Saturday, March 30, 2019

There's a Storm Coming

What a tumultuous couple of weeks. A terrorist attack in New Zealand. A change of focus on who perpetrates terror in this World. The endorsement of a Papal Covenant between the two greatest religious organisations of all time. Police carrying weapons full time in New Zealand. All of this talk about hate speech and the Deputy Prime Minister being called to stand down for his comments about Islam in the past. The World Religion in our Parliament.
Then the questions? Why a change from Islam to Far Right Terror? What are the ramifications of the agreement between Catholicism and Islam? Why do Police need to carry weapons full time? Why this sudden clamp down on freedom of speech? What is the World Religion?
I would put forward that there was never Islamic Terror in the first place. The Al Qaeda movement and the Isis movement were both funded by government sources. The West had a hand in it and obviously Saudi Arabia were almost openly supportive of these two Sunni Islamic groups. Oh they may not have acknowledged it publicly but the connections were not deeply buried. Then there was Iran and the Shia groups of the Taliban and Hezbollah locked in conflict with the West and Israel. These are not really terrorist groups they are actually well resourced Commando Armies.
On the other hand we have Far Right Fascism which to a large extent is only a populist group. Certainly after World War Two they could have been considered an army but these days the more militaristic part of the organisation is embedded in the global economy and the guys on the coal face tend to be isolated extremists. There is little doubt that the rise of Islam will galvanise the resolve of the Far Right and I doubt there is much the government can do to stop that should they genuinely attempt to douse the flames. So it is reasonably certain that there will be more unrest in our immediate future.
I think the ramifications of the Covenant between Catholicism and Islam will see an immediate increase in the immigration of Islam through out the West. Especially, given that there was a huge displacement of Muslim people from Syria into Europe in recent years. It follows that those people are looking to settle around the West. So, with the new agreement rebranding Islam as friend rather than foe. Why not Australia or New Zealand as a new homeland for this displaced peoples? Just musing here.
And of course with all of this immigration the freedom of speech was always going to be a liability. Islam is not known for its tolerance toward other religions and fascism is the response of the disenfranchised in Christian nations toward other faiths perceived to be benefiting at the expense of the majority. Therefore it is important for the media and authorities to control the language that is permitted in society about Islam and of course other secular minorities. Hence the almost draconian move to call out anyone that speaks against the current excessively positive rhetoric about the Christchurch shootings.
The Police in New Zealand are now armed at all times. This was supposedly for a short time while we are on a high alert status for more terror. However, it appears that with each new small event the Police may well extend the period of arms carrying. So, if every few days the Police dig up a new lead to terror will they continue to carry arms? It begs the question “What is going on here behind the scenes?” Is a period of totalitarian rule beginning in our little piece of paradise? Is freedom of speech under threat with anyone who questions the motives of those in power now going to be under the scrutiny of the law. Is this the new normal in New Zealand? I hope not.
I’m seeing a lot rhetoric in the media about a range of religious issues. Yoga in all it’s guises is at epidemic proportions and is in essence pure Buddhist teaching as is meditation or mindfulness. Martial Arts are also incredibly popular and involve mind control techniques. Of course Islam is being promoted as the religion of peace and tolerance which you don’t have to do much research on it to find that, that claim is possibly stretching the definition somewhat. Paganism is everywhere and nowhere is it stronger than in the constant barrage of Marvel Universe movies and the trailers that are plastered across the screens of the nations televisions. Religious change is now almost continuous in this time as is the move away from Christianity. 
My friends, a time of change is upon us as we witness the rapid demise of Christianity globally and the ascension of every other type of religion. In the bible II Thessalonians chapter two verse three says this “Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition...” Thus this rather depressing falling away has to come for the end of the age to come and for our Lord Jesus Christ to return.
Now, as I said earlier in this piece. I’m just musing and these are simply the best guesses of an aging Christian skeptic given the facts as I perceive them. If you watch the media you’ll notice lots of clues that added together suggest something is coming. There is little doubt, in my mind, that these are the last days of this age but the other assertions that I have made are just that, assertions. Food for thought. I think “A Storm is Coming.” 
All Scripture reproduced from 

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