Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The Flesh Versus the Spirit

Most of you know that I am a Christian. But do you know the struggle that being a Christian engenders in a human being with a flesh and blood natural body? For example my feelings about the results of the recent general election.

I voted for national because I was brought up conservative, loud and proud. I was a kid when Robert Muldoon was prime minister and the liberals were a shadow of what they have become in recent times. Common sense and hard work were what New Zealand was built on and most folks had a decent shot at a good start in this country.

In a nutshell this was the mantra of the dominant discourse in our time. It was not entirely the truth but the dominant discourse never is. Maori were gravely disadvantaged and had negligible access to the factors of production being a repressed minority.

However, watching the far left garner control of the media and use that with political power to engineer the right environment for either a revolution or a silent coup. This is not easy for me to watch and say nothing about.

One question is that is the new right wing coalition actually what it claims to be. Will they sort out the media circus, will they bring the gangs under control? We have witnessed the militarisation and dissemination of arms to the gangs by the state. The only reason the left would do that is create an army capable of bringing about a revolution.

What nonsense I hear you say and I would agree with you if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. So, fleshly human me is really hot under the collar about all of this but as a Christian it is irrelevant. The purpose of this life and what ever happens in it is: A) To realise that you are a sinner and need forgiveness. B) To find Christ Jesus and ask him to forgive your sins and come into your life. C) To take the gospel of salvation in Christ Jesus to everyone else in the World.

So, on one hand I have crazy feelings of animosity toward various politicians and global malefactors but on the other I realise that regardless of what the world is like. It is not my concern. God has got this. My job is to preach the gospel to the “Ends of the Earth.”

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.”

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