Saturday, July 28, 2018

Peeling back the layers...

Society is so complicated today that I’m not sure it is possible to investigate the issues that cause a lot of what we see and find a definitive truth that makes us feel that we have found the cause with any confidence.
I heard a few months back while reading through some conspiracy theories, on-line, that the Global Elite were intending to run the United States government with a structure of corporate communism. So the burgeoning left wing composed of secular groups that supported Barak Obama and are currently loving to hate Donald Trump. They are the folk that will be the dominant group in a communist America and the corporations will control the use of resources in the economy.
One would have to ask. What will be the outcome for right wing conservatives in such a society. If we look back at the Soviet Union then I suspect the future prospects of conservatives will be bleak to say the least. I say this because from the communist revolution of 1917 on those who even slightly disagreed with the Communist Party suffered greatly in slave labor camps and gulags. Under Stalin 66 million people are said to have perished.
Of course as was the case in the first half of the twentieth century the right wing grew strong on the hatred of communism and the supposed propensity of the left to give rights and resources to the perceived weaker members of society. The proponents of communism became more and more extreme in the USSR, under Lenin and Stalin, and almost in answer to that left wing extremity Adolf Hitler led the fascist right to equal levels of extremity in Germany and amongst the right wing elements of societies across Europe and around the world.
Strangely factions in the United States of America seemed to be in awe of Hitler and Nazi Germany before and during the Nineteen Thirties and World War Two. Apparently powerful Americans supported Hitler both financially and apparently materially as well. So it may be that it is not so surprising that the fascist right is powerful once more in the USA of today. Perhaps this is once more in answer to the extremity of the progressive left and their communist tendencies.
One cannot but wonder whether these two dangerous political groups are truly acting with equanimity and in control of their own actions or is there a greater power manipulating both the action and direction of these political behemoths.
My question then is “Are we living in a truly Orwellian era where every element of our daily life is controlled by an unseen force?” A world where all information is controlled and nothing is actually as it seems. A place where challenging the status quo could not only be unwise but might actually be fatal.
A world system that uses drones, cameras and where even satellites are employed to watch the movements of citizens. Where your personal device not only can spy on you. It is spying on you. Where the Police Force can invade your personal life and turn it upside down with out any accountability for their actions. Just like in Nazi Germany and just like in the USSR.
My next question is “If we do live in an Orwellian Era who is pulling the strings and for what reasons are they doing it?” You may have heard the names of some elite groups that are known to hold a lot of power and influence in the World. Groups like the Bilderburgers, the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Jesuits and the Vatican. These are but a few of the groups that make up the ruling elite that run everything political on the Earth in our time. They have very many other groups that are instrumental in enacting the Satanic plan for for the end times and the tribulation that is described in the book of Revelation in the Bible.
So in our world we have a strata that orders the system of government and social groupings. It has been noted that under neo-liberalism wealth has be moved up the chain so that we now have only two major wealth groupings. The haves and the have nots. This has been achieved by the haves gaining control of the main resources and the industries that process them into the goods that society needs. I’m talking about food from the farm to the supermarket. Industry from the mine to the car, electronic device or to construction industry. In fact they control every facet of the consumer economy and the wealth travels up hill to the elite while those at the bottom of the chain. The have nots are increasingly side lined and marginalised.
Within that strata is the secular community which forms the society that we live in. Increasingly in the west that has seen the have nots and some of the haves fall into various secular groups. LGBT, Feminism, Christianity, Islam, Atheism and Racism are all groups and lenses through which people view the world. Usually a person fits in several of these groupings and that forms their world view. This is also called the Humanist view and is usually atheistic. So that Christianity is a lens but not really part of the IN Crowd. So while inclusion of all groups is encouraged officially. Christians are excluded actually.
As I think about these layers and strata and how they interact to produce the world we see today. It strikes me that there seems to be a plan. That there may be an unseen power that has created these philosophies and economic strategies as tools to manipulate humanity. The ultimate aim would appear to be to discredit Christianity and remove Judeo-Christian law and values from society.
A power that thinks if you can make the people atheistic, naturalistic or pantheistic the road can be constructed to lead them to the end time government and religion of the last days of this age. To usher in the tribulation described in the book of Revelation when there will be such violence that if the time were not shortened no flesh would survive.
A power that knows if you can make the people ignorant of the Creator God of the Bible. Then you remove their protection from the ruler of this world. That they unwittingly become the possession of that ruler. His to command, to use and to destroy at his whim. Without Yahweh Elohim and his only begotten son, Yeshua (Jesus Christ). Without the love of God applied to the law and revealed in their hearts by the Holy Spirit. They the people of this Earth have no Savior and no Salvation. No hope!
My friends this power has instilled a hatred of the one living God and has misled them to reject righteousness. To say that good is evil and evil is good. To work wickedness to their fellow man. To kill the innocent and to perform all that is unrighteous as though that is the only way a man would consider. They have separated the hearts of man from God and made the people to be against their only hope. Celebrating them that do wrong in the sight of Yahweh Elohim and lauding their brethren to do the same.
Friends as Yeshua said: Matthew 7:13 "Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it..” NASB So look around you. Consider what you see in the world around you. How does it compare with my opinion shared in this document? See the truth from the lie. Turn back to the one living God. For he so loved you that he gave his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, that if you believe on him you shall not perish but will inherit eternal life (source John 3:16) You need only close your eyes and pray that God forgive your sin in Jesus name and come into your heart and it will be done... Amen - So be it!

Reference List: Walter Veith. The Secret Behind Secret Societies.29/07/2018

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