Thursday, March 17, 2022

What's going on in this crazy world today?


For me, it all started in earnest in December 2016. The New Zealand Prime Minister John Key informed his colleagues that he was standing down as Prime Minister and resigning his seat in parliament. At the same time a group of politicians resigned around the World.1 It all seemed a little odd. I mean they all had perfectly valid reasons but it was unusual for such a capable group of politicians to just step down and walk away.


The next year was a watershed for New Zealand as we had an election. Which turned out to be "A little unusual." The National Party under the capable leadership of Bill English were the favourites to form a government with 44% of the vote but things were tight because late in the game Labour switched leaders and Jacinda Ardern took the helm of the Left-wing vote as it were. This put maverick Winston Peters in the middle as Kingmaker. Peters went with Labour and the party with the majority vote moved to the opposition. Needless to say there was a lot of voter dissatisfaction.


The really odd thing though was that the National Party didn't seem to try very hard to make a deal with Peters and a good number of senior politicians from the right just walked away from politics then and there. Almost as though they had been prepared for the defeat and they were heading off to do other more important things. Perhaps to prepare for the New World Order or to prepare for a rapidly changing world? Who knows I guess?


Bear in mind in the background Donald Trump was President in the United States of America and having a difficult time of things as the Democrats and the majority of the Media were vehemently opposed to everything that Trump and his government did. The left wing were in open rebellion and Antifa were trying to crush the right off the streets. There were daily protests and CRT became a source of civil enmity and violence. So as the left came to power in New Zealand Jacinda Ardern and her government became beacon of progressive liberalism and a symbol of the globalist movement.


Once Ms Ardern's government got into power in late 2017 it wasn't long until the new leftist secular humanist and globalist agenda began to unfold a pace in the land of the Long White Cloud. In 2018 they signed the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement firming ties with global trading partners. Tossed out  Charter Schools, a symbol of the right, and later in the year renamed Charter Schools as State Integrated and Charter Schools. Seemed positive about entering the Pike River Mine and delt with Nurses and Teachers strikes for more pay. Admitted defeat on Kiwi Build. Finally signing off on the UN Global Compact for Migration.


2019 got away to a cracking start with the establishment of the Provincial Growth Fund. Part of NZ First's deal for supporting the government into power. Phil Twyford waved the white flag on Kiwi Build stating they couldn't reach the targets that had been planned for new house builds.  The Polytechnics got centralised and then on the 15th of March the Christchurch Mosque Shootings changed the New Zealand forever. An unbelievable event in the history of the nation which resulted in gun reforms which have removed automatic weapons from the province of the law abiding citizenry.  The Climate Change Zero Carbon Amendment Bill came in along with Abortion Law Reform Bill and later in the a Euthanasia End of Life Choice Bill.


After the Christchurch Mosque shootings life began to take on a kind of surreal feel. As if fact was stranger than fiction. Gun owners in general felt demonised. Toward the end of the year there was a Measles Epidemic which saw the Anti-vaxxers get pilloried in New Zealand and abroad. Discussions were hot and heady but not particularly rational. The Anti-vaxxers claiming all manner of mayhem for those who took the vaccines. The Pro-vaxxers making crazy assertions about un-vaxxed people representing a danger to society and various nonsense.


And then 2020. So initially the government announced that climate change education would be undertaken in schools to combat climate change skepticism. Federated Farmers complained that this was going too far and the environmental lobby felt it wasn't going far enough. The minister of education Chris Hipkins announced that parents would have to give written permission for their children to attend religious instruction in state schools.


March was a big deal twelve months earlier and thanks to Covid, 2020 would eclipse even the Christchurch Mosque Shootings. As the general population were forced into lock-down and for the first time ever the Police were obliged to monitor the day by day comings and goings of every New Zealander. As had been the case with the Mosque Shootings Jacinda Ardern became our national heroine and the face of the Covid response along with Director of Health Ashley Bloomfield. Since then really most everything has been about Covid.


Finance minister Grant Robson made the Covid response his all and saw that everyone would have enough money to survive.  MIQ became something some people had heard of too something that everybody knew about. The Vaxxers and the Anti-vaxxers became polarised and the dark web and conspiracy theorists moved to the fore while the fear that they, the media and governments health advisor darlings generated nearly paralysed the general public with paranoia. No one was certain whether Covid was a dangerous virus or not? Were we all over reacting or was our response appropriate?


The election happened in October 2020 and let's face it none of the other parties stood a chance. Jacinda Ardern had handled the crisis communicating with the public intimately via daily television briefings and few New Zealanders had suffered at all from Covid. Labour was returned in a landslide election result. Finally, we got a travel bubble with the Cook Islands and the Prime Minister announced a Climate Change Emergency and that rounded out the year of 2020. As has become the norm truth was stranger than fiction.


2021 came with more of a whimper than a shout. On the whole the focus was on the pandemic with the vaccine program beginning to ramp up. The Auckland lock-down almost ended in a civil insurrection because it went on far too long. Pfizer M-tech became the new buzz word. The Anti-vaxxers shouted that the vaccine would turn those foolish enough to take it into Zombies with the help of 5G. Let's face it they may still turn out to be right on the that one. Graphene being the dark buzz word for Anti-vaxxer movement.


Most of the governments humanist agenda concerned things like apologising to Pacifika for the '70's - '80's dawn raids and banning Conversion Therapy, paving the way for electric vehicles and vamping the Resource Management Act. The initial phase of introducing the Three Waters Infrastructure project began toward the end of the year. Three Waters was largely seen as a government grab of civil assets and not particularly popular. Oh and they brought in new anti-terrorism laws in 2021 as well.


