Monday, June 10, 2019

Tribalism from Secularism

I was watching Breakfast TV this morning and John Campbell interviewing a psychologist about what amounts to the polarisation of attitudes in our society. The discussion seemed to be commenting on the tribal nature of mankind and how secularism is developing more and more distance between the tribes. The psychologist was saying how we need to draw larger circles around other groups to include them rather than confronting them.
I have to say I hadn’t thought about secularism leading to tribalism but it is a definite concern. With powerful groups like the LGBTQ, Feminists and the Greens becoming more dominant and less tolerant of other groups attitudes. For example the Neoconservatives, Climate Change Resistors and Christians. It is becoming increasingly possible that society may begin to degenerate into violence and chaos or worse head into totalitarian government. 
I say this because the one factor that actually helped people to be more inclusive in the past was the number of bible believing Christians that were spread throughout society. The secularists rail against Christians as being intolerant and backward thinking but in reality when society was more Christian it was safer, more peaceful and definitely more tolerant. Christians didn’t used to ram the gospel down others throats as it were. The general attitude was each to his own in terms of religion and philosophy. As there is today so in the past there were evangelistic Church meetings in order to bring the gospel to potential new converts but on the whole a person’s belief was their own business.
Within the circle that was life in a Christian nation there was real stability. People could have free speech and live in freedom and at peace. My opinion is that we need to repent and head back to Jesus Christ as a nation. Calamity is looming and it is not only Christians who can see it. As Mr Campbell and the psychologist were noting on BreakfastTV there is much more polarisation at this time. However if we want to draw a bigger circle to include all facets of society we need to turn back to God.
We need to think of how God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, that whosoever believes on him shall not perish but inherit eternal life. We need to understand that we are not alone in needing his forgiveness. Romans 3:10 “There is none righteous, not even one.” Romans 3:23 “For all have sinned and all fall short of the glory of God.” Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” So won’t you believe on him that your sins may be forgiven and that you may receive the free gift of God which is eternal life Christ Jesus our Lord?

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