Tuesday, August 30, 2022
How it seems...
Today though, Christianity is really struggling as scientific atheism and secular socialism have entered into our schools and universities and convinced the students that everything started from nothing and that there is no evidence for the existence of God. Which they are sadly believing on mass. This is not unexpected though. Jesus said in Matthew chapter twenty four that there would be a great falling away at the end of the Age of Grace and that is what seems to be happening now.
So it seems that the people of the world have discovered that things only exist if they can be proven by reason and logic. That Christianity is not sound and can’t be believed or trusted. That religion in general is not trustworthy although some ancient religions have a certain seductive reasoning that make them more acceptable than Christianity. You know religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, some of the other pagan religions like Shintoism, the worship of the ancient Egyptian, Greek and Roman Gods. Along with the Sumerian and Babylonian Gods like Nimrod and Semiramis. In fact, as long as it’s not Christianity it may not be as good as science if you’re a atheist or secular socialist but it seems it will get a pass from society in general.
It seems as the balance has shifted in the last fifty years we’ve reached a place in society where we think that the sooner we can get rid of intolerant and boring Christianity the better. No one wants to hear the repentance from sin message today. We need to get free of that stuffy and controlling form of religion and create a framework which is more liberal and which will tolerate the lifestyles that Christianity labels as sin. We need to be able to do this because of the damage that this type of intolerant thinking causes which is harming vulnerable people in our society. This despite the damage that is done to people by continuing to walk in sin.
There is a scripture, Proverbs chapter 16 verse 25 which says this “There is a way which seems right to a person, But its end is the way of death.” This is why I entitled this article “How it seems...” To the Christian in this time it seems as if the battle is lost and the devil has won. Everyone has rejected God and only believes what can be proven by science. Perhaps we’ve been mistaken and the bible is only myth and legend. Perhaps it really is only dinosaurs and big bangs?
But no the reality is that God is Creator of the Heavens and the Earth and the reason people have turned away from God at this time is that as Jesus Christ said there would be a falling away at the End of the Age. Matthew chapter 24 verses 9 - 14 puts it this way “Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another. Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. “Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. “But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.”
Just looking at the current events of today does any of this scripture seem to you to be talking about 2022? Christians in the West are beginning to experience persecution by secular groups and the state. People's love for each other is growing cold. When I was a child everyone knew their neighbours and were friends with most of them. Today, most don’t know even their next door neighbours. The Church is in decline and people are falling away in droves while you have only to watch Christian television programming to find false teachers on a global scale.
Now I know that many people don’t want to know about prophecy and doomsday conspiracy theory but even that attitude merely underlines the control that the proponents of the New World Order have over media and the dominant discourse in society. You daren’t sound the trumpet for fear of being labeled a nut. Once again this really only reinforces the feeling that “It is what it is.” It seems comfortable to believe that there is no God and no End Times and that this opinion is the only logical reasonable way of looking at life.
However, it may seem that way but the reality is quite different. Yahweh is the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. He is the Lord of All. He controls all things and the End of the Age and time of judgment is upon us. You only have to look at the war in Ukraine and the escalation on each side as they prepare for World War III. Russia are bringing ICBM’s online that can reach the UK in three minutes and their hypersonic missiles can reach the USA in fifteen minutes. NATO are moving troops and stationing units across the bordering nations of the Ukraine and Russia. Climate Change is ramping up and fifty year storms are now almost yearly occurrences. There is an airy feeling that government are planning events to deal with these issues in ways that signal a farewell to the life that we have known. So it may seem that Christianity is dying and that the New Age is about to dawn but this is not the reality.
How it is. God is about to bring an end to the sinful world that mankind lives in. Judgement day is nearly here and it is time to consider your eternal destiny. Yahweh is your creator and he loves you so much that He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ for you. Such that, if you believe on Him you will not perish but will inherit eternal life. This is the question that sits before you. Will you ask Christ Jesus to be your Saviour or will you continue to reject Him and wallow in your sins as doomsday unfolds before you. Your decision?
Friday, August 26, 2022
Mindfulness, Inner Peace, Eastern Mysticism and Our Children in 2022...
Can we argue that a New World Order is being forged which embraces all sectors of society except Christianity. It is being touted as a something that has recently been rediscovered from the ancient religions and that is, spiritually and scientifically, far superior to the monotheism of Christianity. An order which will reveal old world truths such as mindfulness, inner peace and the inner God that apparently exists in the hearts of all mankind. At the same time it will bring about a New Age and an evolutionary jump forward that will leave the Christians behind because they are not spiritually ready to travel to the new order and to accept the returning Maitreya (Christ).
This explains what has been happening in our schools and to our children for the last twenty plus years. For instance, corporal punishment was removed thirty years ago and in recent times any interaction with students should only be excessively positive. You literally can’t even speak to them in a loud voice any more. The result of this is youngsters with an over developed sense of self importance who are more often than not rude and disrespectful. They are also completely mismatched with society in general as you start at the bottom not at the top when you leave school to begin your working life so some people skills are a prerequisite.
