Wednesday, October 3, 2018


I use Social Media to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I do this because I am not courageous enough to tackle people about the issue of Salvation face to face. As I have begun to make a mark the enemy has begun to attack me where I am weakest.
Firstly, he has attacked me over my lack of love for people close to me and then he has moved on to use the results of the first attack to destroy my witness with my family and friends. God has used this situation to convict me on the need to walk the walk and talk the talk. You can’t have one without the other. 
Another Christian once pointed out to me that many who use social media as a witness don’t measure up in their real lives. I see what that person meant in retrospect. It is easy to witness on the web and have two feet in the world in real life. To successfully be a witness on the web you need to have a sound witness in real life.
As a Christian it is important to look at others as Jesus would look upon them. To see them as a person not as a member of certain race or gender or, by cast or occupation. To treat your fellow man as you would have them treat you. I am finding this not only a revelation. I thought I was doing it all just fine. I am finding it a huge act of discipline and obedience to Jesus and a very humbling experience.
This whole mess has been quite a surprise. But it has brought me closer to God and made me acutely aware of my own fallibility. Something that will stand me in good stead as I step out in faith on the journey that Jesus continues to lead me on. Day by day.
Which leads to the question “Do you have a relationship with Jesus Christ?” You see Jesus is the only begotten Son of God who came to Earth as a man. He came to live a perfect life as a man, to preach the gospel of repentance from sin, and to die on the cross as a sacrifice for the sins of mankind. Then God raised him from the dead that those who believe on him may be raised from the dead also. 1. You see God so loved you and me so much that he gave his only son, Jesus Christ, that if you believe on him you shall not perish but will inherit eternal life. 
If you believe on Jesus and ask him to forgive your sins and come into your heart. Then he will come into your heart in the person of the Holy Spirit revealing the nature of Jesus Christ in you. 2. You will become born again of water and the Holy Spirit. A new creature and a son or daughter of God in Jesus Christ our Lord. 3. Part of a holy nation, a royal priesthood, a people belonging to God.

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