Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Walking by Sight...


There is a fine line as a Christian where you are sharing warnings that are bible based or, trying to stem the tide of unrighteousness in the world by telling everyone how they should live their lives. 
There is also a real danger of being consumed by fear and anxiety generated by the content of your own warnings. If you're not careful you put everything that is happening in daily life through the lens of loathing and distrust. You can end up burned out, isolated and very unhappy with life in general.
Excuse me for asking this but is that how a Christian should be living? Mistrusting everyone and everything including other Christians. Being overtly and covertly judgmental of everyone and everything to the point of being paranoid.
There is also a distinct possibility of living your Christian life in the flesh by allowing the judgmental nature of your warnings to tap into traits like anger, intolerance, condemnation and even hatred.
I think that many Christians who indulge in this type of Christian living believe they are obedient to God. Faithful and Spiritual in character and are absolutely convinced of the truth of their narrative and their piety before God.
But they are not walking in Faith. In actuality they are walking by sight and not by Faith. Many of those other Christians they despise are actually just humble folk, obedient to their Savior and walking by Faith as best they can. 
People who are good citizens and strong Christians just walking with the Lord in simple faith. Shouldn't they be encouraged instead of being judged by supposed High Flying Christians. Who are so much more spiritual in their own eyes.
When Christians walk by sight we contrast what read in the word with every aspect of the world around us. We look for error and if we can we call it out. The faithful Christian life of trusting Christ Jesus and committing our burdens to him is pushed down the list of important issues we have to rail at the world about.
People wonder why there are so many denominations and yet there should be only one Church. The bride of Christ. One of the main causes is Christians walking by sight and becoming stuck in the flesh. Never in the Spirit.
Those who walk in the Spirit do so prayerfully and humbly seeking God to show them the how and the where, the when and why of life. They don't rail at the world. They seek to bring the gospel to the lost, healing to the sick and peace to all  who surround them. 
Where are these remarkable people? They are found in every denomination. They are actually usually quite unremarkable. When people are in need they are there. When the lost are loosing their loved ones these are the folk who bring Christ to them. They bake, they support, they pray and help with experience in matters of burying the dead.
These meek and often gentle folk are prayer warriors, quiet witnesses and when the world is heading in new and ever more dreadful directions. They don't rail against it they pray for God to intervene and hope for revival.
You can't force Christ on the unwilling. You can't legislate righteousness upon non Christian people. You can try but you'll end up with a civil war. You have to do it the hard way and win the nation to Jesus Christ. Then all those issues the sight walkers complain about will gradually begin to disappear. 
The quietly faithful Christians who trust God with all of their burdens have peace because they are hidden in God with Christ and walk in the Spirit rather than by sight. Let God carry your burdens my friend. Don't walk another step in your own power.


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