Tuesday, October 25, 2022

An Imperfect Christian


I often think if only people would hear the gospel and repent. I look around me and think what am I doing here? I pray for people and nothing seems to happen. That’s not entirely true a lot of my prayers are answered but some of them just seem to be on hold.

I must confess to being an imperfect Christian. It’s not uncommon you know. Many Christians, if not all Christians, are just people. Yes they believe on Jesus and read the Bible but despite what they may think they are not perfect. Actually, they may be in denial and not realising that they are not any different from other people and that there are non Christian people who are very generous, very loving, very philanthropic and very decent people.

The bible speaks of these people II Timothy 3:5 “Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” The apostle Paul is quite hard on these people but myself I am in awe of them. I am a Christian and have all of the blessings of God and yet my life is not perfect in any way. Instead of being spiritually and angel I feel my self to be a spiritual leper. There are many ordinary folk who live far more righteous lives than I do. If only they could believe on Christ and surrender their sins to Him. Imagine their potential as Christians.

I guess what it comes down to is that “If I can be a Christian, then anyone can be a Christian.” “If I can fellowship with God in Christ Jesus and my sins can be forgiven,” “Then anyone can be forgiven and inherit eternal life?”In fact, I John 1:9 says “ If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” This is a promise of God. I must say that I ask for this promise of God often myself.

However, it comes down to my preparedness to trust God and to surrender control of my life to Him. That my friends, is a work in progress. The question here is of trust and obedience to the will of God. Another question is how much of my will is in alignment with God’s will? If I’m honest we’re probably talking single digit percentages here.

So in the end it is about waiting on God. It is the realisation that He has a plan and only He can give me the power to be reformed in nature. Only through the work of the Spirit can I be holy and sanctified. In the end it is walking in the Spirit not the flesh. It is only possible if God sanctifies me as He justified me through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. And so it falls to each man, and woman, to take up their cross and follow the Savior, Jesus Christ. Who is Lord of All.

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