Wednesday, July 15, 2020

A World Without Borders

As a Christian I have followed Bible Prophecy closely for over forty five years. As a part of that interest I have tried to establish links to what the bible describes with real time World events. In the Old Testament the prophets Daniel and Jeremiah prophesied that God’s Judgement would come upon the World in the End Times.

Jeremiah 30:7 calls this the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. Jacob refers to the nation of Israel and the scripture reads as follows "Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? Wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness? Alas! For that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jacob's trouble, but he shall be saved out of it" KJV

Daniel 12:1 speaks of the the same event “And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.” These prophecies are directed at the nation of Israel specifically but are also global in nature and thus apply equally to people living at the time of these events.

I’m completing this article a few days later than I started to write it so my thoughts have moved on a somewhat. I suppose the question to ask is “Is this the time of Jacob’s Trouble?” Well it’s been two thousand years since Jesus ascended into heaven and if we read his statements in Matthew 24. The events of this era starting with the return of the Jews to their homeland and the establishment of the nation of Israel in 1948. I would have to say that this is very likely the time the bible also describes as the End Times.

I realise not everyone values the bible or its prophecies. Some people say they prefer not to wallow in negativity. Quite a lot of folks choose to ignore religious commentary as unscientific and irrelevant. However, to those who do follow bible prophecy then starting with the return of the Jews to Israel. This period of time seems to jell with the events described in God’s word. Scripture says “As it was in the days of Noah so will it be when the Son of Man returns.” Well in Noah’s time the population of the World is estimated to have been in the billions. The people’s focus was entirely on self and not on God at all. Evil seems to have been as prevalent in that epoch as it is today.

The apostle Paul spoke of the activity of what he called the Mystery of Iniquity in his time. Today their are rumoured to be a number of somewhat covert groups that would meet the description of the Mystery of Iniquity in our time as well. I elude to the Illuminati, The Bilderbergers, The Society of Jesus, The Knights Malta, The Trilateral Commission, The Club of Rome, The Round Table, The Fabian Socialists and the The Freemasons. All of these shadowy organisations are involved in the establishment of a Global Super State and the education of the tier of bureaucracy required to operate and govern it. A world without borders.

Now many bible eschatologists understand the borderless society that is being ushered in by the New World Order to be an attempt by the Mystery of Iniquity to re-establish the situation that existed at the Tower of Babel. A society of people joined together speaking the same language, all a part of the same system and worshiping as one religion. This has not been possible until this present era. We now have the technology to enable this to happen. I speak of travel, communication and inter-connectedness.

We are seeing a series of global events that are going to rapidly change the world as we know it. The global furor over climate change has forced a shift in thinking as we seek to replace dirty technology with cleaner more and sustainable technology. It is becoming increasingly obvious that borders need to dissolve in order to enact a global solution to the challenges of Climate Change in the future.

As the United Nations strives to implement a raft of strategies to reign in Climate Change by 2030. It seems to me that we are going to see substantial change to our global society and lifestyle in the next nine years. Their will be a shift away from the use of land to grow food. Much of the farmland will be retired and people will move into the cities in a way we have not seen in the past. I believe there will be a move to drastically reduce the human population.

Of course, we now have the challenge of a global pandemic in the form Covid 19 and once more it has reinforced the concept of the urgent need for a global government stronger and more effective than the United Nations and the World Health Organisation. I am not suggesting that Covid has been released on purpose to create this situation merely that it has conveniently underlined the inadequacy of government at a global level to successfully gain control of a health emergency of this kind
This situation has given governments around the world to practice the implementation of global civil defense rules and regulations that amount to a massive claw back of personal freedoms. It is looking increasingly that this will be the new normal as even in New Zealand we cruise along at level 1 of the Covid response plan. One genuinely wonders if this is the beginning of an increasingly Big Brother style Orwellian global regime. Where we are told by the media what to think and how to act.

The reason I say this because it occurs to me that this could simply a flu type illness with a huge focus on infection and death rates by the WHO and the International Media. I realise this is quite unlikely and the more sensible statement is that Covid is a dangerous and previously unseen pathogen causing much higher infection and death rates than a normal influenza strain. Of course the pandemic and climate change are not the only major drivers for a borderless society. The political tension between East and West is also a major reason that proponents of globalism are calling for a New World Order.

The position of China and Russia in opposition to the West has the potential to be a major flash point. If a true borderless world society is to be established then an accord has to be ironed out between East and West. Personally I think that there is a war to be fought here and one is described in the bible. How the world will look after that war is moot. How much of mankind will survive that war should it occur is also an unknown. This situation alone tends to lead me to conclude that the bible’s description of the End Times fits best with our era. Jesus said of this time that if it were not cut short no flesh would survive.

If I am even close to being right about all of this then the proof will be in the pudding. The beginning of the End Times will see the New World Order roll into a town near you. Things will become increasingly less nationalist and more globalist. Climate Change and the Global Pandemic will continue to be issues of massive importance. Personal freedom will stay on hold with rolling lock-downs becoming the new normal. Some form of identification system will be brought in possibly based around vaccination for Covid. Life as we have known it will move from autumn to winter. A nee season of change will be upon us.

Remember that God so loves you that he gave his only Son, Jesus Christ, that if you believe on him. You will not perish but will inherit eternal life. A personal paraphrase of John 3:16

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