Saturday, December 2, 2023

It is Complicated...

So, here we are in the “End Times.” What can we expect to see? Put simply we can expect a 666 Cashless Financial System which may rely on the mandatory implantation of silicon chip technology or biotech implants placed in participating mankind which enable a constant connection to the Internet. Disconnection would mean an inability to buy or sell or to hold a paying position in that society. Kind of similar to excommunication from the Roman Catholic Church. How ironic? Cost of refusal to accept the mark will be immediate death by guillotine.

Looking at Climate we would expect the weather to be going feral as God unleashes, floods, and famines around the World. This is described succinctly in Matthew Chapter Twenty Four in the Bible. Associated with the floods and famines will be pestilence or plagues. Which we are seeing at present and which are being ascribed to Climate Change and global pandemic.

Changes in sea level are being forecast by the powers that be but they have been making proclamations about this phenomenon since the Nineteen Seventies and it has yet to show up anywhere in the World. Increasing numbers of Cyclones are arguably more of problem as they can with tidal surge cause a similar effect to tsunamis.

Due to Agenda 2030 it is to be anticipated that a climate event on a global scale will be proclaimed within the next two or three years and with that a global climate emergency will be declared. This will usher in totalitarian rule across the West and those allies affiliated with the Western World. Which will enable governments to identify sects within society that are surplus to requirements and in the best interests of society they will be euthanized. Groups like Protestant Christians, conservatives and anyone opposed to the New World Order. Essentially everyone will ultimately be in the group that is surplus to requirements except the current global elite. They will go onto create a utopia for the select few and begin to affect the restoration of Mother Earth. Or so they think.

Entrance World War Three.  In his book MORALS and DOGMA of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry. Albert Pike wrote among other things of the plan of the Illuminati to enact three world wars. The first war was to remove the Tsar in Russia and assist with the establishment of Communism. As it happened it also established the League of Nations and helped forment a locus of financial and political power that would move the world toward a central world government.

The second war was to bring Zionism and Fascism into direct conflict destroying fascism in the process. It was to increase the power of communism to equal and overcome the influence of Christianity in the world. While it did not directly achieve that at the time it has certainly achieved that outcome in the last eighty years.

The third world war is to is to play off Zionism against Islam. Islamic extremism was to provoke a hatred of the Muslim world and drive the world into physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion. In the last thirty years we have seen much to support this with the rise of Al Qaeda, ISIS and the destruction of Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan by the West.

However, the Bible has much to say (Ezekiel 38; Revelation 9:15) about a war which will bring modern day Russia together with Iran and China and many other allies to invade the state of Israel. That confederation will be destroyed by God through a confusion that will cause them to annihilate each other on the hills of Israel. China and Russia along with Iran and Israel are almost certain to embark in a world war in our time. Obviously World War Three will use weapons which will utterly decimate the surface of the Earth.

So, where do the elite hope to live out their utopia. There is talk of huge underground cities being constructed around the world. I expect that this is their exit strategy? I doubt that Yahweh will allow them to escape the apocalypse that they have worked so hard to forment. To this end there is to be an Earthquake so great that every island fled, and no mountains were found (Revelation 16: 17-21). It is highly likely that no underground installations would survive a global earthquake of that magnitude either.

It has been theorised that the earthquake would remove radioactivity and other contaminants from the war and the activities of military industrial complex over the last two hundred years. This would happen via upthrusts and subduction of the Earths crust removing contaminants from the surface and  enabling the planet regenerate with assistance from Yahweh.

So, what does all this amount to right now. Well we have a war between Russia and Europe over Ukraine. A tense situation in Israel as they try to rid themselves of the Palestinians and provoke nuclear war with Iran at the same time. We have the Western Elites planning how to rid themselves of 90 percent of the human population. They intend that to be completed by 2030. It seems that this is a crossroads in history for several reasons and in the next few years we can expect drastic changes which will not be able to be ignored. It really only remains for a climate emergency to be declared and for World War Three to begin for the Day of Judgement to have arrived. Seven years on and the Lord Jesus Christ will have returned and the Kingdom of God will be established. Come Lord Jesus.

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