Saturday, March 12, 2022

Are we approaching the Second Coming?

Many Christians who are looking for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ have been sounding the trumpet for the last seventy two years. You see, seventy two years ago the nation of Israel was restored fulfilling a prophecy in the book of Matthew chapter twenty four verses thirty two to thirty five.

“From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near. So also, when you see all these things, you know that he is near, at the very gates. Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.”

Many Christians believe that Christ Jesus was referring to the re-establishment of the nation of Israel in the last days and that the fig tree He spoke of here is a metaphor for Israel as a nation. This passage of scripture from verse four of Matthew chapter twenty four through to verse thirty five describes a number of signs relating to the Second Coming.

In the end time, Jesus said many would come claiming to be the Christ. There will be wars and rumors of wars. Nation will rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. Believers will be delivered up in the name of Jesus Christ. Many will fall away from the faith. There will be false prophets and lawlessness will increase. The love of many will grow cold. Those who endure to the end will be saved. The gospel of the Kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole World and then the end will come. The prophecy of the second coming of Jesus Christ and the establishment of His kingdom will be fulfilled.

However, I can see the skeptic looking at this list and saying that this is true of any time since Christ Jesus was crucified, resurrected and ascended into heaven. Anytime since the first advent and throughout the Church Age. But the most significant difference about the beginning of the time of sorrows is the restoration of Israel which is a defining moment. Even if you don’t believe the fig tree prophecy that Jesus brought us in Matthew twenty four. Israel being dispersed and then regathered in the last days is an Old Testament prophecy. It was shared by the prophet Jeremiah in chapter thirty verse three and chapter sixteen verses fourteen and fifteen, by the prophet Isaiah in chapter forty three in verses five to seven, by the prophet Ezekiel in chapter thirty nine verses twenty five to twenty nine and by the prophet Amos in chapter nine verses fourteen and fifteen. Of course there are many other scriptures reaffirming that Israel will be regathered in the last days from amongst the peoples of the World.

Even so, it is a symptom of the human condition that people only see what they wish to see and believe what they wish to believe. Many people including Christians are comfortable in their current existence and don’t want things to change. The events of a worldwide tribulation and the imminent return of Jesus Christ would be most inconvenient from that perspective. So they ignore bible prophecy as being archaic, symbolic and allegorical. In short not to be taken literally. So don’t worry be happy.

Honestly though, it is hard to ignore that the events that are happening in the World now are in alignment with Bible Prophecy. Political extremism seems to be back in vogue as we watch Russia attempting violent expansionism in the Ukraine and China’s intimidation of it’s neighbors on the South China Sea and political maneuvering in the South Pacific bodes instability. While in the West we seem to be flirting with virulent left wing socialism ourselves as we move into a seemingly more totalitarian form of government. Supposedly in the theoretical pursuit of sustainability and the reversal of climate change or is it a return to the religion of naturalism and the occult of old?

George Orwell with his visionary dystopian novel ‘1984’ and of course Aldous Huxley with his literary triumph “Brave New World’ both seem almost prophetic today when we consider the changing roll of government in our time. Increasingly citizens are being pressured to think and behave in certain predefined ways while at the same time being watched and subtly assessed with new more invasive technology. This would be fine if we could believe that those in control have our best interests at heart but it is hard not to wonder if there is some dark agenda being gradually worked into place that is not at all altruistic or even sane.

New Zealand since the inception of the current Labour government appears to have entered a new phase of democracy. One where the media and the government work together to manipulate the public perception and to contrive events which herd public thinking toward certain liberal progressive conclusions. This approach is being used on a global scale in this time to create the basis of a humanist one world system. One where there are no moral absolutes and nothing is black or white. Everything is seen in shades of grey.

This is not a new idea but rather is the outcome of a sustained effort by an elite group of Luciferian organizations which the bible describes as the Mystery of Iniquity. As their plans come to fruition in this time, they are the result of centuries of toil aimed at invading the thinking of mankind. With the goal of eventually convincing them that there is no God, and that the bible is backward thinking and untrustworthy as are those who read it.

