Saturday, June 1, 2019

Important Things

We live in a time as Christians when secular humanism is ushering in a return to Paganism. It is hard to share the gospel in this environment where peoples hearts are hardened and they don’t want to hear the truth of Salvation In Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God.
Many of our children are living in households where the people they are living with are not their parents. Often they are not well cared for and live in abject poverty. Occult practices are not uncommon in secular society and pagan doctrine is more available than is wise. 
This is all evidence that our country is heading in the wrong direction. When we follow the teachings in the bible and adhere to Jesus Christ as our Savior. When we repent and pray to the Lord our God, Jehovah. Then God will bless our nation and our people will prosper and our children will be blessed. We will not struggle to find employment for our people or to educate our children in the nation’s schools.
My friends if our country continues in its current path then we are moving into a time of darkness that will make the dark ages seem relatively tame. When we combine the turbulence already in society with the weather and other events prophesied in the bible. Then it will be a time no one wants to experience.
John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes on Him shall not perish but will inherit eternal life. Maybe it’s time to think about this scripture and to kneel in prayer asking the Most High to forgive your sins and to make his place in your heart."

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The Rapture

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