. There is also the Zombie option which may or may not involve 5G.

So with that amount of distrust in evidence it is not hard to understand there being considerable resistance to the governments overtures to take the vaccine. Don’t get me wrong I have some reservations about the virus being a cleverly orchestrated scheme to get people to take the vaccine as well.

However for me it comes down to trusting the government that God has put in place to do the best for the people. As the verses in Romans say we are to obey the governing authorities who have been instituted by God and to resist them is to resist God and incur judgement.

1 John 4:7 “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.”

1 Peter 2:17 “Honour everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the emperor.”

James 1:19 “Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger...”

Matthew 5:43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven. For he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust...”

Romans 12:14 “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse them.”

So you see where I’m going with this. We are to love because love is from God and whoever loves is born of God. Honour everyone, Love your brothers and sisters in Christ. Fear God and honour the government. Listen quietly and be patient not angry. Love and pray for your enemies. God is good to you and He is good to the wicked as well. Bless those who persecute you and don’t curse them.

We are asked by God to obey the authorities and to love, bless and pray for people even if they are our enemies and persecute us. We are also not to fear or be fearful.

1 John 4:18 puts it this way: “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love...”

With God we are to courageous. The bests example I can think of in scripture of courage, because of faith in God, are Joseph in Genesis chapters 39 through 50 and of Joshua and Caleb in Numbers chapters 13 and 14.

Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers because of their jealousy. He was taken to Egypt and quickly rose to a powerful position only to scorn Potiphar’s wife and be imprisoned for thirteen years. Pharaoh had a dream and Joseph was remembered. He interpreted the dream for Pharaoh and found himself elevated to the position of one of the most powerful men in Egypt. 

He oversaw the harvest of seven record seasons to tide Egypt through seven years of famine. His family came to Egypt in the famine and he forgave them and welcomed them. Surely a tale of great courage overcoming hopelessness and giving glory to God.

Caleb and Joshua were sent as part of a group of scouts to survey the territory in the promised land that God was intending to give to Israel. When the scouts returned Caleb and Joshua recommended that Israel prepare to enter the land for God would deliver their enemies into their hand. All of the other scouts recommended that they not enter the land because the people were exceedingly tall and strong and giants were there. As a result of their courage God excluded all of their generation from the promised land except Caleb and Joshua. Their belief in God and courage brought a great blessing on them and after the forty years of wandering the desert both men entered the promised land. Joshua as leader of the people and Caleb as a right hand man.

Fear and timidity are not a part of God’s plans. As Christians we have the same ability to contact God as Joseph, Caleb and Joshua did. We have faith in the same God that they did and we do not have to live in fear. By dwelling on the coming World Order and fearing the things they are doing and by fearing Covid and the Vaccine we are placing ourselves in the same position as the congregation of Israel did when they wouldn’t enter the promised land.

Virus and vaccine or none we need to go boldly on walking in the Spirit. Whether we take the vaccine or not there is no need to fear our enemies or bow down and cower in fear before them. God is in control

Isaiah 41:10 Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

My final message to you in this article is "Trust in God for you are hidden in God with Christ Jesus." You have no need to panic or fear and no need to share a gospel of fear with the people. Christian or otherwise. I’ve had the vaccine and I trust in God to protect me from it should it turn out to be more than just a vaccine. But more than this I know God has ordered my days and He has decided my path. I need not fear death for I am in the hand of God in Christ Jesus.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Real Battle Begins?


I’m seeing a lot of posts on Social Media drawing attention to what I guess you would call state infractions against the rights of the people in the name of public protection. I understand that some folk are becoming fearful about where this is all heading. There are a number of questions that arise from what we are seeing now in the media and how this new reality applies to you and me?

There are the veiled threats against those who aren’t getting the vaccine. In New South Wales, Australia. Those who are not fully vaccinated will remain in lockdown even when the state reaches 80 per cent double dose vaccination, according to Premier Gladys Berejiklian. So the question is if the New Zealand government applies similar rules on the unvaccinated. What will the unvaccinated do about that and what will lockdown look like in that situation?

In Victoria, Australia, we are seeing construction workers and anti-vaxers taking to the streets in semi violent protest and the Police deploying with horses, tear gas and plastic bullets to quell the protests. The state seems to be more than prepared to deal with this situation. The question is what is happening here? Is this about the virus or is there a different agenda? Much is made of NZ and Australia’s approach to eliminate the virus via isolation and hygiene but in actual fact most countries, and states within those countries, are implementing lockdown in some form or another.

