Saturday, September 18, 2021

The Fearing

So, I've seen three videos in the last twenty four hours that have greatly unsettled me. One about Covid from an undertaker's perspective in Britain. The second video being one from an Australian perspective about the epidemic and where in the opinion of the speaker this is all heading. South basically would be the general direction he opins.

 The Third video was on who owns the assets of the Global Economy. Again predictable but not very reassuring.

I should have learned my lesson about this many years ago but I have to admit to being  a slow learner. As a young Christian I found as many Christians do that sharing the gospel is not welcome most of the time. People don't want to hear about salvation unless circumstances in their lives align with your need to share the gospel. As a result it is often easier to use another subject as a hook.

In those days I used a similar hook to the Jehovah's Witness. For example I might start with. "What do you think about certain world events?" Then I'd talk about this war or that change in government attitudes. Something that you could steer the conversation toward the gospel.  The problem with this approach is that it is focused on fear and it not only presents a negative view of the world to the person you're dealing with. If you keep focusing on that type of negative content you can begin to be weighed down by it yourself.

Isaiah 33:15  "He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, He who despises the gain of oppressions, Who gestures with his hands, refusing bribes, Who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed, And shuts his eyes from seeing evil..." NKJV

You can become hopelessly depressed and hopelessly depressing to be around. It can damage your world view as well. Many Christians are afraid of their own shadow. They fear their non Christian neighbors. They fear other  Christians. They fear the government. They fear whats happening around the world. So if you aren't careful you can end up being very isolated and very isolationist. 

 It has taken me forty years to reach this perspective and I'm not entirely out of the woods yet on this issue. I guess what I saying from a Christian viewpoint is "What is wrong with this picture?" What I mean by this is, it has always been my opinion that Christians should be the coolest people in society. We have the Holy Spirit in us revealing the nature of Christ Jesus. We should be exhibiting the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. We should be as Christ Jesus to the folk around us. A real breath of fresh air.

Romans 15:13 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope."

Instead, we tend to be self centered, legalistic and judgemental. Overly negative and not very pleasant to be around at all. It raises the question "How can we fix this?" or, "What do Christians who are walking in the Spirit do that is different?" What is it that gives them an air peace and grace?" "How do they walk with such assurance and calm?" What can we do to change ourselves from negative nay sayers into Christians who are living  the Christian life. To be as Christ Jesus to those around us and loving our neighbor as we love ourselves?

I think it comes down to the need to stay away from negative sources. Be careful what you watch and read. Embrace the advice that Jesus gave and take life day by day because each day had it's own troubles. Realize that you don't need to seek a relationship with Christ Jesus. You already have one. Be assured that the Holy Spirit indwells you  and is revealing the nature of Jesus in your heart. You have the Law of God inscribed in your heart. You need only ask and God will hear your prayers and give you answers. Be aware that God speaks his answers into your heart and if you think about it you will know what you have to do. Don't forget to talk to God and read His word. And remember you are a child of God and you already have a relationship with God. You are hidden in God with Christ. Go in peace and joy.

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