Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Saved Sinner – That’s Me.


If you read my Facebook page you might surmise that because of my posts. I must be a good person. I can tell you that I am a Christian and that the Holy Spirit indwells me. I am justified by Christ Jesus taking my sins on Himself on the Cross and the sin debt I owe is paid by His shed blood in my stead.

I accessed that forgiveness of my sins by believing on Christ Jesus (John 3:16). That I might not perish but inherit eternal life. Then because I repented and was baptised, I received forgiveness for my sins and the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). The work of the Holy Spirit during my life time is to sanctify me and make me a vessel of the living God, to make me holy and a temple of the Living God.

So am I really a good person? I’m better that I was when I first believed but I am still a human being. I have be saved in Jesus Christ in every way that matters but I am not perfect and I believe I will not be perfect this side of glory. This side of the resurrection unto eternal life.

Does this apply to all Christians? Personally, my experience is that there are some Christians who live a more pure life than others. We are all different and experience the revelation of God in ourselves at different rates. Some like myself struggle to pull away from the world and its influence while others grow closer to God more rapidly. They are faster to lead a repentant life that is along the lines laid out in the Bible. The point is as I mentioned earlier we are all different.

There is no one size fits all in Christianity. Some people become legalistic and judgemental at some stage in their Christian walk. They can be intolerant toward those who don’t believe and feel justified in preaching aggressively to them. They might harangue people with the gospel, thinking to force them to believe. The problem is that their is no love in that type of evangelism. It drives more people away than it reaches.

Just as there are the hardline fundamentalists there are those who are more inclusive and who are careful to love God with all of their hearts, all of their souls, all of their minds and all of their strength. It is important to place God first, to worship Him before all else and this leads to a more stable and loving form of relationship with God. In this style of Christianity it is important to love your neighbour as you love yourself which once again includes love for everyone equally.

The fact is that all Christians are people and all people are fallen. Christians are simply in the process of being restored into a holistic spiritual relationship with the Creator as Adam and Eve were before they disobeyed God and fell. We won’t be fully restored until we finish this life and are resurrected into the Kingdom of God.

So try not be too hard on the Christians you know. They are striving to assimilate all that the Holy Spirit is revealing in them and the knowledge that they are gaining from God’s word as they grow in faith and in God’s Grace. This leads them along different paths and results in learning experiences which will wear off the rough edges over time but at different rates.

If you read the gospels and focus on what Jesus had to say and how He treated those He interacted with. You will find that when He spoke to the authorities He was very direct and didn’t mince words. However, when he spoke to individuals he was mostly very loving, very patient, very kind and very gentle and when the situation called for it very merciful. He demonstrated to those he helped that He cared very deeply about their lives and the situations in which they found themselves. This is how Christians should act as well.

Christians are just people too.

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