Saturday, September 22, 2018

Denominational Distrust

Because we in the Protestant Evangelical Church have so many denominations we tend to distrust each other. The evil one has exploited this weakness attacking the very skepticism that we hold toward other believers.
The gifts movement versus the anti-holy-spirit sects. The mainline versus the evangelical movements. The King James Bible movement versus the New Translation people. The ecumenical movement versus the conservative protestants. Meanwhile, the enemy has torn the Protestant Movement to shreds portraying Christianity to a secular world as the weak pondering of a people looking for a crutch that doesn’t even exist.
I have wondered why there are no great leaders like Spurgeon or Moody in our time to sound the alarm and call the faithful to arms. We’re still here you know. The faithful that is. So, therein lies the answer. There are millions of beautiful people who what ever their flavor of Protestantism. Regardless of what may seem to the other flavors as antichrist or false doctrine. Millions of believers in Jesus of Nazareth.
Now if the Rapture happens before the the Tribulation begins in earnest. All who believe in Jesus Christ will be removed from the time of testing. My belief is that those who are in Churches but haven’t been genuinely converted will slowly come to the realisation that the Maitreya is not the Christian Messiah but antichrist. They will convert to Christ Jesus and become the Church in the Tribulation. 
Even if the Rapture doesn’t happen until the middle of the Tribulation or after the Tribulation. I know I’m provoking the ire of end times theologians by saying this. True believers where ever they are found will come together as that great Church of Jesus Christ in the Tribulation period.
This is the time when the Church is weak but remember God delights in bringing victory from weakness. Remember in the time of the Judges that Gideon 1. brought victory to Israel with only a handful of men selected by God. That blind Samson 2. killed the nobles of the Philistines. That in the time of the Kings of Israel that God used Jonathon 3. and his armor bearer to rout the Philistines. That David 4. as a mere shepherd boy killed Goliath the mightiest warrior of the Philistines. That Paul 5. had a thorn in the flesh that made him weak and yet God used him to take the gospel to the whole pagan world.
So out of weakness in our time God will bring a great harvest of souls in the name of his son, Jesus Christ. In this end time he will bring victory to the host of God and defeat the enemy, sin and death forever. Out of weakness Jehovah makes perfect strength through faith in Jesus Christ.
John 3:16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
Reference List.
Scriptures from the 23/09/18 New International Version

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The Rapture

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