Saturday, November 24, 2018

The World Today. Where is this leading...

The other day my grandsons and their father went to Touch Football. While they were there a group of teenagers who were prospects for a local gang arrived and started to pray on the youngsters there for sport. They surrounded children at the park and took their bags, physically abusing them as well. One of the boys lost his hat and took a blow to the back of his head. This situation degenerated into an altercation between two gangs and then a full on brawl between adults and children armed with crow bars and other weapons. Later the police became involved.

This is symptomatic of the direction that society is taking today. You may be familiar with the scripture “They sow the wind, And reap the whirlwind....” from Hosea 8:7. Well what we’re doing today is precisely that thing. We sow the wind and are beginning to reap the fruit of our foolishness. The whirlwind or the tornado. We’ve all seen the damage that a tornado can do to peoples dwellings. Destruction, chaos and even death are possible when you are confronted by the whirlwind.
We live in a day when science has given our governments the understanding of how weather processes work so that we can literally sow the clouds with chemicals to achieve a number of outcomes. People speak of aeroplanes crisscrossing our skies with chemicals and leaving a visible trail called a chem-trail. Not everyone is sure what the outcomes of doing this are but it has been speculated that they are manipulating the weather. They might be doing this to produce clouds to reduce the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth’s surface to lower the temperature in the hope of slowing global warming. Other’s have theorised that the motives for laying chem-trails are not so pure and that they are in fact creating severe weather events to make people believe in global warming. Perhaps, so that strong new laws can be enacted that would curb many of the peoples personal freedoms. Whatever the reason they are certainly sowing the wind and we may well reap the whirlwind.
Secularism is no less dangerous than experimenting with our planets weather. It is now a global experiment in social engineering. It is touted as the best way to promote tolerance and understanding of our fellow men. The reality is that this experiment has been well tried in the history of man and without fail it results in strict constraints on the freedoms of the people of the society that adopts it.
 Gradually as rules are made to enforce protection of some groups rights while other groups have their rights ignored. An example is the right of Christians to freedom of religious expression. Increasingly Christian’s’ rights are nullified by the rights of other groups who claim that Christians are using hate speech against them. One can foresee the time, in the not to distant future, when the bible is outlawed because it is said to encourage intolerance against other secular groups.
Secularism is devoid of moral values and is purportedly based on atheism and evolution. The outcome of this is that there is that there are no binding rules on how dominant groups treat other groups that are in opposition them or a threat to their agenda. They can make up lies about opposition representatives, make threats against them or if they have the power they can even physically abuse them or have them imprisoned. We see this happening in China where Christians are detained, tortured and often brainwashed into giving up their faith. In East Turkestan the Uyghur race are being persecuted in the same way. The government has built large prison facilities in which they are detaining Uyghur people. They are being tortured, brainwashed and reeducated. People often disappear without trace.
It is possible to envisage a time when our, (Kiwi) society becomes extremely socialist or extremely fascist or even some combination of both philosophies. An era where individual rights are curbed and the people are told what they should think down to the minutest level. Socialism championing the rights of secular groups and fascism causing certain parts of society to face mistrust and prejudice. We see that happening in New Zealand with Feminism and LGBTQ groups seen as society’s darlings while Christianity and the Homeless are seen as society’s ugly ducklings. Some groups in society seemingly unimpeachable while other’s viewed with absolute suspicion and abhorrence. 
We are witnessing in this time evil on the ascension and the implementation of the “Do what you wilt.” commandment from Satanism. The fulfillment of Isaiah 5:20 “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Little do these foolish people realise that their foray into evil will only bring them the judgement of the Almighty. Isaiah 5:24 Therefore as the fire devoureth the stubble, and the flame consumeth the chaff, so their root shall be as rottenness, and their blossom shall go up as dust: because they have cast away the law of the Lord of hosts, and despised the word of the Holy One of Israel.
So for a time my friends our society will sink into the depths of depravity. Those who belong to Jehovah and His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, will endure great persecution from the tyranny of the evil one. We are on the verge of the last days of the Age of Grace which end in a time of Great Tribulation. Many who proclaim Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God will be martyred for their faith. But in the end those who call “evil good and good evil,” will face the Judgement of the Almighty God. This will happen when the followers of the evil one assemble in the Valley of Mageddo and face the wrath of the returning Lord Jesus Christ. Then comes the Millennial Kingdom and the perfect and righteous reign of the Messiah. All praise and glory to God in the highest. Come Lord Jesus. 
Reference List
All scriptures sourced from and the King James Version of the Bible.
Barnabas Fund. 2018. Turn the Tide: Reclaiming Freedom in New Zealand. McClean. Virginia. Issac

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