If we were to compare the journey we have taken in the last eighteen months with Nazi Germany in the 1930’s as Hitler and the Nazi’s ramped up toward WWII. Is there a similarity to the Ardern governments “Team of Five Million” and the Nazi Party in Germany where the narrative is being manipulated to bring people on side. You want to be part of the team. You don’t want to be an outsider.

I realise that we aren’t comparing apples with apples here. The Nazi’s were fascist whereas Ardern’s government is socialist and the Western World would seem to be moving toward Socialism at the moment. However, the principles involved in controlling the masses remain the same and the Nazi example showed clearly that the people can be manipulated and controlled via a well oiled propaganda machine and in tandem with a paramilitary Police force to back up that propaganda machine with individual intimidation.

I guess what it comes down to is what are we looking at here? If I were to be cynical I would interpret some of the events that have occurred in New Zealand since 2017 as either providential for the secular agenda or something potentially more sinister. At this point in time it is unlikely that it could be proven that the epidemic is a contrived event. However, I think most people can agree it doesn’t seem like we are going back to the situation as it was prior to November 2019.

It would seem that lockdowns and reduced personal freedom is likely to be the norm from now on and it is likely that the epidemic and climate emergencies will continue to dominate current events in the media for the foreseeable future. The question here is are we seeing global response to the perceived dangers of climate change in order to address issues like reducing the number of humans in the world. Dare I say it the implementation of Agenda 21 by 2030.

From a Christian viewpoint I would say we are still in the early stages of Tribulation as described by our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew chapter twenty four. So without wanting to be alarmist are we being ushered into a New World Order where the ultimate goal is to restructure the World as we know it into a New World. A world where there is a population of under one billion people and controlled by a small global elite.

The idea being to allow the natural world to regenerate by reducing the population of Earth drastically. Condensing urban areas to allow reforestation and ceasing farming as we have know it in the current era. Farming would be replaced by hydroponically grown plants in large sheds under orange light. The orange light allows faster growth and more crops to be taken. Obviously humanity would switch to a plant based diet. Great idea but where did the other seven billion humans go to?

Where indeed? I think the Covid vaccine, which I have taken, is potential a key tool in the strategy to reduce the population. Whether it will cause premature death or result in infertility. I have no idea. As a Christian I think of Isaiah chapter 54 verse 17 “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment. You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord.” Gives us great hope in the face of adversity

So I don’t fear the vaccine because I have committed into the Lord’s hands. If it is a vaccine and it offers immunity to Covid. All to the good. If the powers that be have an ulterior motive for giving the vaccine to the masses and it proves to be a poison of some kind. Well it won’t succeed against the people of God. We have his promise on that.

Where to next? Well in the West I suspect the rights and freedoms of the people will be steadily eroded and we will be more strictly controlled. The state mantra will be “To address climate change we need to move to a less capitalistic type of economy.” Use of resources needs to drop and with it the reduction in the production of CO2 and other pollutants. Socialism is being trialed a method of state control of the people to achieve the above goals in combination with a capitalist economy. This is because state control of resources hasn’t worked well in the past. So less demand for resources resulting in less production of goods and a reduction in pollution. In a phrase “Big Brother is watching You and will be telling you what you can and can’t have if you are good citizen.

What about the reduction of the population? I suspect there will be the viruses and vaccines. There will be climate emergencies and wars. It’s fair to say that if this time matches up with bible prophecy then if it were not shortened no flesh would survive. I guess we’ll just have to hope this isn’t that time called Jacob’s Trouble in the bible and that with God’s mercy things will settle down and we’ll all be OK in the future.

If it is the End Times then if you don’t have a relationship with Christ Jesus you need to get on your knees and seek His forgiveness for your sins as soon as possible. Remember that he took your place on the cross to pay the price of that sin. Once He comes into your life then pray and listen for the still small voice of God in your heart. Hidden in God with Christ Jesus, you’ll know what to do and will be fine.

Reference List
Gladys Berejiklian confirms unvaccinated won’t be released from lockdown at 80 per cent under NSW roadmap.

Monday, September 20, 2021

The Value of being a Christian


You know I sometimes wonder why some people make such a fuss about being a Christian when they don't really apply their faith to their day to day lives. I mean some people take scripture and twist it to justify what they are doing that clearly isn't based on Christian values. Others widely proclaim their Christianity but allow the world to tousle with their feelings to such an extent that they have no peace and they aren't "Walking in the Spirit."

It makes me wonder why they bother. I mean if you don't trust the Lord enough to let him take care of the stresses and strains in your daily life. What use is Christianity to you? I have spent years listening to the advice of fellow Christians. Often being bossed around by people who live in defeat and don't take their own advice anyway.

