Sunday, December 17, 2023

Can’t See The Wood From The Trees

I look back at my many posts and see a great inconsistency. I write largely about topics that move me but there is not a lot of logic or sequence to them. I guess that this is understandable because the Bible although it is written to convey certain tenants about faith and the nature of God. It is written about the lives of human beings who are literally flawed and human. So, since I write about issues in the bible my writing is human and emotive rather than logical, sequential and impersonal.

I suppose that on that basis people reading my blog would either agree at least in principle with what I am saying or they would not continue reading my blog for very long. I notice that many followers of my page are based in the Philippines. So may be my discourse aligns with what they think?

I notice that Christians posting blogs are either hap hazard like myself or are much more considered about what they contribute to the discussion. So that they identify a topic that needs to be carefully unpicked and analysed and that is going to useful to many other believers. An example of this type of blog would be Soteriology 101

I believe that what appeals to me about this type of writing is that it is more constructive in that it tends to be less emotive and more constructive and purposeful. I expect it also involves a lot more planning and forward thinking than what I have been doing up until the present. I suspect that where I have haphazardly and emotively ranted about issues that are important to me at that point in time. I will have to research topics more carefully and take a more objective view point.

The purpose of my writing a blog is usually three fold. My first reason is to share scripture and the gospel of Jesus Christ. The second reason is to connect the teachings of Jesus to events that most people experience in some way and at some stage in their lives. A third reason is to provide information to other Christians about issues that are effecting me and quite probably them in their Christian lives.

Life for most people is somewhat chaotic. Since the fall we are much more limited than Adam and Eve would have been when they were first created. Just as they were connected to God and experienced the Shekinah Glory of God. Once they fell they became disconnected, individualised and separated from God. In short their access to information from God was disrupted. They became substantially less intelligent and more self centred. Through sin they became anxious, angry and violent.

As Christians we connect to God once more. Over time the Holy Spirit works in us to make us more peaceful, content and knowledgeable. In short, people who are close to God are in part restored towards the relationship with God that Adam and Eve first experienced. We are still broken and it is a life long journey that God embarks on with us. God undertakes to perfect us by the time we die that we might be resurrected unto life whereas those who reject God are to be resurrected unto judgement and ultimately to damnation.

So, back to the blogging. I think that I need to attach my writing more closely to the bible starting in Genesis and ending in Revelation. I think that I need to choose topics carefully and write a short series of articles to carefully extract the truth from those topics in the hope of helping other believers to deal with the issues they face as Christians.

I would like to be a lot less emotive and much more objective in my judgements. My tendency to be subjective is annoying. Time to be logical and sequential I feel. Anyway, I will give it a try. Lets hope the truth rolls out in a way that makes sense from now on. Not so much as the thought takes me and more logical and sequential.

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” NKJV

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