Saturday, June 22, 2019

I Wonder what Dad Would Have Thought: The Day of the Nazarene

We live in strange times. A large part of our nation has largely become extremely Communist leaning. By this I mean secular humanist in emphasis. Anti-Christian and supportive of every form immorality and capable of displaying childlike naivety in regard to the future impact of Islam on our nation while at the same time showing breathtaking intolerance toward Christians or even center right politicians.
The left also appears to have a roadmap of what future New Zealand society should look like. It would appear to be Women in charge, Islam the key faith, LGBTQ+ in positions of power, Vegan the diet of the country and Yoga the exercise philosophy of the nation. Natural products the way of life.
So what’s wrong with that I hear you say sounds tolerant and probably healthier than what we have now. There is nothing wrong with any of that provided Jehovah and Jesus of Nazareth, His only begotten Son are worshiped as Lord of Lords and King of Kings (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Provided that the bible is the main source of wisdom in the nation. 
Not Islam, not the Quran, nor the philosophy of secular humanism nor, the theory of evolution or, Buddhism, Yoga or Vegetarianism. Why do I say this? Because to follow these religions is to turn your back on God and as soon as a nation turns away from God that nation will begin to be judged and to experience the consequences of their error. 
What would my Dad and his generation think? They would be horrified for the folly of the consequences that this generation is bringing on themselves. All that they went through to protect you during the Second World War squandered in disobedience to Jehovah. Immorality and depravity as far as the eye can see and socialism the major tenant of society. They would be angry because they would have known that an evil society is a weak society. If it doesn’t fall apart by itself then it will fall victim to a morally stronger neighbor or to a movement like Islam that will conquer it and reform it into a more conservative regime. Both of which would be disastrous to the mainly Christian democracy they left us.
You can chastise me or unfriend me for speaking this plain truth to you. You can accuse me of hate speech if you want. To me the reality is that for whatever reasons many of us choose not to listen to Jehovah or to reject the gospel that Christ Jesus bore our sins upon the cross and with his shed blood paid the sacrifice in our place. Such that if we believe on him we will not perish but will inherit eternal life.
All I can say to you is that I serve Jesus of Nazareth. I can only tell you of Christ crucified and beseech that you listen. I ask that you see his open arms toward you and the love for you in his eyes. Please ask him to forgive yours sins that you might receive him into your heart and that your life might uplifted and healed in power of His glory. 
This is my prayer for you. Let your answer to Jesus of Nazareth be yes. Let him heal and restore you and bring his wonderful grace into your heart. Let this happen not just for you but let it become a wave of salvation that sweeps our nation and leave it greater in every way than it has ever been in the past. That a great turning back to Jehovah begins in New Zealand, here and today.
In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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