Saturday, March 31, 2018

Long Term Solutions

In my note on Short Term Solutions I spoke about the attack on Christianity from Secular Humanism and the proponents of Darwinism. The Church has also been severely undermined by Ecumenism and a multi-pronged attack through the Charismatic Movement and adoption of the Seeker Gospel. Need we add the Prosperity Gospel Movement and the Televangelist Crowd. If the Jesuits are reading this piece they’ll be high fiving and grinning from ear to ear by now. Who could have believed how successful the destruction of the Protestant Church has been.
As an immediate solution I spoke of the need for the Church to follow Revelation 3:18 “I counsel you to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that you may be rich; and white raiment..” To return to the serious minded Christianity of the Vaudoir Church who were persecuted by Rome for hundreds of years and paid the ultimate price for adhering to bible based doctrine and to salvation by faith alone in Jesus Christ.
So, that would be a very good start in the short term but what would long term solutions look like. Probably if you’re a follower of bible prophecy you are looking at world events and thinking the Lord will return soon. I’ll just remind you that the Church has been looking for Christ’s return for 2000 years. Our Lord Jesus Christ has not returned and the Church has waited patiently for the fulfillment of all that must happen before he comes again. 
What then, does the Protestant Church need to do to prepare for what is soon to come. Firstly, what that needs to happen is for the Church to turn back to God and call for all to repent. Secondly, those repentant believers to get on their knees and to beseech God to raise up genuine Christian leaders to guide the Church back to the righteous path. We need Elijah’s, Daniel’s, Isaiah’s and Jonah’s to take the gospel to the world. Thirdly, there needs to be a call to true believers who find themselves in the apostate church to come out an join with the true body of Christ. 
Lastly, solutions that are long term often relate to the believer and what he or she must do to prepare for this time at the end of the Church age. As Christians we follow Paul’s directions for personal Christian success. We meditate on the word of God and pray. We seek God’s will for our lives. We commune with God and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit as he reveals Christ in us. We surrender our will and seek to be in submission to the will of God. We purpose to make our every action bear fruit and to achieve the outcomes that are God’s designs. We strive to make ourselves temples of holiness to the living God. We slave to produce the fruit of the spirit. Love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control as shown in Galatians 5:22-23. We struggle to guard against the flesh taking care to keep the lid on the box that contains the old carnal nature at all costs.
If the Church can produce believers of this caliber then things will be in good heart for future generations. In the Western World where all is run amok this will be a hard task to complete. It will fall to the remnant of true believers to seek the will of God to either start new churches where the truth is taught in humility and faith or, to bring the truth back into existing Protestant assemblies. There remains no doubt that God has a plan to achieve this and that we are called to ensure that this begins to take place. The Bible tells us that their is to be a great harvest in the last days and this can only happen if true believers are sowing the seed.
Revelation 7:9 After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands.
So what can we conclude from this discussion? Well one thing is for sure the Church is in a pretty pickle here in the Western World. We think we have so much and that we know so much. We definitely have too much. In reality though, we have so much to learn and the only way we can learn it is to buy gold refined in fire as our precious Lord Jesus Christ said in the book of Revelation. Less is more and humility in a humble spirit is far superior to the arrogance of the proud and the vain. Lets us hope on Jesus of Nazareth for the way to our Salvation and on the path to help deliver many more across the river in to the City of the living God, Jehovah.

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