Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Where in the World Are We...

OK so you don’t like conspiracy theories. You don’t want to hear about religion. You’re all about science now and you don’t need God. But this covid virus thing has got your attention. The environment is a bit of a worry and climate change is a big concern for you. Hopefully they’ll have a viable vaccine for Covid soon.
So this conspiracy theory thing. Hmmm... Now what do you think the future is going to look like? How are we going to fix the environment. You know stop the depletion of the worlds forests and clean up the oceans. Stop the mining and extraction of fossil fuels. Conserve the finite resources of planet Earth. Clean up all the pollution. 
You may not believe me but someone has a plan. Ever hear of the Georgia Guide Stones. They were erected at Elbert County, Georgia, USA in 1980 by Elberton Granite on behalf of one Robert C. Christian. They state the following: 
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.  Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.
Now, I bet you are asking what has this to do with anything and I would agree with you it just seems like mostly common sense reasoning. If you watch a bit of Star Trek the Guidestones aren’t too different. They seem to hope for a more peaceful and rational future where mankind gradually over time reduces the size of Earths population and establishes a more sensible interaction with the living world. Allowing nature to regenerate because a much smaller population will have much lighter demands on the planet.
The problem is that the impact of humanity on the Earth’s environment needs drastic and immediate intervention. If we believe the heralds of environmental doom, people like Al Gore. Then the planet and the environment are in peril and we don’t have time to gradually adjust humanity to correct the catastrophe that is about to descend upon us as a result of Climate Change.
In 1992 the global elite came together in Rio de Janeiro to form a global action plan to reshape human society to reverse the process of Climate Change and avert catastrophe. When they met in 1992 they hoped to have implemented that change by 2021. Over time it became obvious that they would need more time. It was initially decided to allow until 2050 but the elite meet again in 2015 and decided to push on with Agenda 21 renamed Agenda 30. They are  aiming to have it in place by 2030. Hence we now have Agenda 2030.
The changes will be substantial indeed. It is intended to reduce the World’s population to 500 million by the agreed deadline. The government structure will most closely resemble left wing socialism and the societal change will most resemble the Leninist USSR. In that private ownership of land will be done away with as will single family homes. As I understand it the vision for the United States of America is to reduce the population to 66 million in six cities of 11 million people. There will be no rural communities and the native forests will be allowed to regenerate out of bounds to humanity. Food for the population will be grown in five story sheds under orange light.
So we are talking about drastic change in the next ten years. If the Global Elite are to achieve a reduction of 7.4 billion souls in nine years. Can you imagine what they need to do to make that happen. If these people are to go through with this plan of theirs it will make Hitlers Holocaust look like a Sunday School Picnic.
Now I know you don’t believe in conspiracy theories. We’ve been through that already. But you can see that they have been getting things ready to roll if you just think about. We’ve got a global pandemic on our hands. One that has brought a global response coordinated by the World Health Organization. In very short order every country in the World has declared lock downs on their people and regional states of emergency. Exactly as the Georgia Guide-stones described it. “Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.” So the nations implement the global laws but have a mandate from the World Court or in this case the WHO.
Remember the killing spree by the lone gunman against Islam in Christchurch. How has that been handled by the Government. Well the Guide-stones say “Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason. The New Zealand government led by Ms Jacinda Ardern was compassionate and considerate toward the Moslem folk affected by the terrorist event. But one wonders whether the plan was based on a bigger picture to usher in state control of religion by depicting faith and tradition as the pursuit of the unreasoned. Christians and social conservatives certainly have had pause to wonder over the last few years.
What I’m pointing out to you is that there is actual global change a foot. It seems that events are pointing to the establishment of a World Government and that the statements chiseled on the Georgia Guidestones are central themes of the Global Elite. It is worth noting that many people are saying that the world will be the same again after the Covid 19 pandemic.
So where in the World are we? I think personally that we are in the time of birth pangs described by Jesus in the book of Matthew chapter twenty four or perhaps the early days of what the Bible terms the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. As you may have perceived, I am a bible believing Christian and my recommendation to anyone is that they repent of their sins and and ask Christ Jesus to come into their hearts. I believe it is time to get right with God friends. Something is in the Wind. Whatever you think most agree post Covid the World will have changed.
 Reference List
Agenda 21: Central planning on steroids: Global warming believers unmasked by Climategate

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