Take the current pandemic for instance. It seems I know many Christians who are mistrustful of the government. Mistrustful of the vaccine and believe this is the beginning of the end. Let me tell you they are in a frightful panic. Planning to acquire drugs like Stromectol or Hydroxychloroquine to survive if they contract the virus. Scrambling to save their own necks while at the same time judging and condemning those who get the vaccine or who just trust in God's grace and competence to keep them safe. 

I have come to the edge of the precipice several times lately after discussing the current state of the world with fellow Christians. Where I have asked myself why do I bother. Why bother to be a Christian. What value is there if you have no peace. What point if you have to meander your own way through life claiming that God is taking care of you but living a lie. In your heart not really believing. Not trusting that God has this and he has it under control. What a crock.

That's not how I feel though. It's not how a lot of the Christians I know as personal friends feel either. I trust God. I lay hidden in God with Christ. What ever happens to me I know that Christ Jesus has me in his hand and he will never let me go. I prayed about the vaccine and I got the vaccine and I'm trusting my Lord and Savior that it will be O.K.  Even if it's not he'll get me through this thing.  

I have faith and he will give me more if I need it. I am weak but he will give me strength. I get discouraged but he give me encouragement. I feel downhearted but I need not worry for he will lift me up. He is the Lord of every day and night. My Savior, my King, my friend and my brother. I have faith and I will not be afraid for Christ Jesus is with me and he guides me to walk in the Spirit. Right beside him. So what value is Christianity to me. It is everything and for eternity in Jesus Christ.

Romans 8: 38-39 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

Social Media Hysteria

Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap-chat and the others. Yes they have revolutionized the way we interact and they have made the World a smaller place than even air travel did when it was first introduced.

Added to the equation the Smart-phone which is the platform that has made all of this communication possible. I would question whether this has made life better for all of us? I think there are pros and cons for the baby boomer generation and even the millennials but the younger generations could barely conceive of a world that was without smart-phones or social media.

In fact, if they woke up tomorrow morning and the Internet was gone and their smart-phones were just a brick that you could call people on. Well, all hell would break loose as petulant and unhappy youngsters demanded of their parents and the authorities to get that Internet back up. Lets face it it would be a demanding few weeks before these Social Media alcoholics dried out and started to find that face to face communication is far superior the virtual kind in any case.

In my humble opinion, this scenario only highlights how those in control of the Internet control the younger generation. Is it any wonder they launched Fortnight as a free war games platform to train them to be the army of the future. If you were the cynical  type you could suspect that those behind the scenes had not done this by chance. Those familiar with Agenda 21 would understand that reduction of the global population is an important part of the approach to stop climate change and to reach sustainability. So the reduced population would be much healthier if they were young people and much easier to control through the online virtual reality.

Oh my goodness I'm falling victim to Social Media hysteria. Which is really the point of this article. There are certainly dangers in the way that those who have control of the narrative and content on the Internet control what people say, think and do.  The way they have roped in the younger generation is breathtaking in its effectiveness. There is, however, another aspect of this situation that is strongly related to the control of the young and that is the ability to flood the Internet with information. Information that is verifiable and yet equally unverifiable. Everything that can move and affect the heart of a man. A veritable, digital. virtual Slough of Despond as John Bunyan, the author of Pilgrims Progress, called it.

Just look at the information about the Covid Pandemic. There is information about the various methods by which the virus was released and equally as much information to contradict it. Ancient Aliens, the New Age, diseases. You name it, it's all available at a click on the Internet. The issue here is that people can humor their deepest fantasies and be entrapped by their greatest fears with all the information that they will ever need to continue to grow in hysteria and in the worst situations absolute madness.

Antivax, and Anti-Covid are cases in point. Every possible opinion is available about these issues on the Net and is happily adopted by both sides of the argument. The result is that it makes people angry and pushes them to be extreme in their views about these various subjects. They lose their sense of perspective and become deeply convinced that they are right in their angst. They become agitated, provocative and outraged with those who disagree with them. Both sides of the question become caught up in the hysteria and lose sight of the real issue. The fact that they are being manipulated by those that control the Internet and while they are fighting the good fight with their evil opponents. The New World Order is quietly being rolled into place in the background.

Isaiah 33:15-16 "He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, He who despises the gain of oppression's, Who gestures with his hands, refusing bribes, Who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed, And shuts his eyes from seeing evil.
He will dwell on high; His place of defense will be the fortress of rocks; Bread will be given him, His water will be sure." NKJV

The Fearing

So, I've seen three videos in the last twenty four hours that have greatly unsettled me. One about Covid from an undertaker's perspective in Britain. The second video being one from an Australian perspective about the epidemic and where in the opinion of the speaker this is all heading. South basically would be the general direction he opins.

