Saturday, October 12, 2019

Godly Design, Science and Creation

When I was a child I was saved early but influenced greatly by socialism and scientific atheism through an avid fascination with science fiction. I was touched within by Jesus and the Gospels but at the same time moved greatly by Stratemeyer Syndicate’s Tom Swift series and the works of Arthur C Clarke, Asimov and Bradbury to name a few of the authors of that time.
“Woe!” I hear you say. Interestingly the gospels appeal to the works of the Holy Spirit within one. While scientific atheism appeals to the flesh. Thus the things of God bring forth the works of God and the things of man play to the rebellious heart of the flesh. Those days were more than a little conflicted and made clear to me that the flesh will always seek to flee from God and to follow the deception of the Serpent in Garden of Eden in Genesis three. “You surely will not die! For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Hence man continually seeks to remove God from his world view and to be his own God. 
So it was for me also. I loved the idea of mankind being one of the ruling races in our galaxy and even in the universe. Imagine visiting a deserted Earth millennia in the future and visiting the Great Hall of Leave-taking where mankind departed the Earth one final time for the stars. Consider man garnering the technology to create planets and solar systems of his own. The great wars that might one day be fought for the good of the universe and to defeat evil. All very romantic but in reality not very probable.
You see before mankind could consider fighting righteous wars on behalf of the universe. We would need to acknowledge the existing almighty creator of the universe Jehovah and the pre-existing Sin problem that we all share in courtesy of the Devil who deceives us and led our first parents to disobey God and fall into sinful ruin. Would a loving God allow a sin ridden humanity to inflict itself on a righteous universe.
Sadly we live in world immersed in the very blend of science, atheism and secular humanism that I read about as a child. I don’t think that this is by chance because the ideals that underpin this philosophy have been developed by the enemy ever since the fall of man and are purposed to divert the human heart from the things of God toward the things of man. If you combine these ideals with a busy life then people become so distracted by the lives they are leading and concerns of the day that they completely miss the message that God created them for a higher purpose much less the wisdom of the Bible or the message of the gospel.
In fact in our day every new science fact is taken as reason to disbelieve the bible. In secular humanism our Christian ideals are viewed as archaic in the first instance and then considered uncompromising and intolerant. Gradually they are being portrayed as dangerous and irrelevant. Soon as the Western World plunges toward Communism those same Christian ideals will be railed against as being disruptive to society and an abuse of peoples human rights. Christians will be persecuted again as evil once more rises from the shadows.
We live in a time when those who don’t know Jehovah are deceived into believing that that in disobeying God they are being enlightened and fulfilled. That they are growing and evolving into new and fully awakened beings that are closer to being Gods themselves as their new wisdom shines from within them. Unfortunately the sage words of the apostle Paul in Romans chapter one are clearly more accurate than the vain speculations of the darkened hearts of these sadly deluded folk.
When I was a child I was saved early but influenced greatly by socialism and scientific atheism through an avid fascination with science fiction. I was touched within by Jesus and the Gospels but at the same time moved greatly by Stratemeyer Syndicate’s Tom Swift series and the works of Arthur C Clarke, Asimov and Bradbury to name a few of the authors of that time.
“Woe!” I hear you say. Interestingly the gospels appeal to the works of the Holy Spirit within one. While scientific atheism appeals to the flesh. Thus the things of God bring forth the works of God and the things of man play to the rebellious heart of the flesh. Those days were more than a little conflicted and made clear to me that the flesh will always seek to flee from God and to follow the deception of the Serpent in Garden of Eden in Genesis three. “You surely will not die! For God knows that in the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.” Hence man continually seeks to remove God from his world view and to be his own God. 
So it was for me also. I loved the idea of mankind being one of the ruling races in our galaxy and even in the universe. Imagine visiting a deserted Earth millennia in the future and visiting the Great Hall of Leave-taking where mankind departed the Earth one final time for the stars. Consider man garnering the technology to create planets and solar systems of his own. The great wars that might one day be fought for the good of the universe and to defeat evil. All very romantic but in reality not very probable.
