I have grave reservations about the path the Church is taking today under the premise of making itself more relevant to the contemporary world in which we all live. You will have noticed that the World is full of music and bands and that now almost every Church has a band as well. Christian music sounds like rock anthems of the past. Many churches now have worship teams, music directors and various other offices borrowed from the world.
The modern world has a theme of corporate identification. Management teams, Human Resources, Chief Executive Officer, CFO, CIO, COO etc.. Church groups are following this worldly trend and adopting similar leadership structures. In fact many church organisations are inviting corporate leaders to speak to them about how to organise their church businesses. They are being advised to set up in similar fashion to equivalent size corporate businesses.
Now this should be ringing alarm bells in the minds of bible believing Christians. We need nothing from the world but we have much to bring to the world from God, Jesus Christ and the indwelling Holy Spirit. Not to mention the from the Word of God which is the Sword of the Holy Spirit. When the Church consults the world it can only signal that there has been infiltration by the enemy. It can only mean that Satan has broken into the Church and there is now apostasy!
So with this in mind I would like to ask you, the reader, a question. What does the bible say about Jesus in the book of Hebrews? Well Hebrews 13:8 says “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today, yes and forever.” NASB. Keeping this in mind may I ask you another question? If Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Has he changed what he expects from new converts and nothing has changed then why has the Church decided to make itself more like the world to attract new converts. Why are they including worldly music and worldly practices in their church services?
But if God hasn’t changed and the bible hasn’t changed and the gospel hasn’t changed. Then what is going on? Can I show you something by asking another question? Which church organisation has never expected it’s converts to change? You see there is a church you see that says that in order to be saved you need only believe that, that Church can save you. In fact when you believe in Jesus this church says God makes you good.
So now that you are good, if
you show that you are doing good works and confess your sins to the priests then that church will forgive yours sins and you will eventually, even, make it to heaven. No real change of nature or character required. You can even buy your way through mythical purgatory to get yourself or others into heaven. It still happens today. I could tell you of and instance that I know of in the area of Reporoa in New Zealand.
So, how did the Evangelical Church get pulled into adopting Roman Catholic practices by allowing new converts to simply join the Church. No genuine salvation or sanctification needed. Just have shared experiences and a belief that the Church can save you and you’re in. Well I guess it shows how far the tentacles of Rome have gotten into the Protestant Church. With the new ecumenism and the return on mass of the Protestant Churches to Rome. It makes sense that Catholic practices are making a return to those Churches that were, until recent years, free of them.
I think those of us who are bible believing Christians, and still Protestant, need to be aware that the Church conforming to the World is apostasy. We need to be aware that that Rome is gaining strength once again. We need to know that this will likely mean that to believe any thing other than what the Catholic Church believes could well mean persecution against bible believing Christians again. A brief return to the dark ages before the Lord returns? Quite possibly. It would appear that the Day of Jacob’s Trouble is at Hand. The battle is on once more and we have the wonderful opportunity to fight the good fight in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. The Son of Man, the only begotten Son of God.
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