Saturday, March 23, 2019

What Just Happened...

The Christchurch Mosques Shooting has been a watershed moment in the history of New Zealand. The nation showcased what a true secular liberal democracy should be in the face a terror event which targeted the most vulnerable ethnic group in that society. There was an outpouring of love for the families of the victims of the most heinous kind of hate crime that anyone could perpetrate. The whole country pulled together to wrap around the Muslim community and to show that we love and support them regardless of what may have happened in the past. It was a truly laudable effort.
From a Christian perspective the response to the shootings was classic “Love Your Neighbor as You Love Yourself.” Which is exactly the response that was required and everyone in the country was completely in accord with that. We Kiwi don’t stand on ceremony. It doesn’t matter who you are we’ll take you in and do our best to get you back on your feet. It might not be popular to say so but that comes from the Christian values that were so strong in this land through the twentieth century.
Of concern to Christians in particular was the decision of the Government to invite an Interfaith group to pray as strangers on the floor of the Debating Chamber with the Members of Parliament. Then subsequent to this, as a part of a national prayer vigil, Imam Nizam ul haq Thanvi was asked to deliver a call to prayer. The call to prayer is well known to anyone familiar with Islam and includes the statement “There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the messenger of God.” I’m sure this is probably of little consequence to people of a secular liberal background. However, to Christians this is something we never thought to see in New Zealand and certainly not with so little warning.
When the current Government came into power the speaker made a decision to omit the name of Jesus Christ from the daily opening prayer and the Prime Minister Ms. Ardern did not use the Holy Bible at her swearing in ceremony. Now lets face it Protestant Christianity is not the bastion it once was in this country so when the government makes these kinds of decision we can only see them as the writing on the wall and accept them with some sadness and regret as we contemplate what it means for the future. We were probably thinking that the separation of Church and State was being the likely driving force? But when an Interfaith group consisting of representatives from Islamic, Jewish, Buddhist, Sikh, Hindu, Rātana, Catholic, Anglican and Presbyterian faiths and churches is invited to pray in the parliament of our once Christian nation. What are we to think? On top of this incredible turn of events an Imam is to deliver the call to prayer from Parliament for a national vigil. One is led to ask “What just happened here?”
I would propose that three major events played out through the Mosque Shootings.
  1. The new global terror is Far Right Extremism.
  2. The New World Religion entered the Global Arena in the NZ Parliament.
  3. Pope Francis’s peace accord with Islam was officially showcased to the World.
So what are the ramifications from this very public introduction of these three global policies. Already the Far Right are in the media if in a relatively insignificant way with Mosques in Birmingham England receiving external damage from a man with a sledge hammer. Far Right are the aggressor and as in Christchurch, Muslim are the victims. It would seem that a change is being affected in the media.
The ramifications of the New World Religion entering the New Zealand Parliament are going to be far more significant than it would at first seem from what happened over the Mosque Shootings. Basically it hails the end of the separation of Church and State. From here on we are going to see a lot more of the New World Religion Interfaith teams intervening in Western Democracies and in World events globally at the highest level. Admittedly, I think they’ll start small as the launch of the New World Religion isn’t scheduled until next year along with the roll out of the New World Order (Global Government). 
The peace accord between the Catholic Church and Islam means that Islam and Catholicism are now side by side even in the Western Democracies. For the Catholic Church this is the fruition of five hundred years of hard work by the Jesuits to finally bring down the domination of the Protestant Church and open the door for Church and State to become one again. It would doubtless please Rome to be able to enact Papal annates on the many Protestant territories that haven’t paid them for centuries if in the case of various colonies, ever. To put it succinctly Rome is back and by Rome I mean pagan Rome. 
We are witnessing the reversal of Constantine’s Christianising of Pagan Rome. Interfaith brings Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hindu, Islam, Judaism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism and Zoroastrianism into a global world religion. This is fulfillment of centuries of work behind the scenes of organisations like the Theosophical Society and the Lucis Trust who have been working quietly to promote a return to paganism. Although Christianity has joined this movement they are not in general bible believing Christians and will accept the Pope as head of the Church and the coming New World Order. We are witnessing the paganisation of Christianity and the return of the Dark Ages. In Short the end of the Age of Grace.
My advice to bible believing Christians is keep your head down unless you feel called by Jehovah to do otherwise. Don’t write angry and insulting letters to the prime minister or whatever other radical things you were contemplating. This is the End Time and these things must take place before the Son of Man will return. Matthew 24:6 And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. KJV The real focus of the Remnant is to get the gospel out there, live right and pray with all of your being for the good of the Church and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit of God. 
So Remember live holy, and preach John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” KJV Lets win those souls to Jesus Christ! God Bless you all in these the last days. Come Quickly Lord Jesus.
Reference List 
All Bible Verses from and King James Version
Interfaith Online. World Religions. 24.03.19
Pope Francis Signs Agreement with Imam, Heading Closer to One-World Religion 24.03.19
The Editors Encyclopaedia Britannica. Annates tax 24.03.19
Vandermillen C. Pope Francis Signs Agreement with Imam, Heading Closer to One-World Religion. 24.03.19

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