Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Christianity / Secular Humanist Paganism

As humans we are so gullible. So easily swayed or lead astray. If you read the Creation narrative in the first three chapters of Genesis. You will see how the devil infiltrated the serpent to spin the truth in a different way to convince Eve and Adam to disobey God. It almost wasn't what he said but how he said it. He knew God had told Adam and Eve that they could eat of all of the trees in the garden but the one at the centre. So Satan said to Eve "God has said you shall not eat of any of the trees in the garden." To which Eve replied "God has not said we cannot eat of any of the trees in the garden. We may eat of every tree except the one in the centre of the garden. If we eat of that tree we will surely die." To which Satan replied "You will nor surely die. God knows that if you eat of that tree you will be like him, knowing good from evil."


Now, see how Satan used a lie to establish a connection with Eve. She responded to him by saying that was not what God had said. However the damage was done. She was listening to Satan and he had established Eve's trust. This has become a tried and true pattern of Satan's behaviour and the behaviour of those who listen to him. He and they, use spin to present mere fiction and lies as though they are truth. Many innocents have died because people of power have fought wars and persecuted those who do not accept their version of the truth. Yet those powerful people have only done this because they believed the lies in the first place.


So it is that in 2023 we can say that Christians believe that their is a right and wrong way to do anything and the Secular Paganists believe that there is no right or wrong way to do anything. Such that Christians obey the commands of God as they are written by the Holy Spirit in their hearts and minds (Hebrews 8:7-12). While Secular Paganists believe that there is no law and that they may do as they wish. We have only to look at the examples of Stalin, Hitler and Chairman Mao to see where that kind of thinking leads. Millions dead because the perpetrators believed there is no law and therefore no consequence to the indiscriminate taking of the lives of their fellow men. They will stand before Jehovah on the judgement day and weep at the folly of believing Satan.


In the Christian way there is right or righteousness and there is wrong or unrighteousness and unrighteousness is categorised as sin. In the Secular Pagan way there is neither right nor wrong and there is no sin. Thus with paganism anything goes. Instead of the Ten Commandments Law they have only one commandment. Do what you will. So you can murder and be guilty of nothing. Yon can steal and be guilty of nothing. The killing of billions in the name of redressing Climate Change would ultimately  mean nothing because there is no standard of ethics or values in the Pagan system. If you believed in Mother Earth as a deity then taking life in her name could be justified and so pagan Gods become the most important thing. They become part of a dogma based around the concept that there is no right or wrong way of doing things and the ends justifies the means.


Once again this is the result of spin. Information, ethics and personal judgement is spun in such a way that people eventually begin to incorporate this false thinking into their personal way of looking a life. Unrecognised these lies begin to become a part of humanities way of thinking and permeate daily life and culture. So even Christians believe that abortion may be justified or euthanasia is fine as long as the person that is subject to it wants it. Morally, however, these things are wrong an fit neatly under Gods Law which says they are not to happen.


Thus Satan has built a structure of control on the Earth and throughout humanity. He has successfully usurped the place of man and God. God gave man authority over the Earth, Both man and the Earth were His creations. By deceiving Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Satan took control of mankind and the Earth. He achieved this by whispering lies into the hearts of men. He mostly did this using the facts spun in a certain way to make it appear that certain evil actions are justified. Like the deaths of those involved in war. The war is just according to the spin and therefore the loss of life is justified. The end justifies the means as it were. In truth Satan is really just manipulating mankind to achieve his own objectives. Things like the murder of innocent children, gaining control of assets, nations and governments, slavery and making global highways to traffic people. He is wicked and he will ultimately account to the Lord of All, Jehovah for the evil he has wrought (Revelation 20:7-15).


So when you are looking at the world around you and are feeling sorry for the wicked, whoever they may be. Remember that Satan spins the facts to appear to be the truth. When in fact they are breaking the Law of God. He uses the news media to disinform the people and to spin the righteous as if they were the wicked. He attacks the hearts of even the elect to insert his brand of deception there so that they will support the wrong causes. Those who break the Law of God will drink of the cup of God's Wrath and ultimately repent or face the second death. The first death is the one every person faces at the end of this life. The second death is eternal and as such means the end of those who reject Christ Jesus forever.


I believe that in this time we are close to the return of Jesus and that before that there will be a global government and then a time of tribulation such as the world has not known. When that judgement is complete then Christ Jesus will return to establish the Kingdom of God. So read the bible, pray in Jesus name and prepare. The return of the Messiah is at hand or so I believe. Be aware of those false Christs that will appear during the judgement time that is to come for many will seek to deceive even the elect (Matthew 24).

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