Tuesday, May 12, 2020

It’s all in how you sell it.

People often ask why people do such terrible things to each other? As a Christian it comes back to how Satan deceived man in the Garden of Eden. The first thing he said to Eve was “Did God not say you cannot eat of the trees of the Garden.” It was a lie and a deceit. Eve almost responded with child like contempt. “No God said we may eat of all of the trees of the garden except the tree in the middle of the Garden and that if we eat of that tree we will certainly die.” See what the devil was doing here. He planted a seed of doubt in Eve’s mind about the character of God. Then in a masterstroke he pounced saying “You will most certainly not die, for God knows if you eat of the fruit of the tree you will be like God, knowing good from evil.” So he persuaded Eve by misleading her about the character of God and the consequences of disobedience. Eve may not have died physically that day but she died spiritually and set the scene for the death of all creation on Earth.
The model of deception the devil used on Adam and Eve is the same one he has used on all of mankind right down through the ages. He led mankind to the flood, to the Tower of Babel, to the worship of false gods and infiltrated God’s people to lead them in to paganism and away from God. He infiltrated the Church from the start and all the time he targets important parts of the faith and raises a man up to insert a false truth to lead believers in the wrong direction and away from God. 
It is no surprise then he has developed an opposing narrative to the Word of God in societies across the world and down the timeline of man’s history. That where God has said “I am the Lord your God and you shall have no gods before me.” Satan has said “Worship which ever God’s you see fit, so long as you worship me.” Where God has said “Love your neighbor as you love yourself.” Satan has said “Only the fit shall survive.” And “Do as you will and let no man stand against you as you kill and plunder and wreak chaos on the World.” 
So it is when we see the terrible atrocities inflicted on innocent lives by others. Crimes which really have no logic in them. Evil done for the sake of wickedness. We can know that as Jesus said in the parable of the Tares and the Wheat. An enemy has done this! The very means Satan has used to dupe and deceive humanity is founded in lies and deceit. The art of salesmen-ship. It is definitely what he says but it is also how he says it, that makes men believe his lies. Lies like “One race is inferior to another.” or “Disabled children should be killed in the womb.” As our Lord has said “He was a murderer from the start.
So why do people do wicked things to other innocent people. Because Satan has feed them a diet of lies and innuendo. He has mixed in hatred and brutality along with a spirit of rebellion to destroy the peace and safety of the world. So today more than at any time in the Church Age. It is as it was in the days of Noah. The hearts of those who hate Yahweh Elohim seek only wickedness continually. The reason? Well it comes down to the actions of the most malevolent salesman that Creation has ever known. It’s all in how you sell it.

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