The farmers began to mobilise having had enough of being the whipping boy for the Green Party and the Green Peace political lobby. They launched a lobby group called Groundswell and began to push back against the left leaning climate change movement. Most of whom are more about progressive liberalism than actual environmental issues.


And then it was 2022. Tonga had its Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai eruption and subsequent tsunami and the focus was briefly on mounting rescue and aid via the Defense Force. The Conversion Practices Prohibition Act  was ushered into law and of course the Ukrainian Crisis was coming onto the radar and New Zealand fell in behind the NATO in urging Russia to deescalate tensions with Ukraine. Russia subsequently invaded the Ukraine sadly not listening to Ms Mahuta. Rapid Antigen Tests were ordered and as Omicron began to spread in earnest and were distributed nationwide to replace the PCR tests.


The interesting aspect of the parliamentary activities since 2017  is that it is mostly related to some crisis or another or issues that are United Nations Rights Based secular humanist agendas. Such as CRT or else Climate Change or other related issues like environmental pollution or the roll out of electric vehicles. Otherwise issues relating to the global agenda such as the Ukraine conflict or the Christchurch Mosque Crisis and Gun Control legislation. Without meaning to be too much of a skeptic it seems that from now on there will be a crisis for every occasion.


It would seem that the face of prime minister Jacinda Ardern is the face of the Global Agenda and the United Nations in New Zealand. The social conscience of the nation and the voice of the dominant discourse chiding, deriding and subtly condemning the conservatives at every turn. If the cry after the Christchurch Mosque Shootings was "They are us!" then the cry against the social conservatives is definitely "They are not us!"


Sadly, the protest on Parliament Grounds was a very valid and heart felt expression of conservative and disenfranchised New Zealander's emotions. But the dominant discourse has rapidly moved to liberal progressive values and "They are us." A slogan which very accurately applies to those who espouse secular humanism and the inner self enlightenment mantra's of the fully integrated New Age - Buddhist and Interfaith movements. As it has been very subtly sown into the hearts and minds of the average New Zealander in the 21st Century.


Those of us who are still holding to the Christian Social Conservative values of our parents era are said to have been left behind as the Progressive Liberals, and their ilk, are literally undergoing an evolutionary leap forward into the New Age. The Age of Aquarius. In recent years science has come forward with the idea that the conservative brain is more black and white and stayed than the more open minded liberal progressive brain. They say there is a demonstrable and scientifically provable difference.


Conservatives and Christians are literally the cave men of the twenty first century while the liberals are the new evolutionary jump into the future. Thus Our prime minister Jacinda Ardern can say that she will not meet with those who don't think like her. The height of arrogance and rudeness really and actually quite a backward approach in itself.  Let's face it meeting with others who hold different views to yourself is how a person or group identify the common ground on which to build a relationship going forward. It could be argued that being open to the ideas of others who don't agree with you on the basis of developing social connections is the real indicator of intelligence.


In any case, the defining elements of the last six years have been the switch to continual crises and rapid change which is creating a new format society very similar to an Orwellian Dystopia. Daily life is becoming a turbulent emotional roller coaster ride where uncertainty and worry are increasingly the norm for everyone. This is achieved through a cohesion or state and media. Churning through the events of each day and weaving in worrying factors like climate disaster and portraying those who don't subscribe to the liberal agenda as being somehow quite dangerous.


It would seem the elite have an end game in mind and they are using secular socialism to hurry it into being around the globe. The fear of pandemics and the dangers of climate change are merely a means of brain washing citizens into the idea that totalitarian rule is our best chance of surviving in the future. As though Conservative Christianity is backward thinking and has gotten us into this mess but clear minded rationalism is the only way to get through it. Electric vehicles, sustainable technology and an understanding of the scientific principals as they are laid out in the mainstream media.


"They are us!" is the catch call hastening everyone to pull into line. You don't want to be a left behind conservative stick in the mud with a busted brain. You want to be enlightened and be a part of the great New Age Progressive leap forward. You want to arrive in the "Brave New World." Pardon the irony in this slogan. The brave new world mantra actually turns out to be more similar to Huxley's novel than a paradise of Luciferian Enlightenment. A dystopia rather than a utopian paradise. There is little doubt that those who don't fit in and won't follow the party line are going to have a hard time. Those who won't take the Mark of the Beast won't be able to buy or sell and will be locked out of the system.


Thirdly, 2030 is the end of the road. We are going through a process of global transformation and that process is intended to be complete by 2030. Changes to achieve climate stability and strategies to reduce population as well as the establishment of a global world government. All to be implemented by 2030. I assume that means the Russia and China will also be dealt with by that deadline.


Finally, a word to other Christians and Conservatives. The most important thing for Christians to do is to focus on the basics. Don't be swayed of frightened by the pace and grab of all of this change. Sharing the gospel and leading folk to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ is all that matters. What is now happening has been prophesied and will happen and then Jesus Christ will come again. Conservatives, if you're not saved then get saved. Do what you can to sensibly restrain progressive liberalism. But to make a real difference would require a well-structured movement and great blessing from God. Although I think sharing the gospel would achieve the same goals. Anyway that is where I believe New Zealand is heading. Toward a liberal progressive New World Order and a perceived Age of Aquarius which as I understand it began last year in 2021.


John 3:16

“For God so loved the world,ithat he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life."


From <>

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