At the same time, they have promoted atheism and the understanding that in the great scheme of time there is no true consequence for actions. Stars are born and planets coalesce and form over millions of years, There is no God and no creation so in that context the value of one or millions of human lives lost is insignificant. Such that, if an elite controls a system of government where the people are enslaved and trodden under foot. No one can say that that is evil or wrong. Fortunately for us Jehovah is real and he will hold those fools who adhere to humanism and atheism or the worship of Lucifer to account. Though all in good time.

Science has been remodeled from the beautiful study and understanding of God’s creation now called pseudo science. Into the current format which says “I will not believe in what I cannot see therefore I cannot see God so I will not believe in Him.” In many ways science has taken up the mantra “I will believe anything but God.” The scripture from Romans chapter one “Professing to be wise they became fools.” comes to mind.

So where are we now? Well, given the events of the last five years and the advance of the Left in the Western World and invasion of the Ukraine by Russia. I believe that the next major event will be WWIII. The United States or perhaps more accurately the Global Elite and the Pentagon have an agenda that involves ridding themselves of the threat to their New World Order. This threat is represented by Russia and China. In the process of dealing with these two super powers the New World Order and One World Government will be established. Though how much of the World will be left intact after WWIII is a moot point.

Infamous Freemason and American Civil War Officer, Albert Pike, is said to have laid out a simple plan involving three world wars to achieve One World Government. In a much disputed letter to Giuseppe Mazzini in 1871. Pike outlined the purposes each war would be used to achieve. WWI to create a communist state in Russia which over time would weaken the other major governments. WWII was to bring into conflict political Zionism and Fascism with the latter being destroyed. Communism would become stronger to balance Christianity until a later cataclysm. WWIII will come from a clash between Zionism and Islam. The rest of the world will be worn down from continuous war and be in a state of physical and spiritual exhaustion. In the end Christianity and Atheism will be destroyed and the time of enlightenment and Luciferian worship will be upon the world. 

This letter has been denied by the elite but even if it is not genuine it has a certain symmetry much like the Georgia Guide Stones. There is not much to be disagreed with as it were and even the comment about WWIII is relatively in tune with the reality of the situation as it stands at the moment. If this is the time proceeding the outbreak of World War Three? Coincidence or perhaps written with 20 – 20 hindsight? Quite possibly but still a very accurate and concise description of the situation as it relates to using the world wars to achieve certain milestones on the road to the New World Order and Luciferian rule.

So, even if we accept the Covid pandemic as a natural occurrence. It has markedly changed the world from what it was in 2019 in terms of global travel and more controlled domestic movement. It has also had an impact on pollution and changed the landscape in relation to climate change by ushering in law at a national level that will severely curb personal freedom at the discretion
of individual governments. With ever improving technology Big Brother is closer than ever before. This without even seriously considering the possibility of receiving chip technology via the vaccine.

As to the likelihood of continuing peace in our specific nationalities. The Ukraine conflict and the uneasy tensions in the South China Sea certainly give rise for concern. The possibility of world war is higher than it has been for some time. Things have changed from the end of the cold war as well. A new generation is moving into the political arena which has little knowledge of the global damage a nuclear war could cause even from a small conflict between non super powers. Is this the time spoken of by Christ Jesus in Matthew chapter twenty four? I personally think that it is
very likely.

However, even in Christian circles there are many who would vehemently disagree with my assertion. Largely because no one wants to see a global conflict that would come close to destroying the entire biosphere. An extinction level event as it were. So in the end I can only suggest that we “Watch and pray for Jesus is coming soon.” As the bible says “There will be troubled times and then the end will come quickly.” Then Christ Jesus will return and the eternal Kingdom of God will be established. Come Lord Jesus.

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