Monday, October 10, 2022

Woe unto those who say evil is good and good is evil...

I guess most people have heard something of Critical Race Theory, George Soros and ANTIFA. Critical Race Theory basically views people in society as The Oppressors and The Oppressed.

The Oppressors are those who have the greatest amount of power in society because they are born into the dominant discourse. Their class naturally have control of society and dominate resource management and decision making to their ultimate benefit. Because they are The Oppressors they can have no knowledge of what it is to be The Oppressed. Therefore they must be opposed, marginalized and cancelled. You’ve heard of Cancel Culture?

The Oppressed are the only ones in society that have knowledge of oppression. Only the oppressed can know truly how the evil the thinking of The Oppressor actually is and can criticise the actions of The Oppressor so that their ideas and policies can be excised and cancelled from culture and society as a whole.

Thus the focus of modern Communism is not on distribution of wealth but on controlling the individual citizens thought. On stating what people should think and making sure that they behave in a state proscribed manner. That a person is a good citizen. This is apparently the failing of Communism previously that it focused broadly on the wealth of the proletariat and distribution of resources rather than evolution, atheism and secular science as it applies to individual thought.

The greatest foe to modern Communism is the white man and the Christian. Enshrined in the thinking of European race and Christians is all that is oppressive, discriminatory and intolerant. What’s more the Pakeha European or Christian is born into this oppressive mindset and cannot be liberated of it.

The Oppressed on the other hand because of their victimisation are born into an understanding mindset that has the true knowledge of what needs to change in society to develop a tolerant and understanding society. What’s more the more types of oppression you undergo the more wisdom you are said to have acquired. For instance the trans-gender, black woman has far more knowledge of oppression than the white gay man because she naturally has more perspectives of oppression.

I don’t know very much about George Soros other than he is inordinately wealthy and is said to support the cause of Socialism globally. It is also said that he has created groups like ANTIFA around world as a paramilitary support to Communist Activists with the ultimate aim of promoting Marxist government in many countries. Ultimately the complete breakdown of global democracy and its replacement with Communism

ANTIFA in the United States seem to be well educated in socialist activism and the strategies they can use to intimidate free thinking citizens. They also seem to be a well trained paramilitary organisation with no qualms about beating verbally or physically anyone that opposes them.

So what is the underlying truth of all of this Critical Race Theory and the move toward an Atheist, Secular, Communist State? Well sixteen hundred years ago the Emperor Constantine is said to have replaced Paganism with Christianity. This was not entirely the case as Paganism simply continued to exist amongst Christianity and what the bible describes as the Mystery of Iniquity has continued unabated throughout the Church Age.

However, where true bible believing Christians have existed the hand of God has come down hard on Paganism and their agenda has been sorely pressed by the prayers and evangelism of faithful believers. It is fair to say they are somewhat irritated by this state of affairs and are seeking revenge against the Church.

It is also notable that the mainstays of secular socialism are rooted in Paganism. The LGBTQ+ movement comprising Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Trans-gender and Questioning which is a mainstay of activism in secular socialism is also woven into the fabric of Paganism. Worthy of mention is the political focus on abortion and euthanasia both of which existed in Pagan cultures in the past with infant sacrifice and senicide. However, with Paganism driven underground these groups have not been tolerated by the Church. Although they have flourished in certain areas of society all along.

Lately and In the background the New Age Movement has also infiltrated the Liberal Church drawing many Christians into Yoga; To seek spiritual Enlightenment; Inner Peace; Self as God and so forth. Outside of the Church this same movement has acted as vehicle for Wican, Spiritualism, Satanism and the Marshal Arts Movement to educate followers in New Age Philosophy in the same way as has been achieved in Liberal Christianity.

Meanwhile, Atheism, Secular Socialism and Critical Race Theory are a cover to bring back into greater society the stalwarts of Paganism (LGBTQ+). Where they were hidden in plain sight they are now overtly proud and visible. They are also the means to bring the proletariat under the power of the fledgling hammer of emerging Communism. Withe the intention to attack the Christian enemy and render them speechless and powerless.

This state of affairs coincides with a falling away from Christianity as Atheism and Paganism take hold in much of the world. This falling away was prophesied by Christ Jesus in Matthew 24 verse 10. It is important not to lose heart, though, because Jesus said this must happen before the time of the end, the judgement and His return to establish the Kingdom of God.

What I would leave you with is to advise you to “Keep the Faith.” In this time the Mystery of Iniquity believe that they will win the battle against the Living God, His son Christ Jesus and the Church. They believe that they are in control. However, just as in the past this is an illusion and Yahweh has the outcome of this war under control. Christians across the world just need to hold fast to the word of God and His promises while putting on the Full Armour of God and, making all prayer and supplication as it says in Ephesians chapter 6 verses 10 - 20. To restate my position Yahweh is in control and His will is to be played out as He has stated in the Word of God, to the glory of God.

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