Saturday, March 9, 2019

Don't Look At ME...

I ended up having the conversation again this morning. The one that says you’re a Christian and you have the worst attitude toward someone we all know. The conversation that says “There you are splashing articles about Faith on Social Media and pretending to be Super Christian.” My response is “I already know that I’m not a good Christian.” “Far from it in fact.” 
Actually I’m the analyst and the critic and in world where people have heard a constant diatribe of positivity and they don’t take criticism well, at all. If you want to make someone frown then critique their work. They generally don’t want to hear it these days. There is no great appetite for reality when it applies to individual achievement.
Back to Christianity and me. I’m unchurched. I have never in my life as a Christian, about fifty three years, spent more than a couple of years devoting time to Church. Two of those years were as a youngster at Boarding School. I loved that time because the denomination was Anglican and the pastor was a man called Cannon Sergal who was a lovely Christian man with a vast knowledge of the bible. He could weave good sermons based on personal experience and theological knowledge. 
The rest of the time I could never find somewhere that I fit. As an analyst I tend to be opinionated and I am also quite a political character. I always felt I’d cause mayhem and so I steered clear. I guess there is an element of the half converted to me as well. I tend to have a rich use of the English language at times and I don’t think the fine sensibilities of the good Christian folk in Churches would cope with me. Then it would only be a matter of time until I upset someone and ended up getting thrown out of the establishment. Therefore I haven’t worried with the notion of being a great Church goer. Most Christians would say that God expects me to go to Church and they are right but I don’t so there we have it.
What is comes down to is the reason that I splash my Christianity on Social Media and where ever else that I can is not because of my being such a fine Christian. It is because I have faith in the one living God. Jehovah Elohim. That faith informs me that the only thing that matters in this life is the decision that every person that is alive today will make about God. So it comes down to either accepting God or rejecting God. Choose salvation in the redemptive work Jesus Christ on the cross and his payment for your sin debt and receive eternal life. Or! Reject the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and suffer the eternal fire and the second death.
So I’d love to be a fine Christian and all but I’m not. That’s not the point. The point is:


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