Saturday, February 27, 2021

Pagan Reset

Back in the days of the Roman Empire paganism was the religion of the day. The Romans were taken with Greek mythology and the many deities of the Greek Pantheon. As a result they took many of the Greek gods for themselves and incorporated them into the Roman form of worship. In Rome you could worship whichever deities you wanted providing you acknowledged Caesar as God and were prepared to kneel before him.

After the crucifixion of Jesus in Jerusalem around 33AD the gospel was carried by the apostles throughout the Middle East and to Asia, Greece and Rome by the apostle Paul. By the fourth century Christianity began to seriously displace paganism as the religion of prominence and with the action of the Emperor Constantine who began to institute Christianity as the state religion. This did not happen officially until sometime after after he died (337AD), in 381AD. We could say that there had been a major religious reset in favour or Christendom at that time.

This has remained the case in Europe and the West for the last sixteen hundred years but with the advent of humanism and evolution combined with liberalism and theistic evolution in the Christian Church and, including the activities of New Age Movement and Theosophical Society. We are witnessing at a situation where we could say that we looking at a Pagan reset.  In this regard we have seen a great falling away as Christ Jesus prophesied in Matthew chapter 24 verses 9 through 13.

In fact, one could look at the activities of Rome over the last five centuries, since the Reformation, through entities like the Jesuits, the Knights of Malta and the infiltration of Free Masonry by esoteric illuminism. We see a move to change society by educating the ruling elite in humanism or paganism with the intention of replacing bible believing Christianity with either esoteric New Age thinking or scientism and humanism. The result be a society based on atheism or secretly containing pagan adherents who worship the old occult deities but behind closed doors.

Either way we see a massive turning away from Yahweh Elohim in our time as Jesus prophesied. In many parts of the world believers are persecuted for their faith in Christ which is also mentioned scripture quoted above. No where is this more obvious though than in the Western World where in the last forty years Christian churches have close en-mass as a result of ageing congregants and youth taking up atheism and humanism.

An interesting illustration of this is the infiltration of Western democracy by the extreme left wing. In New Zealand we see an example of this in the person of our Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern who was a past President of the International Union of Socialist Youth in 2008. We are seeing society increasingly taken over by humanist groups with anti-Christian agendas. Whether it’s related to race or gender or even issues such as abortion, euthanasia and Islam. Christians are being identified as extremists and often besmirched as fascist conservatives.

After the Christchurch mosque shootings (2019), it was noteworthy to see an Interfaith group called on to pray together in the New Zealand Parliament debating chamber. This was reported in an article from Radio New Zealand entitled “Praying With Strangers In Parliament,” and this is the first time it has ever happened. Basically this is a New Age group involving Islam, Buddhism and various ecumenical Christian groups. It is also interesting that Interfaith is basically under the auspices of the Pope and thus Rome.

So what could we say as a final word about this impending World Pagan Reset. Well if we draw back to Matthew chapter twenty four and what Christ Jesus had to say then. He indicated that when we saw these things we might know that end is near and that they have to occur before He returns. So sharpen your knowledge of the word and take up the full armor of God mentioned in Ephesians chapter six. Get the gospel out there and lead as many to Christ as we can. The time is, I believe, nigh.

Reference List

Five Things You Didn’t Know About Jacinda Ardern. 28/02/08

Greek Gods & Goddesses 28/02/21

Pope Francis: “Interfaith dialogue an antidote to violence.” 28/02/21

Matthew chapter 24 verses 9-13 28/02/21


Praying with Strangers in Parliament 28/02/21


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