Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Being A Christian - The OS

I was reading a comment on a Facebook post this morning. The person made the statement that “She used to be a Christian but wasn’t one now.” Quite a lot of people flirt with Christianity and then drift away as life happens. Anyway it made me think about my own life as a Christian and what Christianity is really about?
Christianity is similar to a computer Operating System. In the Christianity model people are the hardware. As with most operating systems Christianity is meant to operate the hardware in an orderly and efficient manner. Christianity is not the same OS that the first humans had as Adam and Eve were created perfect and were in perfect harmony and union with God. Then an enemy inserted a virus called sin into the original OS and the system crashed resulting in humanity operating as separate modules using the flesh operating system. They were separated from God and their operating systems were ravaged by the sin virus.

God issued various patches to address the sin issue like the Law. It wasn’t until He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to bear the sin of the World on the Cross at Calvary that God was able to begin to restore the system to it’s original state. Where man is in harmony and union with God through Jesus Christ our Lord. In Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection God was able to cleanse the sin virus out of the humanity and reboot to the original operating system. A person has only to believe, have faith, in Jesus Christ that he paid the price for their sin and they are cleansed and restored to a personal relationship with God.

The restoration of the individual operating system doesn’t happen all at once. It happens over our life time as we begin to recognize the sin fortresses that we are still holding on to and surrender them to God. God also sent the Holy Spirit to live in us and to administer the process of restoration in out hearts and minds. The Christianity operating system is focused on restoring us to communion with God.

Now I want to double down on the point that Christianity is meant to restore us to a loving relationship with God and we are meant to be good and righteous people living good and righteous lives. Many Christians dig up a bunch of worldly junk and attach it to their version of Christianity. They make religion out of it and seek to blame folks and pretend to know what God thinks as they assure other’s that God is judging them based on their interpretation of scripture and so fourth.

Christianity is about you and your relationship with God. If you believe on His Son, Jesus Christ, you will not perish but will receive eternal life. If you ask Jesus to come into your heart he will begin a process of restoration as the Holy Spirit reveals His nature in you. He will cleanse you of sin and remake you a son or daughter of God. That’s the purpose of the Christianity operating system. To renew and restore you to the original state putting you into constant communion with God in Christ Jesus.

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