Sunday, March 3, 2019

The Story of Man

I was watching the last minutes of the movie Wonder Woman today and got the jist of the tale being told. Wonder Woman was involved with the last events in WW1. No pun intended. The Germans had developed a powerful chemical bomb that they were going to use to win the war for Germany.

Wonder Woman ended up in a battle with the German commanding officer who wasn’t entirely a normal human being. She won in the end of course but who should turn up then but the God of War, Ares himself. Spewing a story of human failure he recited a story of woe about how mankind had ruined the Earth with wars and over population but he was the only God who could see it. Turns out he had been inciting wars for thousands of years in an attempt to shape the future and eventually wipe out humanity. He had finally developed a weapon capable of doing the job and was about to use it.
A battle ensued between Ares and Wonder Woman and Chris Pine managed to get aboard the bomber carrying the bomb and after securing the aircraft he neutralised the bomb by detonating it short of the target area. Ares had the best of the battle with Wonder Woman but she discovered the difference between him and her. Love was her motivation and was much more powerful as an emotion and force that hatred. This turned the tide and she was able to defeat Ares. Subsequently Wonder Woman settled with humanity and took up and alias whereby she could be a protector of mankind through the ages. Entrance Marvel Universe and the Justice League on the path to the future of mankind and the distant future.

The battle for the hearts and minds of mankind in our time is defined within the context of the Hollywood Entertainment Industry and its fusion with Pagan World Religion (Babylon), and of course includes the New World Order and all of the cartel named in the Bible as the Mystery of Iniquity or Mystery Babylon. We are living in a time when many people cannot tell the difference between reality and fiction.

In paganism there are many gods and goddess’s and many different myths and legends across a vast array of nations. There is a common thread loosely speaking that the Gods and Goddess’s gave birth to mankind or created mankind to worship them. There are those that bare similarity to the Christian version of creation as well, for example the Maori version where the God Tanematua formed the woman first of red ochre and breathed life into her.

In Greek mythology Prometheus is said to have brought about the creation of men and there are said to be five ages of man. First the Golden Age where men were honourable and lived long lives. In the bible this age equated to the line of Seth in the pre-flood era. Next came the Silver Age where man was not so honourable and didn’t live as long as the first era. Equating to the mmediately post flood era where the bible describes man living to great age but not as long as those of the line of Seth in the pre-flood era.

Then came the third age bronze age of the time of the middle kingdom in Egypt and of the Hittites and Babylon of Nebuchadnezzar day. These were warlike men with armour and even houses of bronze. They worshipped the God of War – Ares. You know of the infamous God of War seeking the destruction of mankind in the Wonder Woman movie. Who believed that man was only capable of dishonourable deeds, are greedy and foolish and ultimately only destructive and guilty of the destruction of the Earth.

Fourth came the Age of Heroes. The demigods like Achilles and Hercules. Men and women of great renown who fought great battles and performed great deeds. For instance, Achilles slaying Hector in the battle for Troy and his own subsequent demise because of the arrow through his heel. Greek mythology says that Zeus created the demigods to restore the glory of earlier years. There does not seem to be a specific mention of the heroes in the bible as far as I am aware. Men of great renown are mentioned in the pre-flood times and Nimrod of the post flood years seems to have been a larger that life type of man. However nothing is mentioned in the bible that lines up with the era around the time of the fall of Troy.

The last age is the Iron Age or the era that Christians would know as the Age of Grace. In mythology this is seen as a time when man is morally bankrupt and lives short meaningless lives. Zeus is going to come back and destroy mankind as he did in the past. This age matches well with scripture and fits in well with the dream of Nebuchadnezzar of the man with the Golden Head, the Silver Chest, The Brass Thighs, The Legs of Iron and Feet of Iron and Clay. The last two Iron Ages match the Greek Iron Age. Satan is indeed going to destroy a large part of mankind in a time of tribulation to come at the end of this age.

Now as Ares is arguing in the Wonder Woman movie “Is man really only capable of enmity and destruction and is that all he has ever done?” From a Christian point of view the answer is maybe. There is a conflict of universal proportions taking place and man is stuck in the middle of it. A major part of this conflict happened before man was even in existence when the archangel Lucifer (Satan), corrupted himself and began a work to corrupt the other angels in and effort to foment a rebellion against Jehovah Elohim (God). He and a third of the angels were defeated and expelled from heaven and were exiled to the Earth.

Jehovah Elohim began the six day creation work on Earth as detailed in the book of Genesis in the bible in chapters one and two. Adam and Eve were created and for a period of time were in constant harmony with Jehovah. Then Satan came and tempted (tested), them and they disobeyed Jehovah by eating of fruit of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. Their disobedience smashed their bond with Jehovah and lead to the dispensation of the Adamic Covenant which described the consequences of the Fall of Man and what man would need to do to be redeemed at that time.

In the aftermath of the Fall, Adam and Eve had children. Cain was the first born and Abel his younger brother. They were sacrificing offerings to Jehovah and Abel’s offering of meat was accepted and Cain’s offering of plants was not. This caused Cain to grow angry and he killed Abel. Ultimately, this lead to the formation of two lines of men. The line of Cain who have for the most part rejected Jehovah and aligned with Satan throughout human history and the line of Seth a younger progeny of Adam and Eve who took the place of Abel as a righteous man in alignment with the will of Jehovah.

