Tuesday, August 30, 2022

How it seems...

Thinking back fifty years in the Western World the majority of folks were Christian. It’s been mostly accepted in the past that Christianity functions on a three generation cycle where generation one are cleanly converted from non Christian families and know what they have been saved from so are serious minded and evangelistic. Generation two are brought up in a Christian setting so are well educated in the basic theology but often don’t have the solid basis in their faith that their parents had. Generation three are drifting away from the faith and often become carnal natured semi Christians. Generation four drift away and often start the process again about seventy five years after generation one.

Today though, Christianity is really struggling as scientific atheism and secular socialism have entered into our schools and universities and convinced the students that everything started from nothing and that there is no evidence for the existence of God. Which they are sadly believing on mass. This is not unexpected though. Jesus said in Matthew chapter twenty four that there would be a great falling away at the end of the Age of Grace and that is what seems to be happening now.

So it seems that the people of the world have discovered that things only exist if they can be proven by reason and logic. That Christianity is not sound and can’t be believed or trusted. That religion in general is not trustworthy although some ancient religions have a certain seductive reasoning that make them more acceptable than Christianity. You know religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, some of the other pagan religions like Shintoism, the worship of the ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman Gods. Along with the Sumerian and Babylonian Gods like Nimrod and Semiramis. In fact, as long as it’s not Christianity it may not be as good as science if you’re a atheist or secular socialist but it seems it will get a pass from society in general.

It seems as the balance has shifted in the last fifty years we’ve reached a place in society where we think that the sooner we can get rid of intolerant and boring Christianity the better. No one wants to hear the repentance from sin message today. We need to get free of that stuffy and controlling form of religion and create a framework which is more liberal and which will tolerate the lifestyles that Christianity labels as sin. We need to be able to do this because of the damage that this type of intolerant thinking causes which is harming vulnerable people in our society. This despite the damage that is done to people by continuing to walk in sin.

There is a scripture, Proverbs chapter 16 verse 25 which says this “There is a way which seems right to a person, But its end is the way of death.” This is why I entitled this article “How it seems...” To the Christian in this time it seems as if the battle is lost and the devil has won. Everyone has rejected God and only believes what can be proven by science. Perhaps we’ve been mistaken and the bible is only myth and legend. Perhaps it really is only dinosaurs and big bangs?

But no the reality is that God is Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and the reason people have turned away from God at this time is that as Jesus Christ said there would be a falling away at the End of the Age. Matthew chapter 24 verses 9 - 14 puts it this way “Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another. Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. “Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. “But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then  the end will come.”

Just looking at the current events of today does any of this scripture seem to you to be talking about 2022? Christians in the West are beginning to experience persecution by secular groups and the state. People's love for each other is growing cold. When I was a child everyone knew their neighbours and were friends with most of them. Today, most don’t know even their next door neighbours. The Church is in decline and people are falling away in droves while you have only to watch Christian television programming to find false teachers on a global scale.

Now I know that many people don’t want to know about prophecy and doomsday conspiracy theory but even that attitude merely underlines the control that the proponents of the New World Order have over media and the dominant discourse in society. You daren’t sound the trumpet for fear of being labeled a nut. Once again this really only reinforces the feeling that “It is what it is.” It seems comfortable to believe that there is no God and no End Times and that this opinion is the only logical reasonable way of looking at life.

However, it may seem that way but the reality is quite different. Yahweh is the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. He is the Lord of All. He controls all things and the End of the Age and time of judgment is upon us. You only have to look at the war in Ukraine and the escalation on each side as they prepare for World War III. Russia are bringing ICBM’s online that can reach the UK in three minutes and their hypersonic missiles can reach the USA in fifteen minutes. NATO are moving troops and stationing units across the bordering nations of the Ukraine and Russia. Climate Change is ramping up and fifty year storms are now almost yearly occurrences. There is an airy feeling that government are planning events to deal with these issues in ways that signal a farewell to the life that we have known. So it may seem that Christianity is dying and that the New Age is about to dawn but this is not the reality.

How it is. God is about to bring an end to the sinful world that mankind lives in. Judgement day is nearly here and it is time to consider your eternal destiny. Yahweh is your creator and he loves you so much that He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ for you. Such that, if you believe on Him you will not perish but will inherit eternal life. This is the question that sits before you. Will you ask Christ Jesus to be your Saviour or will you continue to reject Him and wallow in your sins as doomsday unfolds before you. Your decision?

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