So, we are told all of this modern positivity is good educational pedagogy and state of the art science but what it is really about is preparing our children for the occult and the coming Maitreya. Teaching them to love themselves and to seek the inner God. To delve into mindfulness and clear their minds, to seek inner calm and clear their minds to find the inner God. Yes this mindfulness is even taught in our public schools and often by Christians who should know better.
Those who train in Eastern Mysticism or the Marshall Arts would know what I’m alluding to here as this they use the same techniques for the same reason. To clear the mind and seek inner calm. They seek the God within. The point that I’m making here is that through the odd restructuring of education and through their enchantment with smart devices our children are being trained in a variety of occult teachings and other New Age dogma. They are also teaching arts like soldiery and thievery through games like FortNite and Grand Theft Auto. I imagine that these games are also full of illusions to the coming New Age but they will doubtless be useful in war as well.
I have to admit I have been wondering for years what the Ministry of Education have been up to? I mean it seems that given education used to be of a very good standard in New Zealand and that we seem to have been falling in our place in the World in recent years. Surely, it is just a matter of time before they wake up and revert to the winning educational formula of yesteryear. Yet they only seem to implement new changes that make the situation worse. Could this be intentional and not accidental at all?
So to spell it out is the evolving change in education actually part of a New Age and New World Order. Preparing world citizens that fit into the coming Age of Enlightenment. Is this all an agenda that doesn’t make sense at a practical and common sense level because the result will be irrational citizens who behave with out morals or compunction to achieve whatever they perceive is in their own best interests. Worse that will enslave them to the coming Maitreya who is the inner God they seek and who will be able to control them because of the mind control techniques that they are immersed in on line and the lack of discipline and basic education that they should have received at school but which were deliberately withheld from them to lead them in a totally different direction?
Look around the world at the countries that have religions based on this type of paganism. Countries that embrace polytheism tend to have large populations where lawlessness is as common as poverty. Those seeking inner peace and using mindfulness are easily manipulated and enslaved. There is very little care for the poor. Quite the reverse actually as discrimination built into those societies by caste. The philosophy of the New Age is not to give freedom and enlightenment but to bring darkness and enslavement and to have humanity worship at the feet of Satan.
This is where our children and even the ordinary people of our lands are being educated in New Age dogma to prepare us to accept the coming New Age and the Maitreya, the much touted Christ of the New World Order. Even Christians need to be vigilant and to compare everything they hear with what they read in the Bible. The message of the New Age is very seductive and sounds like it may be the truth.
It is not the truth though and in actual fact there is only one name by which you must be saved. Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of God. Who so loved you that he lay down His life on the Cross and shed His blood to pay your debt of sin. That you may have eternal life. Yahweh is a righteous God who created the Heavens and the Earth and created you. He so loved you that He gave His only Son, Jesus Christ, for you that he might buy you back from sin and give you everlasting life. Open your eyes my friends and listen to the sound doctrine of the Word of God before it is too late.
Friday, August 19, 2022
A Perfect Storm
Educators have labored under the premise that this is a much more sophisticated world than the past that other generations grew up in. As a result they have included more and more into the curriculum. Instead of the three R’s its now reading, writing in genre, speech writing and delivery, performance art, music, physical activity, computer basics, coding etc., etc.. The focus is so diverse that learners are failing to master the basic 3 R’s.
The result is that teachers don’t have time to cover all of the curriculum areas effectively. So that basic literacy and numeracy are suffering. This is a major factor in the decline of the education sector in New Zealand. At the same time changes have been made to the way education is administered in New Zealand that have been largely ineffective in practice. An example would be the roll out of the numeracy project which rather than remediating falling standards of numeracy has largely only served to make the situation worse.
Now education is not rocket science. It's a simple matter of “Get the basics right and you can't go wrong.” It used to be understood that children at school would learn to read, write and perform basic math by the time they reached Year Nine. It was also understood that if they achieved an understanding of those basics they could go on to advance to higher qualifications at high school or leave to join the work force and continue study at a later date if they so desired. Simple enough right?.
So why is the education system in New Zealand failing so badly with imparting even a basic level of education to so many of today’s children? Things like wrote learning, times tables and essential word lists were crucial to success in the past so wouldn’t you think that they’d be useful again in a time of crisis? Back to basics and the 3 R’s would at least impart a basic and useful education to most children by the time they reach High School.
Of course teaching pedagogy and the curriculum are not the only issues at play here. Society has changed vastly in the last fifty years. In 1970 one of the fundamentals of society was the nuclear family of Mum, Dad and the Kids. The stability that this family structure afforded underpinned our education system. Children were well cared for and loved and well disciplined and so prepared to learn and participate in society. Parents supported the schools and their children’s teachers but the strong departmental structure of Schools stopped interference with classrooms by parents at the same time. A necessary safe guard.
In 2022 the nuclear family is in the minority in most schools. Many children live with a parent, a grand parent, a relation or even with no relation. The pool of previous support, education and expertise of the nuclear family is lost to the current education system. Poverty, gang culture and the drug and alcohol pandemic lay waste to the lives of many. Among them many of the students of our schools.
