Sunday, October 16, 2022

Waking Up The World


John Bunyan in his priceless literary work 'The Pilgrims Progress' rightly identifies that many people in the World are asleep and they don't want to wake up and acknowledge that they are dying in their sins. They are seemingly unaware that their inaction is leading them to certain doom.


Most of us think that we aren't really sinners. We do what we do and we know that some of our decisions are not great but most of the time we do our best to be good. So how can God be so inflexible toward us and the wrong choices we make?


Frankly, I can't give you an answer on that question. Isaiah 55 verses 7 - 9 says this "Call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, And the unrighteous man his thoughts; Let him return to the Lord, And He will have mercy on him; And to our God, For He will abundantly pardon. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts. From <>


So, God insists as our Creator that He won't tolerate unrighteousness and that the wicked must forsake His way. However, if He seems inflexible it is because His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways not our ways. Such is the distance between our thoughts and our ways and His thoughts and His ways that the distance is stellar. We are light years apart in our thinking and our ways and His.


Thus we can grumble about God's inflexibility and complain that God just needs to chill out because that is never going to happen. Infact God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). He never changes and if He has high standards they won't be getting lower anytime soon. Infact He will never compromise His standards.


Here's the rub then. The issue that separates us from God is our sin. It doesn't make any difference if we don't think that is the case or we think that is unfair. It is the case. Because God loves you He has given His only Son, Jesus Christ, to die on the Cross at Calvary as a blood sacrifice for your sins. All you need to do is believe on Jesus as your saviour and repent. Change your ways. Then those sins of yours will be wiped away and you will have eternal life in the coming Kingdom of God.


However, you need to wise up and realise that God is the Creator. You can ignore God and you can cast my advice aside but if you do this will cost you eternally. You will face certain judgement and the second death. It is time to wake up people. The world is changing rapidly and not for the good. The freedom we have enjoyed in the past is about to be removed. We will face famine and oppression and the Aotearoa of the last century will pass away into history.


Our little bastion of milk and honey will be finished and a new time of turmoil and uprising will come upon us. It will be a challenging and perilous time. The reason I say this is that it will be so bad that people will die of fear. Now I'm not saying this to scare you. I'm sure if you're honest with yourselves you can see the beginnings of this happening in front of your eyes. We are already facing shortages of some foods and energy is rising in price. It will soon become apparent to you that God is your only real option. When you realise that, you will have a decision to make. Confess your sins and believe on Jesus or reject Him and take your chances on my being a false prophet or, just plain wrong?

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