Saturday, May 2, 2020

The Sin Continuum

I don’t know how you feel but I’ve really been wondering of late. Just what motivates the decision making of our leaders. I can’t understand the love affair that secular politicians have with Islam. They just can’t bend over far enough to accommodate them. Even though Islam is so conservative as to make conservative Christianity seem positively pliable.
Anyone who knows much about Islam understands that the religion has absolutely no compassion for the position of women in society. Islam is completely intolerant of gay issues and other religions. It has a program for the conversion of nations into caliphates which takes the long view in terms of achieving dominance over the centuries that it takes to establish its position into one of control.
To warm to Islam is irrational and at the very least unwise if you intend to retain some form of freedom and democracy. So why has this irrational and unduly emotional attitude that seems to pervade politics and the media in the West become the dominant agenda. Any form of conservative comment on secular issues is shot down in the media and those responsible are made the victims of intense character assassination.
The government are quick to threaten hate speech laws if there is any intolerance toward their political darlings. The LGTBQ movement, the abortion law reform bill, the euthanasia bill, feminism or any attempt to point out a lack of morality on behalf of the Liberal Progressives in general. With Covid 19 even the press are not immune from bully boy tactics at the Prime Ministers office. Interestingly this censure does not apply to Islam.
Thinking back to my parents generation they wouldn’t have tolerated any of the current liberal thinking. They seemed to understand the danger of the shifting of societies moral compass. They noticed things going on around them and were not slow in expressing an opinion about something that they suspected wasn’t right. Family members frequenting places that were known to be dens of iniquity. Folks who were into tarot reading or seances were noted and generally avoided. Even in those days though there were liberal people who cried foul when those who were participating in drunken cavorting and carousing or occultism were called out for it by conservative folk.
Fifty years on though the secular and liberal progressive agenda has taken the dominant position and claimed the moral high ground. You are immoral if you find any fault with someone who is doing whatever they want. Regardless of how wicked the thing that they are doing happens to be. It doesn’t matter if its LGBTQ, abortion or euthanasia the global elite are going to protect their darlings from righteousness and a sound moral code whatever the cost.
So how can we make sense of this crazy, irrational and morally bereft agenda that the progressives are attempting to foist upon the world. I think the easiest way to describe it is to think of a continuum that stretches from the glory of God and all that is righteous on one side to the sinful wickedness of Satan and the fallen angels in their darkest evil unrighteousness on the other side. Now where the mark on that continuum used to be well toward righteousness and God in the past.It has moved on a global scale toward evil and unrighteousness today.
The result is that where we had a conservative majority in the West fifty years ago. We now have a liberal progressive majority today. Where rational thought, sanity and righteousness were in abundance then. Irrational thought, insanity and unrighteousness are in abundance today. Whereas the unrighteous couldn’t truck with the right minded in the past we find that we the righteous can’t truck with the wrong minded in our time.
If you find yourself wondering at the decisions that the politicians make and the promises that they don’t even seem to try and keep. Election lies every election cycle. At some point you have to wake up to the truth. A truth that says they are they are not failing to keep those promises because they can’t or because they are seemingly incompetent. They are not making bad decisions because of circumstances that make a decision the only one they could make. No! They are making them because they don’t think the same way as you do and the decisions they make are right in their sight. Proverbs 14 verse 12 says “There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.”
The ruling elite are on the wrong side and the End of the Age is fast approaching. The time forecast in God’s Word as a time of judgment that if it were not cut short no one would survive. So my conclusion dear friends is that all of mankind needs to Repent of their Sin and in the name of God’s only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, ask that He forgive them and make His place in their hearts. The bible says it is given for all men to die once and then the judgment. You don’t want to face the Second Death when it is too late to change your mind. Too late to repent.

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