Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Taking Stock... No, not stealing Cows...


So... I just want to explain my position as a Christian Kiwi in 2021...

Firstly, I feel privileged to be alive in 2021. What ever is going down I'm here to see it and I can remember being a teenager and not believing I would be here in 2021 🙂

As a Christian I'm a pre-millennial. Which means I believe that our Lord Jesus Christ will return before establishing a kingdom that will last for a millennium.

I also believe that the re-establishment of the nation of Israel was extremely significant. It indicates we are in a time just prior to the Tribulation. Which is a period of seven years of war and destruction on a global level. At the end of that period Jesus will return in glory and establish His millennial kingdom.

This could apply to what is happening right now in that the pandemic is getting people used to being dominated by a totalitarian regime. I think most of us at a deeper level realize, that we are not going back to the time prior to November 2019. It's in the air. Everyone senses that something is a foot.

What does this mean to the future. Well the establishment of a global world government for a start. Look at the way the WHO and media have orchestrated the pandemic response on a global level with a global strategy. World government is an obvious next step.

In New Zealand Aotearoa we are witnessing the establishment of a socialist continuation of Neo-liberalism. Gradually heading toward and Orwellian state? Maybe... An example could be that the use of masks is wide spread and mandated by the state. In the USA certain states have instructed citizens to wear masks in their houses. Big Brother is watching you ??? Could be...

What happens after the pandemic? Well I don't know if the pandemic will end. Just continue to have new variants and lockdowns etc.. I think Climate Change will enter the thrall and there will be strongly state mandated steps toward consolidation of urbanisation and reduction of the population.

Bear in mind my mindset as a Christian is looking toward the return of Jesus Christ. While I hope for all of our sakes that things just whind down and return to normal. I'm seeing signs that we could be in for tumultuous times. I'm just saying keep your eyes open. If I'm anywhere near correct you won't have to listen to me just open your eyes.

Bear in mind these things happen. Anyone familiar with the rise of the Nazi's in Germany prior to WWll will understand what I'm saying here. A storm may be gathering and we need to be aware of the times in which we live.

Matthew 24:42
Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming. NKJV

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