Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Warning of the New World Order Church...

For many years now there has been a move toward the New World Order. There are symbols used in company and product branding that denote the influence of the NWO and its proponents. But as the New World Order is rolled out around the globe it is becoming apparent that it intends to replace every facet of culture and society. Hence the appearance of NWO symbols in affiliated church organisations. Churches and religious groups that brand themselves with symbols based on the “ALL Seeing Eye of Horus.” 
David Jeremiah’s Shadow Mountain Community Church has a stylised all seeing eye motif on the wall of the church which is often visible in his televised sermons. The Seventh Day Adventist Church uses stylised all seeing eye branding through out its many ministries. A question that arises from the use of this stylised occultic symbology. Why? What is a seemingly Christian Church organisation doing using overtly satanic New World Order branding?
I find all of this very disconcerting. For decades now it has been possible to track the activities of the New World Order in the corporate world and world of international agencies by the pyramid shaped branding. In recent years nearly all of the business, banking and government enterprises have that branding. 
What is even more disconcerting is that that same branding is appearing on the brands of church organisations. I have also begun to notice a relationship is developing between the United Nations and church groups. An example of this is the Global Leadership Summit which has been televised on Christian television stations. The manta is that church leaders and corporate leaders have the same jobs and can share philosophies. I have wondered if this relationship is a consequence of the movement back into the Roman Catholic fold of the mainline Protestant denominations. 
I find it difficult to believe the naiveté of the Christian movement in getting into bed with the greatest humanist, atheistic and occultic organisation on Earth in our time. Don’t they understand the ultimate outcome of the United Nations Agenda 21 and where the United Nations vehicle is actually going to end up. In the establishment of the New World Order and the rise of the beast 666 system. 
The New World Order reminds me of a paint by numbers artwork. Gradually as the colours are applied to the canvas the picture begins to take shape and you can see what it is that you are looking at. I just never saw the Protestant Church as being a part of that particular picture. We are witnessing the conversion of our faith into the Apostate Church of Revelation. Not just the Church of Rome but actually a World super church including all of the Protestant Churches, Church Cults and all of the other world religions. Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism and many of religious brands.
So returning to the Seventh Day Adventist Church and David Jeremiah’s Shadow Mountain Community Church. We have to make a pronouncement about their relevance to this state of affairs and to the true Christian remnant. My opinion is that this apostasy is wide spread within the modern Christian Church. We can add to the list virtually every church in our community. They are all afflicted with ecumenism or the mediumistic gifts movement or, the seeker gospel where there is no repentance required. Just become a member of the church and you’ll be saved. The very mantra of Rome.
We are late in the Church Age and we are witnessing the emergence of the New World Order. If you are a true bible believing Christian. Open your eyes and be aware. Look at your Church and at the believers around you. Read the bible and pray in the name of Jesus for his guidance in your life. Make the people of God aware of the coming apostasy that is almost upon us. The most amazing thing is that the entire Church will accept the beast as the Messiah. They will hail him as the Christ and fall at his feet in worship. No one who does not worship him will be able to buy or sell. True believers will be on the outside of the circle immediately the Apostate Church accepts the Antichrist as the Messiah.
I have to be honest here. I know Seventh Day Adventist folk and they are perfectly lovely Christian folk. I have friends in churches who unknowingly practice what I would call mediumistic spiritism in the guise of the doctrine of the Holy Spirit. I have friends in mainline churches and evangelistic Churches and they are good and godly people. All are beautiful faithful believers the likes of which I am not fit to untie their boot laces.
However, the bible says in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11verse 13 “For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. 14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light...” Can this be the answer in this case. I’m not talking about every day Christian people in these churches but the leaders. My question here is, are these people false apostles actually pretending to be something that they are not. With the intention of misdirecting the flock to worship the false Christ when he comes. 
This whole unholy mess of a catastrophe just does my head in. I really can’t come to terms with the very idea that the Christian Church could end up infiltrated, misdirected and lost and it has come to pass so quickly. I just can’t understand it. That a pastor like David Jeremiah could preach with such vigor and yet be mislead to displaying regalia of the Mystery of Iniquity on a wall of his church. That pastor Doug Bachelor could be such a strong bible based preacher and in the same breath preach from scripture and include the witterings of Ellen White. That he and the Seventh Day Adventists could use New World Order symbols to brand their ministries. Have they lost their minds? Could the Freemasons have infiltrated these churches and taught from strange light to apostatize these otherwise fine men.
Another Pastor who is analogous in this situation is Walter Veith. He preaches on the activities of Rome throughout history and in particular in these last days. Here is a man whom I really respect and who preaches in accordance with the best End Times preachers that I know. His work is available through Amazing Discoveries which is a Seventh Day Adventist ministry and has a beautiful all seeing eye type motif based on and open bible. For Walter to blow the whistle on the Vatican is to hinder the work of Vatican through the SDA which, I believe, they have infiltrated using Freemasonry. I struggle to see how any of this makes sense from the perspective of simple logic. Why pull apart your own work unless Veith is a sincere Christian or it is ruse to give credibility to the SDA by making it seem that they are sincere in their Anti-Rome diatribe rather than a subsidiary of the Vatican and the Mystery of Iniquity.
Am I being naive myself and holding the Christian Church to an unattainable standard. Has there always been apostasy in the Church to a greater or lesser extent? Is it that we are in the end times so it stands to reason prophecy is being fulfilled and the Church is in the sad apostate mess in which we find it. 
Does it simply come back to being serious minded. One of the things that I find upsetting is the modern propensity for discussion of every worldly issue in Christendom. We have women on the air discussing womens health issues and child raising and all of this from through the lens of science or psychology and never a mention of the scripture from seeming Christians. We have men talking about Churches as a medium sized business with the same needs for leadership and mechanisms to help the Church business grow. Worldliness is replacing Godliness in the Church.
The serious minded Christian knows that God takes care of health issues, child rearing and church growth. The serious minded Christian also knows that the bible is the font of the spiritual knowledge that underpins the Christian life. As a result the serious minded Christian heeds Gods word and is on guard against the attacks of the enemy that undermine a Christians spiritual knowledge. Attacks based on worldly knowledge, and values, on the very faith of the believer. 
So what can we say? Well pray and read the word of God. As a serious minded believer seek to carry the truth of salvation from sin, in Jesus Christ, to as many unbelieving non Christians as possible. While you’re at it take the knowledge that the Jesus imparts to you through the indwelling Holy Spirit to as many worldly Christians and misguided Churches as you can. Where you can, plant the seed of the gospel. 
Warn the Christian World about the coming apostate New World Order Super Church. A Church that will include every denomination, every religion and every cult. Tell them of the New World Order. Mention the branding using the “All Seeing Eye of Horus” and that this comes from ancient occultic religions in Sumer, Babylon, Greece, Egypt and even ancient Israel. Tell them that time is short and the end is near. Jesus is coming soon.
John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believes on him shall not perish but will inherit eternal life.
Reference List
https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=2+Corinthians+11%3A13-14&version=KJV IICorinthians13-14.biblegateway.com
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n3BtIO9FG8 David Jeremiah Exposed.31/07/18
http://www.jesusisprecious.org/false_religion/sda/wrong_repentance.htm The Satanic Cult Of Seventh-day Adventism.29/07/2018
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lUaSfF0mcX4 Walter Veith. The Secret Behind Secret Societies.29/07/2018

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