Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Love Versus Hate....

Love versus hate. Good versus evil. Light versus darkness. Righteousness versus sin. We live in a tortured, twisted world filled with untruth and deception. Most of us have a personal perspective of this world based on our own life experience. I don’t think many of us get close to really knowing what the real causes and purpose of all that goes on in life are. I don’t think many of us really know what God means in his word, the bible, when he says that he is a God of love or that love is the the only way to live a successful life.

The world emulates love at some level to get the best out of people and systems. This allows them to function efficiently, as well as, to feel valued and that their contributions are satisfactory and necessary to the on going well being of those around them. But, this is not love, this is manipulation.

Jesus said that Satan is the Prince, or the Ruler, of this World. 1. Satan emphasizes the negative. In fact, as far as I know love is not in his vocabulary but he rewards those who serve him well. This is possible to see by analyzing the power structure around the world. There are families that have served Satan for centuries and possibly millennium. Rothschild and Rockefeller are two names synonymous with the various occult orders that are in the service of evil. Families in the Illuminati are listed here. 1a.

It seems to me that the world is ruled under the mantra of Divide and Conquer. To truly understand the complexity that has been built into the system of rule is nearly impossible. However, there are religions and religious orders involved in the infrastructure of the devil that trace back to Cain in the book of Genesis. 2.

Freemasonry, The Rosicrucian Order and the Illuminati are three of most prominent examples of the rule of darkness in our time. But if you look at how the world has been drawn together under the power of the Mystery of Iniquity from Roman times up until today. 2a. It is clear that powerful countries and organisations have been played off against each other to achieve world domination down through the centuries. A new world order under a single world government is the ultimate goal. This will be the culmination of world rule under the doctrine of hatred. The ultimate iteration of evil. The bible says that were not this time shortened no flesh would survive. 2b.

There seems to be a great emphasis in society today to know what your philosophy is and that this should inform your attitudes to other people. If we look at secularism through the socialist perspective we see that there are competing groups. 3. Feminism, LGBT, Black Rights and Humanism for instance. These groups form the dominant discourse in 2018. If you are a member of these groups then you have the support of the government and if you are opposed to these groups. Conservative Christians for example. Then you are in for an increasingly rocky road as you travel toward disenfranchisement.

However many Christians seem to want to continue to play the world game. They align themselves with the concepts of left or right wing political agendas. 4. They may think they are right wing fascists. Fascists hold to the ideal that not all men are equal. Some are destined to lead or to greatness. Many, many more are destined to be workers and to perform the will of their leaders. This is life and we should just accept it. The leaders spin this as freedom assuring everyone that we only have to work hard and we will have wealth, home and family. Hitler followed this creed and sent fifty million people to an early grave during World War II.

Other Christians choose left wing and socialism, feeling that it aligns with Christianity more harmoniously as they espouse many of the same objectives and values. Communism maintains that it is about the rights of the people. Rights to religious freedom. Rights to live your life as you see fit. Rights to an even share of the resources. It sounds idyllic but it doesn’t stump up and has generally failed globally. 5. In the USSR Stalin had up to 60 million people killed in slave work schemes and gulags. 5a.
Jesus warned us against being unequally yoked. 6. Most Christians apply this to marriage but I believe it applies to philosophy as well. Don’t take up the mantra’s of this world. Don’t be tainted by it because it causes you to take on the mindset of this world. Read the word of God and get the mindset of Jehovah and his only Son, Jesus Christ. Allow the Holy Spirit to reveal the nature of Jesus in your heart. Then love your fellow man as you love yourself. Do unto others as you would have them to do unto you.

Love - How it should be.

The love of God produces the desire in our hearts to love our fellow man and to do unto others as we would have them to do unto us. The revelation by the Holy Spirit of God of the nature of Jesus Christ (Yeshua) in our hearts and renews our minds. 7. In doing so it creates a new creature and where there are many new creatures then society is transformed. In Acts chapter two we see the outpouring of the Spirit and effect on the early Christians as they lived together and shared all that they had so each had according to their need.

Five hundred years ago we saw the Protestant Reformation which with the changes brought about by Luther and the Protestant Christians of his generation. 8. Many of who died for their faith. Then later with the Parliamentary Wars in England during the seventeenth century and the books and preaching of John Bunyan. The later preaching of John and Charles Wesley in the English Reformation during the eighteenth century. 8a. Then the subsequent preaching of men like Spurgeon and Moody during he nineteenth century. Men whom Jehovah used to create a time of religious freedom for Christians in the Western World. Not a perfect time and Christians were not uniformly repentant and sinless. But none the less a time where the love of God ushered in a long period of spiritual freedom. A period of time during which the work of the devil was greatly suppressed. A time when the condition of many people was greatly improved and there was less evil than in earlier times in the Church age. The time of the Protestant Reformation.

When I was a child here in this New Zealand - Aotearoa. You could leave your house unlocked and it would be safe. I remember walking past cars in the main street of Hamilton that were unlocked, windows down, keys in the ignition and wallet sitting on the front seat. They were safe and that is how it is in a Christian nation. We had nearly 100% employment at that time because our leaders valued our people and ran the country so that would be the case.

In the last fifty years we have rapidly seen the plans of the enemy come to fruition to the Protestant Reformation to a rapid close. Humanism, atheism and rapid technological advancement have produced a nation of Godless and occult ridden pagans. 9. God no longer blesses our nation as he did only fifty years ago. Crime is rife and the people are not as safe as they once were. The rich grow richer and the poor get poorer as a result of neoliberal economics. 9a. As the bible says of this time. “Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold.” Hence the haves are quite scathing of the have nots.

We desperately need a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit in this time and I believe that Jehovah will raise men to preach the gospel once again. One thing is sure the people will have to move away from atheism and their fondness for science and only believing what can be proven to embrace that sort of sea change. However, as they say “There are no atheists on a sinking ship.” If things get really bad folks seem to start seeking God again. We live in changing and challenging times.

I’ll let the Lord have the last word with these scriptures about his love. 10.
Romans 13:8: “Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law."
1 Corinthians 13:4-5: “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs."
1 Corinthians 13:2: “If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing."
1 Corinthians 16:14: “Do everything in love."
Song of Solomon 8:7: “Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot wash it away. If one were to give all the wealth of his house for love, it would be utterly scorned."
Psalm 143:8: “Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life."
Proverbs 3:3-4: “Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man."
1 John 4:16: “And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them."
Ephesians 4:2: “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."
1 Peter 4:8: “Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins."
John 15:12: “My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you."
1 Corinthians 13:13: “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."

Reference List. 
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bKUXystC-bk The Mark of Cain and the Origin of Freemasonry - Walter Veith
9a. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/aug/18/neoliberalism-the-idea-that-changed-the-world
10. https://www.theknot.com/content/bible-verses-about-marriage

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