 The Third video was on who owns the assets of the Global Economy. Again predictable but not very reassuring.

I should have learned my lesson about this many years ago but I have to admit to being  a slow learner. As a young Christian I found as many Christians do that sharing the gospel is not welcome most of the time. People don't want to hear about salvation unless circumstances in their lives align with your need to share the gospel. As a result it is often easier to use another subject as a hook.

In those days I used a similar hook to the Jehovah's Witness. For example I might start with. "What do you think about certain world events?" Then I'd talk about this war or that change in government attitudes. Something that you could steer the conversation toward the gospel.  The problem with this approach is that it is focused on fear and it not only presents a negative view of the world to the person you're dealing with. If you keep focusing on that type of negative content you can begin to be weighed down by it yourself.

Isaiah 33:15  "He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, He who despises the gain of oppressions, Who gestures with his hands, refusing bribes, Who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed, And shuts his eyes from seeing evil..." NKJV

You can become hopelessly depressed and hopelessly depressing to be around. It can damage your world view as well. Many Christians are afraid of their own shadow. They fear their non Christian neighbors. They fear other  Christians. They fear the government. They fear whats happening around the world. So if you aren't careful you can end up being very isolated and very isolationist. 

 It has taken me forty years to reach this perspective and I'm not entirely out of the woods yet on this issue. I guess what I saying from a Christian viewpoint is "What is wrong with this picture?" What I mean by this is, it has always been my opinion that Christians should be the coolest people in society. We have the Holy Spirit in us revealing the nature of Christ Jesus. We should be exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We should be as Christ Jesus to the folk around us. A real breath of fresh air.

Romans 15:13 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."

Instead, we tend to be self centered, legalistic and judgemental. Overly negative and not very pleasant to be around at all. It raises the question "How can we fix this?" or, "What do Christians who are walking in the Spirit do that is different?" What is it that gives them an air peace and grace?" "How do they walk with such assurance and calm?" What can we do to change ourselves from negative nay sayers into Christians who are living  the Christian life. To be as Christ Jesus to those around us and loving our neighbor as we love ourselves?

I think it comes down to the need to stay away from negative sources. Be careful what you watch and read. Embrace the advice that Jesus gave and take life day by day because each day had it's own troubles. Realize that you don't need to seek a relationship with Christ Jesus. You already have one. Be assured that the Holy Spirit indwells you  and is revealing the nature of Jesus in your heart. You have the Law of God inscribed in your heart. You need only ask and God will hear your prayers and give you answers. Be aware that God speaks his answers into your heart and if you think about it you will know what you have to do. Don't forget to talk to God and read His word. And remember you are a child of God and you already have a relationship with God. You are hidden in God with Christ. Go in peace and joy.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Taking Stock... No, not stealing Cows...


So... I just want to explain my position as a Christian Kiwi in 2021...

Firstly, I feel privileged to be alive in 2021. What ever is going down I'm here to see it and I can remember being a teenager and not believing I would be here in 2021 🙂

As a Christian I'm a pre-millennial. Which means I believe that our Lord Jesus Christ will return before establishing a kingdom that will last for a millennium.

I also believe that the re-establishment of the nation of Israel was extremely significant. It indicates we are in a time just prior to the Tribulation. Which is a period of seven years of war and destruction on a global level. At the end of that period Jesus will return in glory and establish His millennial kingdom.

This could apply to what is happening right now in that the pandemic is getting people used to being dominated by a totalitarian regime. I think most of us at a deeper level realize, that we are not going back to the time prior to November 2019. It's in the air. Everyone senses that something is a foot.

What does this mean to the future. Well the establishment of a global world government for a start. Look at the way the WHO and media have orchestrated the pandemic response on a global level with a global strategy. World government is an obvious next step.

In New Zealand Aotearoa we are witnessing the establishment of a socialist continuation of Neo-liberalism. Gradually heading toward and Orwellian state? Maybe... An example could be that the use of masks is wide spread and mandated by the state. In the USA certain states have instructed citizens to wear masks in their houses. Big Brother is watching you ??? Could be...

What happens after the pandemic? Well I don't know if the pandemic will end. Just continue to have new variants and lockdowns etc.. I think Climate Change will enter the thrall and there will be strongly state mandated steps toward consolidation of urbanisation and reduction of the population.

Bear in mind my mindset as a Christian is looking toward the return of Jesus Christ. While I hope for all of our sakes that things just whind down and return to normal. I'm seeing signs that we could be in for tumultuous times. I'm just saying keep your eyes open. If I'm anywhere near correct you won't have to listen to me just open your eyes.

