Friday, March 8, 2019


When I was four years old I remember walking down the tanker track toward the farm dairy, one summer day, with my older brother and my Dad. My brother was sixteen and had recently become a Christian. He was newly converted, full of enthusiasm and curiosity about God’s word and doctrines. They were talking animatedly about Christian things and Dad was explaining something to him.
After all of these years. It was nineteen sixty four after all. I can’t remember exactly what the conversations were all about. The two of them seemed to really enjoy talking about Christianity and Dad seemed very knowledgeable about the bible and very willing to support Douglas in his walk as a young believer. I used to tag along with them to listen in and one time I asked Dad if he believed in Jesus. He said that he did and I said “I believe in Jesus too.” That was when I first believed. I’ve been a believer in Jesus Christ ever since. Never missed a day. This is a precious memory because Dad passed away only three years later in nineteen sixty seven. 
It just shows how important sharing your faith is as a Christian. You never know who will be touched by the Holy Spirit and brought into the family of God because of you testimony. Even your own children can be reached without your ever meaning to win them to Christ. Your personal witness is such a powerful tool in the service of God. 
Dad was a good father and a good farmer but wouldn’t have been remembered for his strong Christian witness necessarily. However, when he earnestly shared his faith and knowledge with his children. He was able to help one son go on to a life of commitment to winning souls to Jesus Christ and the other son (me). He won to Christ. Not a bad effort all in all.
Testimony folks. It’s what it’s all about.

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