Monday, September 20, 2021

The Value of being a Christian


You know I sometimes wonder why some people make such a fuss about being a Christian when they don't really apply their faith to their day to day lives. I mean some people take scripture and twist it to justify what they are doing that clearly isn't based on Christian values. Others widely proclaim their Christianity but allow the world to tousle with their feelings to such an extent that they have no peace and they aren't "Walking in the Spirit."

It makes me wonder why they bother. I mean if you don't trust the Lord enough to let him take care of the stresses and strains in your daily life. What use is Christianity to you? I have spent years listening to the advice of fellow Christians. Often being bossed around by people who live in defeat and don't take their own advice anyway.

Take the current pandemic for instance. It seems I know many Christians who are mistrustful of the government. Mistrustful of the vaccine and believe this is the beginning of the end. Let me tell you they are in a frightful panic. Planning to acquire drugs like Stromectol or Hydroxychloroquine to survive if they contract the virus. Scrambling to save their own necks while at the same time judging and condemning those who get the vaccine or who just trust in God's grace and competence to keep them safe. 

I have come to the edge of the precipice several times lately after discussing the current state of the world with fellow Christians. Where I have asked myself why do I bother. Why bother to be a Christian. What value is there if you have no peace. What point if you have to meander your own way through life claiming that God is taking care of you but living a lie. In your heart not really believing. Not trusting that God has this and he has it under control. What a crock.

That's not how I feel though. It's not how a lot of the Christians I know as personal friends feel either. I trust God. I lay hidden in God with Christ. What ever happens to me I know that Christ Jesus has me in his hand and he will never let me go. I prayed about the vaccine and I got the vaccine and I'm trusting my Lord and Savior that it will be O.K.  Even if it's not he'll get me through this thing.  

I have faith and he will give me more if I need it. I am weak but he will give me strength. I get discouraged but he give me encouragement. I feel downhearted but I need not worry for he will lift me up. He is the Lord of every day and night. My Savior, my King, my friend and my brother. I have faith and I will not be afraid for Christ Jesus is with me and he guides me to walk in the Spirit. Right beside him. So what value is Christianity to me. It is everything and for eternity in Jesus Christ.

Romans 8: 38-39 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor principalities, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

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