Bear in mind these things happen. Anyone familiar with the rise of the Nazi's in Germany prior to WWll will understand what I'm saying here. A storm may be gathering and we need to be aware of the times in which we live.

Matthew 24:42
Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. NKJV

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

The Vaccine


2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance. 

Hebrews 13:2 Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. 
Luke 15 4-7 “What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he has lost one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the open country, and go after the one that is lost, until he finds it? And when he has found it, he lays it on his shoulders, rejoicing. And when he comes home, he calls together his friends and his neighbors, saying to them, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.’ Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance. 
So I've had the Vaccine. As a Christian I've been skeptical as to whether I should have. I've sought the Lord about it and I've agonised as to whether I should have taken it or not. What if it's like the mark of the beast and I'm excluded from Heaven?
You know one of the strongest reasons I have for taking the vaccine is that I'm in with the crowd. I'm a Kiwi and I love my country men and women. If they're getting jab I'm getting it too and if we screwed it up this time. We did it together.
So how does that play out as a Christian. Abstract concept at best. My brothers and sisters in Christ would be expecting me to side with them and I do... But... Yes there's a but... God is waiting his return that none of my Kiwi brethren might be lost. If He can help it.
I'm being kind to my non Christian Kiwi brothers and sisters so that they might be saved. I'm their Christian brother and I got the jab as well for them. That none of them might be lost... And some might even be found.
Just remember that all of the Angels in Heaven rejoice over just one new saved soul. So maybe having the jab might have consequences I don't like or want. Maybe it will have consequences to all who take it. But I can tell you I won't be alone. Maybe God can use that ???

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Walking by Sight...


There is a fine line as a Christian where you are sharing warnings that are bible based or, trying to stem the tide of unrighteousness in the world by telling everyone how they should live their lives. 
There is also a real danger of being consumed by fear and anxiety generated by the content of your own warnings. If you're not careful you put everything that is happening in daily life through the lens of loathing and distrust. You can end up burned out, isolated and very unhappy with life in general.
Excuse me for asking this but is that how a Christian should be living? Mistrusting everyone and everything including other Christians. Being overtly and covertly judgmental of everyone and everything to the point of being paranoid.
There is also a distinct possibility of living your Christian life in the flesh by allowing the judgmental nature of your warnings to tap into traits like anger, intolerance, condemnation and even hatred.
I think that many Christians who indulge in this type of Christian living believe they are obedient to God. Faithful and Spiritual in character and are absolutely convinced of the truth of their narrative and their piety before God.
But they are not walking in Faith. In actuality they are walking by sight and not by Faith. Many of those other Christians they despise are actually just humble folk, obedient to their Savior and walking by Faith as best they can. 
People who are good citizens and strong Christians just walking with the Lord in simple faith. Shouldn't they be encouraged instead of being judged by supposed High Flying Christians. Who are so much more spiritual in their own eyes.
When Christians walk by sight we contrast what read in the word with every aspect of the world around us. We look for error and if we can we call it out. The faithful Christian life of trusting Christ Jesus and committing our burdens to him is pushed down the list of important issues we have to rail at the world about.
People wonder why there are so many denominations and yet there should be only one Church. The bride of Christ. One of the main causes is Christians walking by sight and becoming stuck in the flesh. Never in the Spirit.
Those who walk in the Spirit do so prayerfully and humbly seeking God to show them the how and the where, the when and why of life. They don't rail at the world. They seek to bring the gospel to the lost, healing to the sick and peace to all  who surround them. 
Where are these remarkable people? They are found in every denomination. They are actually usually quite unremarkable. When people are in need they are there. When the lost are loosing their loved ones these are the folk who bring Christ to them. They bake, they support, they pray and help with experience in matters of burying the dead.
These meek and often gentle folk are prayer warriors, quiet witnesses and when the world is heading in new and ever more dreadful directions. They don't rail against it they pray for God to intervene and hope for revival.
You can't force Christ on the unwilling. You can't legislate righteousness upon non Christian people. You can try but you'll end up with a civil war. You have to do it the hard way and win the nation to Jesus Christ. Then all those issues the sight walkers complain about will gradually begin to disappear. 
The quietly faithful Christians who trust God with all of their burdens have peace because they are hidden in God with Christ and walk in the Spirit rather than by sight. Let God carry your burdens my friend. Don't walk another step in your own power.


Standing Fast for Jesus

  We had a thought provoking sermon at Church this morning. It was about the apostle Peter and his denial of ever having known Jesus. You ...