Sunday, December 31, 2023



Fifty years ago John Lennon wrote his famous song “Imagine.” In it he posed Some very pertinent questions.

In order they start as follows:


  1. There's no heaven?

  2. No hell?

  3. Only sky above?

  4. People, livin' for today? 

  5. There's no countries?

  6. Nothing to kill or die for,?

  7. no religion, too?

  8. all the people livin' life in peace?

  9. A brotherhood of man?

  10. Sharing all the world?

Mr Lennon finishes with this enticing appeal: 

You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us and the world will live as one 

Source: LyricFind

Fifty years on and one could say that a majority of humanity have joined him in following those lofty secular and egalitarian goals.

Choosing to turn their backs on the Creator, the bible and religion in general. They have rejected the Creator and almost unknowingly worship the creation.

They won't believe in God,heaven or hell. Believe it if you can observe it is their mantra. The skys above so live for what you experience. Live in the moment. Christianity can't help you. There's no religion.

So by proxy, we need a one world government and a brotherhood of man. Sharing all of the world in peace so no more killing and death.

Two points to make. Firstly, this is Marxism. Secondly, we've seen it in action in the USSR and Cuba. It isn't very egalitarian and the people suffer under totalitarian rule.

However, even so, many people have embraced this scientific liberalism despite the curse that it brings with it. John Lennon thought this line of reasoning would usher in a new utopian era but turning away from God only ever initiates a downhill slide toward poverty, lawlessness and oppression.

In fact, the benefits of Christianity and righteousness which are peace, love and prosperity are the very things that the liberals seek to obtain and wrongly attribute to secularism. The further you move away from Christianity the closer you get to outright anarchy.

So we come to a new song: 

“Imagine the Kingdom of God.”

A world where there is no more sin.

No more evil, no more wickedness or death. 

A world without poverty. 

A world of Spirit, filled with love, joy and peace. Where compassion and understanding and the love of your fellow man are exceeded only only by the people’s love of God.

If you are happy with the status quo. This song may not be what many want to hear or even consider. But I can assure you it is the future. So you need to decide if you are you going to stay with a failed system like Marxism or are you going to try doing things God’s way.

Upto you…

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son. That whoever believes on Him shall not perish but inherit eternal life."

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