Wednesday, July 22, 2020

A Question of Faith?

A recent discussion with a dear brother raised an important question for me as a Christian. We were discussing events happening in America, Trump, and in the World currently. I am open to many possibilities and explanations to explain life as I see it. However, as a Christian I always seek to base my perspective in scripture and bible prophecy.

My friend is a scientist and he seeks explanations backed by empirical and verifiable evidence. This is based on the four scientific research protocols. The steps of the method are: 1) make an observation that describes a problem, 2) create a hypothesis, 3) test the hypothesis, and 4) draw conclusions and refine the hypothesis.

Two key words in this debate are Empirical and Verifiable.

The definition of Empirical is:

empirical /ɛmˈpɪrɪk(ə)l,ɪmˈpɪrɪk(ə)l/ adjective - adjective: empirical based on, concerned with, or verifiable by observation or experience rather than theory or pure logic. "They provided considerable empirical evidence to support their argument"

The definition of Verifiable is:
verifiable /ˈvɛrɪfʌɪəb(ə)l/ adjective adjective: verifiable able to be checked or demonstrated to be true, accurate, or justified. "an easily verifiable claim"

The apostle Paul spoke about empirical and verifiable evidence in the bible at Romans chapter 1 verse 20 “For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse...” I think Paul is saying here that we all know, if we are honest with ourselves, that we only need to look at the natural world to find observable evidence of the creation and the Creator.

If we look at the natural world in more detail we find verifiable evidence of intelligent design. When we look at the cell which is the building block of natural life and which Darwin insisted would have to be very simple so that life could evolve. Instead of simplicity we find irreducible complexity. DNA which contains a programming language far more sophisticated than even the most complex digital languages of our time. We find DNA as a potential storage device far superior than any designed by man and capable of storing 700 terabytes in a single gram. We find protein based machines which manufacture the requirements of the cell at a rate of thousands per second. A power molecule attuned to the food sources available in the Earth ecosystem. We find that single cell is comparable to a city but at a microscopic level.

If we look at the young Earth science included in Creation Science. One of the absolute catastrophe’s of recent years for evolution is the discovery of the existence of cellular tissue in many dinosaur fossil bones in various sites in the United States of America. This astounding discovery confirms that dinosaurs didn’t live millions of years ago but probably no more than thousands of years ago. Scientists have acknowledged that biological tissue could not survive more than a maximum of 22 thousand years in the fossil bones. But of course this discovery controverts the narrative of evolutionary science and is dismissed as the rantings of misguided creation scientists and is decried as being pseudoscience. Despite the fact that fossils with biological material that is not fossilised are relatively common at sites like the Western Montana bone beds.

Of course, the scientific community does not accept any of the arguments mentioned in the preceding paragraphs. And if you look into the arguments put forward by scientists that support intelligent design or creation science. You find the atheists and the evolutionary scholars are in lock step on their refusal to accept any argument which includes Yahweh or a Creator as a part of the origins of the natural world. You certainly won’t find anything about creation science or intelligent design in the news media. That is unless it involves an evolutionary scientist decrying the work of a scientist whose research is in field of creation science or intelligent design and contradicts the evolutionary narrative.

The real issue here is one of support, numbers and control. Those supporting atheism and the evolutionary narrative have garnered support in the universities and governments around the globe. They have gradually educated subsequent generations away from belief in God and into the belief in atheism, science and secularism. It has been a battle for the hearts and minds of our youth with the ultimate goal being to subsume the place of Christianity in Western Society and in the long run the World. Now they control the government, the media and the dominant discourse. Once you obtain that level of power and control in society then you have the means to shut down your opponents before they can raise a single objection. The average punter has been conditioned to accept everything the media and government feeds them as gospel.

Christians, creation scientists and supporters of intelligent design are pilloried in the media and portrayed as weak minded and a little sad. Those brave enough to attempt to attack society on a moral level are shown to be intolerant and potentially dangerous crackpots. Hence hate speech legislation and the current move to silence conservatives through out the West.

I guess in the final analysis none of this really matters. Those responsible for all of this atheistic mayhem will have a short lived period of triumph. They will do as their ilk often do and celebrate their successes somewhat ahead of schedule only to find that their worst fears are to be fulfilled once more. These are the last days of this age and the End Times are upon us. God is going to show up and rain on their parade. Entrance Revelation 14:6 “And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people...”

Those who have faith in Jesus Christ need have no fear. God will honor His promises and keep his people safe. Those who have faith in atheism or evolution already know that their theory of origins is far fetched and that as much as they hate the idea of their being a Creator. The likely hood is that there is one. They have faith in their religion of Atheistic Evolution just as Christians have faith in God. Without faith in their theory of the origins of the Universe they are in no better position than the Christian who doubts Yahweh is the Creator of the Universe. It’s about Sin and a Savior and Salvation and a Creator that so loves His creations that he gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes on Him shall not perish but will inherit eternal life. I believe personally we have not long to wait until the events of the end times come to pass.

Reference List

Dictionary 17.17.20

Dictionary 17.07.20

Harvard Cracks DNA Storage, Crams Seven Hundred Terabytes in a Single Gram 22.07.20

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