Saturday, September 18, 2021

Social Media Hysteria

Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap-chat and the others. Yes they have revolutionized the way we interact and they have made the World a smaller place than even air travel did when it was first introduced.

Added to the equation the Smart-phone which is the platform that has made all of this communication possible. I would question whether this has made life better for all of us? I think there are pros and cons for the baby boomer generation and even the millennials but the younger generations could barely conceive of a world that was without smart-phones or social media.

In fact, if they woke up tomorrow morning and the Internet was gone and their smart-phones were just a brick that you could call people on. Well, all hell would break loose as petulant and unhappy youngsters demanded of their parents and the authorities to get that Internet back up. Lets face it it would be a demanding few weeks before these Social Media alcoholics dried out and started to find that face to face communication is far superior the virtual kind in any case.

In my humble opinion, this scenario only highlights how those in control of the Internet control the younger generation. Is it any wonder they launched Fortnight as a free war games platform to train them to be the army of the future. If you were the cynical  type you could suspect that those behind the scenes had not done this by chance. Those familiar with Agenda 21 would understand that reduction of the global population is an important part of the approach to stop climate change and to reach sustainability. So the reduced population would be much healthier if they were young people and much easier to control through the online virtual reality.

Oh my goodness I'm falling victim to Social Media hysteria. Which is really the point of this article. There are certainly dangers in the way that those who have control of the narrative and content on the Internet control what people say, think and do.  The way they have roped in the younger generation is breathtaking in its effectiveness. There is, however, another aspect of this situation that is strongly related to the control of the young and that is the ability to flood the Internet with information. Information that is verifiable and yet equally unverifiable. Everything that can move and affect the heart of a man. A veritable, digital. virtual Slough of Despond as John Bunyan, the author of Pilgrims Progress, called it.

Just look at the information about the Covid Pandemic. There is information about the various methods by which the virus was released and equally as much information to contradict it. Ancient Aliens, the New Age, diseases. You name it, it's all available at a click on the Internet. The issue here is that people can humor their deepest fantasies and be entrapped by their greatest fears with all the information that they will ever need to continue to grow in hysteria and in the worst situations absolute madness.

Antivax, and Anti-Covid are cases in point. Every possible opinion is available about these issues on the Net and is happily adopted by both sides of the argument. The result is that it makes people angry and pushes them to be extreme in their views about these various subjects. They lose their sense of perspective and become deeply convinced that they are right in their angst. They become agitated, provocative and outraged with those who disagree with them. Both sides of the question become caught up in the hysteria and lose sight of the real issue. The fact that they are being manipulated by those that control the Internet and while they are fighting the good fight with their evil opponents. The New World Order is quietly being rolled into place in the background.

Isaiah 33:15-16 "He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, He who despises the gain of oppression's, Who gestures with his hands, refusing bribes, Who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed, And shuts his eyes from seeing evil.
He will dwell on high; His place of defense will be the fortress of rocks; Bread will be given him, His water will be sure." NKJV

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