Sunday, March 26, 2023

Being a Christian


Being a Christian is not always what you would expect. When I was younger I had the impression that there were those who were in the Christian mould and those who believe they are Christian who are actually mistaken. These days I believe this is not so clear cut.


Christian sects or denominations are usually based around their core beliefs and values. Often this is based on interpretation of the bible or external influences on a particular denominations doctrines. Usually based on the thoughts of a particular person whose writings are given a similar weighting to the Bible.


However, it intrigues me that every Christian has differing opinions and sometimes opposing doctrines are mixed into their perspective. For instance Presbyterians are mostly in favour of baptism by pouring or sprinkling but some Presbyterians prefer immersion baptism which is not the historical position of their denomination.


Another example might be that Adventis
m teaches that obedience to the Law of God and the performing of good works are essential parts of salvation. Some Adventists would tend to see the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the Cross for the sins of all as being the primary method of salvation without the law or good works but again this is not what their denomination appears to believe.


Calvinism is a doctrine which states the God has predestined the salvation or damnation of mankind from before the beginning of time. Some denominations accept this as the truth while others hold it to be somewhat truthful and have integrated it in to their doctrines to some extent but congregants may accept the teachings of Calvin as truth or not.


It's a funny old business because as a result of all of the differing doctrines and beliefs of Christians. The belief systems of many believers is somewhat of a hotch potch. If they understood where some of the teachings that they adhere to hailed from historically. I think that they would perhaps reconsider the appropriateness of believing them.


Those who adhere to the teachings of John Calvin might be interested to know that he himself adhered to another source of enlightenment other than the bible. That being the Bishop of Hippo, Augustine, who was originally a follower of the Manichean Cult. A type of Gnosticism that holds that good and evil are opposing forces in nature and that special knowledge is an enlightenment available to certain people. A lot like Free Masonry actually. No wonder that Calvin subscribed to a fairly Hellenistic view of God.


The Adventists as I mentioned earlier adhere to the teachings of Ellen White. Amongst other doctrines are worshipping on the Sabbath Day. The act of Sabbath Keeping being crucial to salvation and eternal life because they see it as the Seal of God. The doctrine of the Investigative Judgement is another key piece in the  Adventist salvation theology. Holding the Christ Jesus entered the Inner Sanctuary in Heaven in 1844 to find who has sufficient works to get into the Kingdom of Heaven. Not too different to the Roman Catholic theology that the Adventist claim to so despise.


The same can be said of any number of Christians including myself. We all tend to become followers of this apostle or the other. In ICorinthians chapter 3 verses 4 through to 7 the apostle Paul says this "For when one person says, “I am with Paul,” and another, “I am with Apollos,” are you not ordinary people? What then is Apollos? And what is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, even as the Lord gave opportunity to each one. I planted, Apollos watered, but God was causing the growth. So then neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but God who causes the growth."

So, follow God and read the bible. Check out the doctrines that you say you believe and read deeply in the bible to support what they say. Apply the same principle to what your Church believes and what their denomination believes. For instance salvation to me is expressed simply in the gospel of John chapter 3 verse 16 "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life." So no works involved just simple faith on the Lord Jesus Christ and you have eternal life. Clear enough for anyone and it is freely available to all who will believe.

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