So, you are a Christian. You have a cell phone, a tablet, a laptop, a TV connected to Broadband, or you fastidiously have none of the above. This to protect you from Big Brother. Well, if you live in the Western World or even if you live in one of the more technically advanced areas of the East then Big Brother already knows who you are.
Even in NZ, Police may have access to CCTV footage from your town, or you may have been photographed by speed or toll cameras. The Chinese Government are said to be very good at hacking the CCTV systems in other countries to gather data about their own citizens and even you and me.
We live in a digital age my friends and if you think not having digital devices, or even bank cards, can keep your information safe from prying eyes then I am afraid you are laboring under a misapprehension. Big Brother knows a whole lot about you and if he really wants to get in touch personally then there is probably very little you can do to stop him.
However, if you wanted to evade the authorities as people do who appear on the television show ‘Hunted.’ The contestants show that while is very difficult to avoid being detained when the police are after you it is possible if you keep a very low profile to evade capture for several days. I suspect that if you had a network in place and used burner phones and cash or gift cards as a line of credit, it might be possible to successfully flee capture and hide at least in the medium term. Changing your appearance by dying your hair and using makeup to change your skin tone might increase your chances of avoiding recognition as well.
For me as a Christian, the question is why I would bother to avoid Big Brother. Surely, if Big Brother is watching me, he is only seeing my witness as a Christian and that I present very little threat to anyone. That I am a peaceful person seeking only to be helpful to those around me and that I share Christ with the lost but that I hardly force them to listen to me.
I understand that the secularists hate Christ and would like nothing better than to destroy Christians and Christianity. That has always been the case though and many of the Reformers like Huss and Wycliffe died for nothing other than being bible believers and servants of Christ Jesus.
As much as I fear being persecuted for my beliefs myself, I do not fear the State being able to study me or using the data they have acquired about me to apprehend me. The book of Revelation speaks of a time when people will be given the choice renounce Jesus Christ or die for Him. It seems that millions of people will die for Christ and will cry out to the Lord for vengeance against those who persecuted and killed them (Revelation 6:9-11).
Finally, I think that my faith gives me peace of mind about the world in which I live. I am a Christian and so I believe that nothing can separate me from the love of God (Romans 8:31-39). I will walk in the valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil (Psalm 23:4). Come Lord Jesus.
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