Sunday, September 26, 2021

The Real Battle Begins?


I’m seeing a lot of posts on Social Media drawing attention to what I guess you would call state infractions against the rights of the people in the name of public protection. I understand that some folk are becoming fearful about where this is all heading. There are a number of questions that arise from what we are seeing now in the media and how this new reality applies to you and me?

There are the veiled threats against those who aren’t getting the vaccine. In New South Wales, Australia. Those who are not fully vaccinated will remain in lockdown even when the state reaches 80 per cent double dose vaccination, according to Premier Gladys Berejiklian. So the question is if the New Zealand government applies similar rules on the unvaccinated. What will the unvaccinated do about that and what will lockdown look like in that situation?

In Victoria, Australia, we are seeing construction workers and anti-vaxers taking to the streets in semi violent protest and the Police deploying with horses, tear gas and plastic bullets to quell the protests. The state seems to be more than prepared to deal with this situation. The question is what is happening here? Is this about the virus or is there a different agenda? Much is made of NZ and Australia’s approach to eliminate the virus via isolation and hygiene but in actual fact most countries, and states within those countries, are implementing lockdown in some form or another.

If we were to compare the journey we have taken in the last eighteen months with Nazi Germany in the 1930’s as Hitler and the Nazi’s ramped up toward WWII. Is there a similarity to the Ardern governments “Team of Five Million” and the Nazi Party in Germany where the narrative is being manipulated to bring people on side. You want to be part of the team. You don’t want to be an outsider.

I realise that we aren’t comparing apples with apples here. The Nazi’s were fascist whereas Ardern’s government is socialist and the Western World would seem to be moving toward Socialism at the moment. However, the principles involved in controlling the masses remain the same and the Nazi example showed clearly that the people can be manipulated and controlled via a well oiled propaganda machine and in tandem with a paramilitary Police force to back up that propaganda machine with individual intimidation.

I guess what it comes down to is what are we looking at here? If I were to be cynical I would interpret some of the events that have occurred in New Zealand since 2017 as either providential for the secular agenda or something potentially more sinister. At this point in time it is unlikely that it could be proven that the epidemic is a contrived event. However, I think most people can agree it doesn’t seem like we are going back to the situation as it was prior to November 2019.

It would seem that lockdowns and reduced personal freedom is likely to be the norm from now on and it is likely that the epidemic and climate emergencies will continue to dominate current events in the media for the foreseeable future. The question here is are we seeing global response to the perceived dangers of climate change in order to address issues like reducing the number of humans in the world. Dare I say it the implementation of Agenda 21 by 2030.

From a Christian viewpoint I would say we are still in the early stages of Tribulation as described by our Lord Jesus Christ in Matthew chapter twenty four. So without wanting to be alarmist are we being ushered into a New World Order where the ultimate goal is to restructure the World as we know it into a New World. A world where there is a population of under one billion people and controlled by a small global elite.

The idea being to allow the natural world to regenerate by reducing the population of Earth drastically. Condensing urban areas to allow reforestation and ceasing farming as we have know it in the current era. Farming would be replaced by hydroponically grown plants in large sheds under orange light. The orange light allows faster growth and more crops to be taken. Obviously humanity would switch to a plant based diet. Great idea but where did the other seven billion humans go to?

Where indeed? I think the Covid vaccine, which I have taken, is potential a key tool in the strategy to reduce the population. Whether it will cause premature death or result in infertility. I have no idea. As a Christian I think of Isaiah chapter 54 verse 17 “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, And every tongue which rises against you in judgment. You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, And their righteousness is from Me,” Says the Lord.” Gives us great hope in the face of adversity

So I don’t fear the vaccine because I have committed into the Lord’s hands. If it is a vaccine and it offers immunity to Covid. All to the good. If the powers that be have an ulterior motive for giving the vaccine to the masses and it proves to be a poison of some kind. Well it won’t succeed against the people of God. We have his promise on that.

Where to next? Well in the West I suspect the rights and freedoms of the people will be steadily eroded and we will be more strictly controlled. The state mantra will be “To address climate change we need to move to a less capitalistic type of economy.” Use of resources needs to drop and with it the reduction in the production of CO2 and other pollutants. Socialism is being trialed a method of state control of the people to achieve the above goals in combination with a capitalist economy. This is because state control of resources hasn’t worked well in the past. So less demand for resources resulting in less production of goods and a reduction in pollution. In a phrase “Big Brother is watching You and will be telling you what you can and can’t have if you are good citizen.

What about the reduction of the population? I suspect there will be the viruses and vaccines. There will be climate emergencies and wars. It’s fair to say that if this time matches up with bible prophecy then if it were not shortened no flesh would survive. I guess we’ll just have to hope this isn’t that time called Jacob’s Trouble in the bible and that with God’s mercy things will settle down and we’ll all be OK in the future.

If it is the End Times then if you don’t have a relationship with Christ Jesus you need to get on your knees and seek His forgiveness for your sins as soon as possible. Remember that he took your place on the cross to pay the price of that sin. Once He comes into your life then pray and listen for the still small voice of God in your heart. Hidden in God with Christ Jesus, you’ll know what to do and will be fine.

Reference List
Gladys Berejiklian confirms unvaccinated won’t be released from lockdown at 80 per cent under NSW roadmap.

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