You see before mankind could consider fighting righteous wars on behalf of the universe. We would need to acknowledge the existing almighty creator of the universe Jehovah and the pre-existing Sin problem that we all share in courtesy of the Devil who deceives us and led our first parents to disobey God and fall into sinful ruin. Would a loving God allow a sin ridden humanity to inflict itself on a righteous universe.
Sadly we live in world immersed in the very blend of science, atheism and secular humanism that I read about as a child. I don’t think that this is by chance because the ideals that underpin this philosophy have been developed by the enemy ever since the fall of man and are purposed to divert the human heart from the things of God toward the things of man. If you combine these ideals with a busy life then people become so distracted by the lives they are leading and concerns of the day that they completely miss the message that God created them for a higher purpose much less the wisdom of the Bible or the message of the gospel.
In fact in our day every new science fact is taken as reason to disbelieve the bible. In secular humanism our Christian ideals are viewed as archaic in the first instance and then considered uncompromising and intolerant. Gradually they are being portrayed as dangerous and irrelevant. Soon as the Western World plunges toward Communism those same Christian ideals will be railed against as being disruptive to society and an abuse of peoples human rights. Christians will be persecuted again as evil once more rises from the shadows. 
We live in a time when those who don’t know Jehovah are deceived into believing that that in disobeying God they are being enlightened and fulfilled. That they are growing and evolving into new and fully awakened beings that are closer to being Gods themselves as their new wisdom shines from within them. Unfortunately the sage words of the apostle Paul in Romans chapter one are clearly more accurate than the vain speculations of the darkened hearts of these sadly deluded folk.
Romans 1: 21-25 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. KJV
So nothing has changed. The lie that Satan told Eve in the Garden of Eden is the same lie he’s spinning to you and everyone else in human history. Essentially he’s saying “Jehovah is lying to you.” “Once you understand good from evil you are as God yourself.” “Seek inner wisdom and enlightenment and be ye as Gods.” The fact that you can’t trust the devil and his intention is to enlist the most powerful men on Earth to control the governments and to build the greatest armies ever seen to rule over humanity. This should tell you that you are in grave danger with him as he seeks to eventually rid the world of mankind and to keep it for himself. 
It may not seem so if you listen to Satan. But Jehovah loves you and seeks only the best for you. If you choose the only begotten Son of God who bore your sins on the cross. You will have eternal life and become the new creature that God has always intended you to be as you are fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Or you can reject God and believe Satan seeking to become a God in your own right but in the process becoming enslaved and eventually disenfranchised as the devil betrays you for his own gain. Is it to be eternal life in Christ Jesus or the eternal second death in the serpent that old dragon who has deceived man from the beginning. Your choice...
So nothing has changed. The lie that Satan told Eve in the Garden of Eden is the same lie he’s spinning to you and everyone else in human history. Essentially he’s saying “Jehovah is lying to you.” “Once you understand good from evil you are as God yourself.” “Seek inner wisdom and enlightenment and be ye as Gods.” The fact that you can’t trust the devil and his intention is to enlist the most powerful men on Earth to control the governments and to build the greatest armies ever seen to rule over humanity. This should tell you that you are in grave danger with him as he seeks to eventually rid the world of mankind and to keep it for himself. 
It may not seem so if you listen to Satan. But Jehovah loves you and seeks only the best for you. If you choose the only begotten Son of God who bore your sins on the cross. You will have eternal life and become the new creature that God has always intended you to be as you are fulfilled in Jesus Christ. Or you can reject God and believe Satan seeking to become a God in your own right but in the process becoming enslaved and eventually disenfranchised as the devil betrays you for his own gain. Is it to be eternal life in Christ Jesus or the eternal second death in the serpent that old dragon who has deceived man from the beginning. Your choice...

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