Saturday, December 1, 2018

Technology Transformation

Our nations classrooms are being transformed by technology as our children are consumed by the mobile revolution. Games, social media and the growing connectedness experienced by i-Gen are making traditional learning settings irrelevant. Living in fantasy or mixture of reality with the digital world is more important to many i-Gen than living a real life that requires concentrated effort and self discipline. 
As a result significant numbers of students at high school are literally dropping out of school because they are seeing the current learning environment as no longer worth their time. In many instances they know that their chances of getting a job are slim at best even if they get their 80 credits by the end of year twelve. So why bother appears to be their thinking. Why not just stop going to school? After all the teacher’s just give them grief about the work they haven’t done all the time. Who needs that?
Schools are lagging far behind i-Gen in this environment. I don’t think they realise what the implications of these symptoms are. They realise that through digital technology they have lost control of student learning but think that by retrenching and placing restrictions on the use of cell phones that they will reverse the situation. They underestimate how embedded the students have become in this technology. The students would sooner continue with their digital synthesis of life than continue with their frustrating school life. At some point i-Gen will simply revolt and demand a more relevant system of learning that embraces their current saturated information holistic digital reality.
Digital technology is about to take a quantum leap in capability. Powers beyond government level are guiding this process and the next generation of cell phone technology will be based around microchips with an ability to link humanity in a way simply not possible using a cell phone or personal computer. Because i-Gen live a large part of their life in the digital domain as the technology becomes more sophisticated they will begin to be connected together in a virtual shared reality. It will become possible to establish a link between the brain and computers, alter behavior, restore sight, medicate people and enable a permanent link with the world system at a personal and global level. They will interface at a mental level sharing thought with each other. 
Imagine how this could revolutionise systems like the Chinese Sky Net population monitoring system. It would give the state access to your very thoughts. The concepts of pre-crime and thought control would become a reality enabling the state to arrest criminals as they think of the crime and incorporating software in the microchips capable of deleting and rewriting thought - mind control. This is not a far fetched prophecy from the distant future. There are companies working with this technology and the science is well developed.
The likely impacts on i-Gen are going to be profound as they move from hand held digital reality synthesis to virtual reality within the confines of their own minds. The ability to think and feel with a virtual community. The ability for the community to assert moral precepts on the individual in much the same way as a hive mind. Anyone familiar with the Borg on the series Star Trek The Next Generation would understand what I am intimating here. I believe that cell phone technology has been used to induce humanity to accept technology as benign and if anything beneficial. I think the uptake of the next generation of that technology will be immediate.
Christians have postulated the idea of a rapture of the Church in the end times of the Church Age. I must admit to having been very dubious about the idea of God removing the Church to spare them in the time of trouble. I have to say though that with the advent of the microchip biotech and the likely assimilation and control of every human that receives the technology. It seems to me that no one who receives this technology could function independently of the 666 system described in the book of Revelation. It may well be that the Rapture would be the only way that God could preserve the saved status of the bride of Christ - The Bible Believing Christian Church.
AS to i-Gen? I think that schools will have to change rapidly to accommodate the digitally enhanced reality of their students and even then there will be those so addicted to their digital devices and the instant gratification now available to them. Many will quit school and begin their fulfilling digital lifestyles. This combined with the growing influence of the gang culture and new and more addictive games will doubtless lead to increasing social disorder and lawlessness. Again bible prophecy has pointed the way to this happening in these last days of the Age of Grace. Now as it happens.
Reference List
BioHax International. 02.12.2018

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