Wednesday, August 14, 2024

How it is... Week 3 August 2024


We look at the world we live in and wonder how it can go  on? Climate Change from over population and the seemingly uncontrolled squander of the Earth's resources. Commentators forement panic about the lack of action to reverse the impending cataclysm that is heading toward the apocalypse on so many fronts.


So much of the World is in the has not category. Streets with open sewers and a life expectancy of under forty years because of the squalor and exposure to diseases like yellow fever and cholera. In fact, if some of the commentators on climate change went to the impoverished nations and saw how they live. I think they might forget altogether about the climate and start thinking of how to lift the living conditions in those countries. Might find that they could kill two birds with one stone.


It intrigues me how the climate narrative ignores so many obvious contradictions. For instance, we are told that the Antarctic Ice Sheet is melting and this will cause a sea rise in our oceans which will flood many low lying islands and coasts. Yet surely, if the ice melts from Antarctica and the temperatures are rising, then the land will be exposed in the Antarctic revealing a whole continent that can be settled in the future?


If we consider the likely future for mankind rather than the future of the Earth. We could ask the question "What is the likelihood of humanity continuing on the Earth as it is now?" Can we continue increasing our population and consuming the Earth's resources at such a rate that we are causing other species to go extinct. While at the same time damaging important natural infrastructure that maintains the environment, such as, the Amazon Rain-forest also known as the Inter-tropical Convergence Zone or the planet's oceans.


When will we reach critical levels for natural resource like water and oxygen as the Earth no longer retains the ability to naturally regenerate and resupply these types of resources. Then, humanity and the creation in general maybe between a rock and a hard place. Evolutionists have been known to call the current crisis the Earth's sixth extinction level event. Running out of air, food and freshwater would be the end of this particular event.


To the Climate Change Activist this crisis one that mankind must address and attempt to rectify. Interestingly they find themselves in the same position as the Christian. Al Gore produced a documentary in 2006 called "An Inconvenient Truth." In it he spoke to the issue of man-made climate change, the impacts on the Earth, other species and ultimately mankind. If drastic action is not taken by governments at the highest level to rectify the situation with regard to the production of green house gas and the pollution of our oceans.


Mr. Gore and many other climate change activists find themselves in position of holding the climate change gospel in their possession. They believe fervently, that they must convince governments, and mankind at large, of the truth of climate change and the need to act now to prevent further warming in the atmosphere and dangerous destabilization of global weather.


Like Christians, they find themselves in a position where there are many who accept their message and many who reject their message. While governments often see them as dangerous lunatics trying to destroy the global economy and seek to mitigate the impact of their message.


 My point here is this. If we accept the climate change message then we see mankind as the driver of climate change and the only actor capable of reversing climate change and hopefully preventing a global weather catastrophe. Put succinctly, 'Man is God!'


As a Christian, I would look at this whole situation somewhat differently. Jesus spoke of the last days at the end of the age and described them briefly stating in Matthew chapter 24 verses 4 through to 8 “See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.


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In this last time before the return of Jesus Christ there will be great disturbances in the weather resulting in drought and famine and although not mentioned directly floods also are probable along with all of the events we are witnessing and ascribing to man-made climate change.  These are actually a part of the judgement brought by God onto the sinful people of the Earth who reject God and His Son, Jesus Christ, our Savior. As the scripture says this is only the beginning and worse is to come and if those times were not shortened no flesh would survive (Matthew 24:22).


To my mind the climate narrative, although true, is a subterfuge to distract mankind from the prophecies of the Bible and the indicators that the Hour of Judgement and the Return of Jesus Christ is imminent. As to the Earth, it is broken but in our present fallen, sinful state we won't be able to fix it in time. The only chance we have at this hour is spoken of in a prophecy to the nation of Israel in II Chronicles chapter 7 verses 13-14 "When I shut up the heavens so that there is no rain, or command the locust to devour the land, or send pestilence among my people, if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land."


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So, if mankind were to accept the gospel of Jesus Christ and fall on their knees to pray for His forgiveness. God would heal the Earth. However, the Bible tells us this won't happen. Their will be a great judgement in our time of which climate change is a part. Their will be deceiver's seeking to distract the people from the truth of God's word and to blind people to the gospel of Jesus Christ. In the coming tribulation time, to believe on Jesus Christ will mean death. It will be take the Mark of the Beast and join the 666 system or die. At the end of this time Jesus Christ will return and the Kingdom of God will be established forever.

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