Friday, August 26, 2022

Mindfulness, Inner Peace, Eastern Mysticism and Our Children in 2022...

So what is happening to our children in modern society? Well I think it is fair to say that a raft of changes have happened over the last fifty years. Christianity has tended to be pushed aside as being an intolerant, judgmental religion that is out dated and needs to be dispensed with ASAP. A religion that harms people in our society by misunderstanding how beautiful people are at heart and imposing a moral code that is destructive. A code which restrains their inner calm and the natural godliness of human kind.

 Can we argue that a New World Order is being forged which embraces all sectors of society except Christianity. It is being touted as a something that has recently been rediscovered from the ancient religions and that is, spiritually and scientifically, far superior to the monotheism of Christianity. An order which will reveal old world truths such as mindfulness, inner peace and the inner God that apparently exists in the hearts of all mankind. At the same time it will bring about a New Age and an evolutionary jump forward that will leave the Christians behind because they are not spiritually ready to travel to the new order and to accept the returning Maitreya (Christ).

This explains what has been happening in our schools and to our children for the last twenty plus years. For instance, corporal punishment was removed thirty years ago and in recent times any interaction with students should only be excessively positive. You literally can’t even speak to them in a loud voice any more. The result of this is youngsters with an over developed sense of self importance who are more often than not rude and disrespectful. They are also completely mismatched with society in general as you start at the bottom not at the top when you leave school to begin your working life so some people skills are a prerequisite.

So, we are told all of this modern positivity is good educational pedagogy and state of the art science but what it is really about is preparing our children for the occult and the coming Maitreya. Teaching them to love themselves and to seek the inner God. To delve into mindfulness and clear their minds, to seek inner calm and clear their minds to find the inner God. Yes this mindfulness is even taught in our public schools and often by Christians who should know better.

Those who train in Eastern Mysticism or the Marshall Arts would know what I’m alluding to here as this they use the same techniques for the same reason. To clear the mind and seek inner calm. They seek the God within. The point that I’m making here is that through the odd restructuring of education and through their enchantment with smart devices our children are being trained in a variety of occult teachings and other New Age dogma. They are also teaching arts like soldiery and thievery through games like FortNite and Grand Theft Auto. I imagine that these games are also full of illusions to the coming New Age but they will doubtless be useful in war as well.

I have to admit I have been wondering for years what the Ministry of Education have been up to? I mean it seems that given education used to be of a very good standard in New Zealand and that we seem to have been falling in our place in the World in recent years. Surely, it is just a matter of time before they wake up and revert to the winning educational formula of yesteryear. Yet they only seem to implement new changes that make the situation worse. Could this be intentional and not accidental at all?

So to spell it out is the evolving change in education actually part of a New Age and New World Order. Preparing world citizens that fit into the coming Age of Enlightenment. Is this all an agenda that doesn’t make sense at a practical and common sense level because the result will be irrational citizens who behave with out morals or compunction to achieve whatever they perceive is in their own best interests. Worse that will enslave them to the coming Maitreya who is the inner God they seek and who will be able to control them because of the mind control techniques that they are immersed in on line and the lack of discipline and basic education that they should have received at school but which were deliberately withheld from them to lead them in a totally different direction?

Look around the world at the countries that have religions based on this type of paganism. Countries that embrace polytheism tend to have large populations where lawlessness is as common as poverty. Those seeking inner peace and using mindfulness are easily manipulated and enslaved. There is very little care for the poor. Quite the reverse actually as discrimination built into those societies by caste. The philosophy of the New Age is not to give freedom and enlightenment but to bring darkness and enslavement and to have humanity worship at the feet of Satan.

This is where our children and even the ordinary people of our lands are being educated in New Age dogma to prepare us to accept the coming New Age and the Maitreya, the much touted Christ of the New World Order. Even Christians need to be vigilant and to compare everything they hear with what they read in the Bible. The message of the New Age is very seductive and sounds like it may be the truth.

It is not the truth though and in actual fact there is only one name by which you must be saved. Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God. Who so loved you that he lay down His life on the Cross and shed His blood to pay your debt of sin. That you may have eternal life. Yahweh is a righteous God who created the Heavens and the Earth and created you. He so loved you that He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, for you that he might buy you back from sin and give you everlasting life. Open your eyes my friends and listen to the sound doctrine of the Word of God before it is too late.

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