Another factor that is a large part of the issue here is the impact of the Smart Phone. The children who arrived at High School to Year Nine in 2022. Have had access to smart digital devices for at least the last ten years. For the last five years it has been a constant battle to control their use in the classroom and in the school environment as a whole. Phones are out in the classroom at the drop of a hat and social media causes disputes, bullying and recorded fights on a daily basis.
Add to that the concept that a student can now live a virtual, digital life which has real life interaction, virtual entertainment and instantaneous communication to organise events at a moments notice. I have had children contacted on their devices about a fight that involved a friend. They jumped out of their seats and fled the room to rush to the assistance of the other student and as group ended up in offices and classrooms around the school. This doesn’t happen often but shows that the students can easily be greatly distracted by their smart device. Also, if you already have a virtual life that seems to be working for you on your smart device. Why would you want to stay at school?
In that vein, the Covid Pandemic seems to have been the catalyst for entry into this brave new world of virtual living through smart devices. Now we’re seeing students ceasing to attend school. During the pandemic they found that life didn’t end with the closure of schools and they began to question whether they needed to attend school. At the same time, the powers that be seemed unable to find the right controls to return the education system back to some form of normality.
What it seems to come back to is that the reason the powers that be aren't prepared to adopt the tried and true strategies of the past. Is simply that they have an agenda and that agenda involves restyling society in a way that will not benefit the majority of people. An agenda where the poorly educated and impoverished masses will we easier to control and therefore easier to lead toward goals that are not in their best interests.
The reason that I say this is because despite the apparent best efforts of successive governments. The education system in New Zealand has be increasingly less able to impart a good standard of education to all of our children. The children of the elite continue to do well but it is more often the case that the middle class group of society is joining the poor in not achieving a good education. This has been easy to predict for decades but it is still a shock to see that we have finally reached a time in which there are only the rich and the poor. A time of those who have and those who have not.
So what started with Neo-liberal Economics thirty years ago ushering in a system which transferred the wealth of the middle class into the hands of a few wealthy elite persons. Has with the advent of smart devices, social media and the Covid Pandemic brought us into a brave new socialist world. Set to deal with climate change and to usher in a New World Order of centralised global government. It will be interesting to see what the world looks like in 2030.
Wednesday, August 17, 2022
The Pendulum Swings
Then I was watching the rainbow folk on the news because they are now able to get support from the Human Rights Commission for their experiences with conversion therapy. This was all put forward in a very scientific manner, No morals discussed here only the psychological damage caused by this bizarre practice.
I guess now I know how it feels when the pendulum swings. As a youngster in conservative New Zealand where there was casual racism and homosexuality was driven underground. I was on the side of the majority at that time. Liberals were shunned and the papers supported the conservative dominant discourse.
However, today the conservatives are decidedly in the minority and progressive liberalism is the dominant discourse in a decidedly left wing social political environment. From a social conservative and even a centrist perspective it seems as though the world has gone to hell in a hand cart. I guess that’s how the liberals felt fifty years ago?
From a Christian point of view it is hard not to want to take this all personally and get vocal on social media or other forums. The issue being that hate speech is a distinct possibility in this time so there is a need to weigh carefully what is said and the likely outcomes of speaking out against other sects in secular society.
I think there is a tendency with Christians to get a little self righteous and to condemn other people from the perspective that we are morally superior to them. I actual fact we are all sinners and sins are of equal weight in God’s eyes. So judging others is not a good idea. It is better to point out that we all fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23), and there is none righteous not even one (Romans 3:10). So all are in need of salvation in Christ Jesus if we are to attain eternal life.
In the current environment people are becoming so sensitive to any form of criticism that Christians almost need to resort to our default position. That of sharing the gospel only even on peril of imprisonment or death. There will come a time when the world will be so harsh that people will once again realise that Christ Jesus is the only saviour and once again turn toward Him. Our job is to follow the Great Commission and go to the nations baptising them in the name of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit.
Finally I would simply say that events are moving rapidly and we are heading for what I believe to be the day of apocalypse spoken of by Jesus Christ in the book of Matthew at chapter twenty four. It seems that from the time the current government took office there has been the feel of an increasingly turbulent roller coaster ride to daily life. Mass shooting, the pandemic, the implementation of a controversial new social agenda, monthly weather events and with global events to match. Almost daily violent gun attacks in the United States, the Trump and anti Trump diatribe and of course the pre-cursor to world war in the Ukraine. The question is what will life look like in 2025 or in 2030? Food for thought.
Standing Fast for Jesus
We had a thought provoking sermon at Church this morning. It was about the apostle Peter and his denial of ever having known Jesus. You ...

When we think of Halloween we often think of children running around dressed as ghosts and ghouls. Knocking on doors and trick or t...
Judging Others 1 “Judge not, that you be not judged. 2 For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure yo...
John 10:14 I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; ...