Tuesday, May 12, 2020

What You Can’t Say

There is a Noam Chomsky quote that says it all for me. ““The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....”
So you can’t say that “The attack on the Twin Towers was a collusion within the American government.”
You can’t say that “Bill Gates is engineering virus’s as a part of a plot to reduce the World’s population in the face of resource poverty and climate change.”
And for that matter “That Climate Change is a lie created by the global elite to engender an environment to fast track a globalist World Government.”
You can’t say that there is “A movement to create a World Government that is a collusion of the global elite and a plethora of Luciferean Secret Societies.”
You can’t speak out by saying “Pagan practices like yoga and meditation are a part of mediumism and the occult.”
Folks really start to get angry if you say “God judged Christchurch NZ for the support that they have given the Wizard for all of these decades.” or pointing out that “The people of Christchurch didn’t come together to thank God after the September 4 2010 earthquake where there was no loss of life.”
You dear not quote Romans chapter one by saying “Homosexuality is an abomination before God.” for fear of prosecution under hate speech laws.
Obviously there are numerous other issues you dare not speak out against in this secular socialist society in which we live. It seems that Mr Chomsky is correct that there is strict control of the spectrum of acceptable opinion. So much we can’t say.

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