Hence the battle lines were drawn on this universal conflict between the forces of Jehovah Elohim and the forces of Satan. Much harm and damage has been done to the Earth through the constant wars that Satan has made war against the people of God and Satan being the liar that he is has written and rewritten history to make it seem that the people of God are to blame for most things. He has also taken the economic high ground by placing the line of Cain in high positions of government and wealth control in the empires through the ages. In this way the devil is able to attack the children of Jehovah until today.

Don’t misunderstand me Jehovah hampers the devil at every turn too but it is continual conflict that will soon finally be resolved in great tribulation and the return of Jesus Christ the Messiah as described in the book of Daniel and the book of Revelation in the Bible. As to the answer “Is man only capable of destruction?” Satan is responsible for much of the destruction that we see in the world, today and throughout history. If man had not disobeyed Jehovah in the beginning the world would be a paradise even today and this would also be true if fallen man had followed God more closely through the ages. But they didn’t and fallen man has caused a lot of destruction because of Satan’s manipulation.

“Is the damage that has been done to the Earth all Mankind’s fault?” I know that I have in a large part answered this question but it is still important to raise it because Satan does. Satan hates Jehovah and he hates all of the creation that Jehovah brought into being as described in Genesis chapters one and two. Looking at the actions he has taken, throughout history, to pit man against man and to encourage mankind to devastate the Earth in war and in the name of technological development. Often for the purposes of war. It is obvious that he intends to destroy mankind and purge Earth of every last trace of the creation. I believe that he stands before Jehovah prosecuting the exact case that man is responsible for the ruin of the Earth and all of creation. It is therefore important to point out that Satan and his fallen angels are actually responsible for manipulating man to accomplish the devastation of the Earth and creation. It is also important to point out and that mankind has largely been and unwitting porn in the schemes of the devil. Keep in mind here that Jehovah knows this to be the case but many humans in our time believe Satan’s deceit in this matter and they vocally decry man as being guilty in this matter and point to Christianity in particular for the environmental ruin because they say we are not in harmony with nature.

A thought which leads nicely to our next question. “How have the works of Satan and paganism affected the course of human endeavour.” Paganism is portrayed the group of religions that man first believed from an anthropological perspective on the evolutionary journey from the earlier primates to Neanderthal Man and on to Modern Man. It is theorised amongst secular scientists that it is man’s natural response to the world around him and a way in which he dealt with naturally arising fear and anxiety. Now scientists would never admit to a spiritual dynamic that caused man to react in the way of the pagan religions and inspired the pagan rituals including human sacrifice. But those involved in paganism would not necessarily need physical evidence to help them reach a conclusion that there was something real in it and some scientists might also become pagans.

So how has paganism affected the course of human endeavour? If you take the scientific perspective then paganism is simply a necessary part of human evolution. We are where we are today in no small part due to the religious practises of our ancestors. As a Christian I would see paganism as the religion of Naturalism and the worship of forces of nature which lead to creation of God entities other than God. It has and is leading men into the breaking of the Second Commandment: Exodus chapter 20 verses 4 -5 You shall not make for yourself an idol of any kind, or an image of anything in the heavens above, on the earth beneath, or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them...” Paganism when ever it has arisen has lead mankind in rebellion against Jehovah and caused them to fall into darkness, debauchery and hedonism. Mankind before the great flood of Genesis chapter six and Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis chapter nineteen were biblical examples of this actually taking place. a Babylon in Nimrod’s time (Genesis chapter eleven), and later in Nebuchadnezzar’s time (The Book of Daniel), and Assyria in the time of Shalmaneser (2Kings chapter seventeen). Nations and epochs described in the Bible where men were caught up in the worship of idols in paganism. Times when ritual atrocities rose as a stench unto the most high Jehovah Elohim. Times when mankind was devolving into the worst kind of demonic activity and depravity seeking only God’s Judgement in the end.

My last question is “Why has Satan strived so hard to hide the truth about man and creation from us?” Throughout history Satan has used his pagan religious organisations to garner influence and foster power with the aim of controlling how and what history records and rewriting outcomes to suit his own agenda. An example of this is how Rome described the Ancient Vaudois Church as the Waldenses and Albigenses in order to convince the World that the Vaudois Church is not the unbroken descendants of the Apostolic Church but rather the much more recent creation of Peter Waldo of Lyon in 1173AD. If the Vaudois were demonstrably the Apostolic Church then Rome would be the usurper. So you see their motivation.

In more recent times Satan has sort to gather up all of the archaeological evidence which would give support to the bible account of mankind. For instance the skeletons of giants are known to have commonly existed in the recent past but are now extremely rare to find. So the answer to this question is that Satan seeks to discredit the Christian perspective on the history of mankind and has continually sort to write history as he wants it to be recorded not to provide the truth. He does not wish to face the inconvenience of the truth so he changes the truth to be what he says it is.

Coming back to Wonder Woman and the Marvel Universe it is also fair to say that Satan has developed a powerful global entertainment empire to brainwash mankind with his version of imaginary history. There is very much that is true, evil and dangerous in that entertainment in that it contains a lot of information about how magic and the dark side works. It contains a lot of information about paganism and naturalism. It is very dangerous and very seductive to the uninitiated and a very efficient way of programming future soldiers of the coming world government.

Reference List

All scriptures from Modern English Version and New American Standard Bible.

Encyclopaedia Britannica. (Eds). Achilles Greek mythology. 03.03.19

Mythology of Ancient Greece. Five Ages of Man (by Hesiod)

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